Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 938: : Ye Xiaohu is my only master


Was kicked to the ground by Ye Xiaohu, Kunlun Xiaoyaozi got up from the ground, the whole person's face also became a lot paler, obviously his physical condition is now very bad.

"How can this be?"

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi coughed up a trace of black blood, and the whole person became sober. He saw that he climbed up hard from the ground and said, "Aren't you practicing? How could you suddenly end the cultivation and strike me back?"


Ye Xiaohu is practicing, but it does not mean that he knows nothing about the outside.

Originally, when they came in, Ye Xiaohu had planned to stop practicing and dry them.

Ye Xiaohu's body is different from others, his cultivation is nothing more than refining the energy in his body.

Unlike other people's cultivation, it is a step of life and death, it is easy to dare to terminate, so as not to get caught in the magic.

But just when Ye Xiaohu was about to stop practicing, he suddenly felt that there were some subtle changes in the heavens, earth, and spirits around him.

Immediately after, Ye Xiaohu and Kunlun Xiaoyaozi and others all heard the voice of Kunlun Immortal.

Because of his previous experience, Ye Xiaohu knew that the voice of Kunlun Fairy was just the sound of Daoying's spreading out, which was confusing.

However, Kunlun Xiaoyaozi and others did not know that they did not see Dao Ying, so they directly believed that Kunlun Immortal was calling their names.

Therefore, Kunlun Xiaoyaozi and others were crazy about them one after another, and fighting took place one after another, and finally Kunlun Xiaoyaozi was left alone.

In this way, it happened to give Ye Xiaohu enough time to let Ye Xiaohu refine the Dao Ying left by Kunlun Immortal.

So in the face of Kunlun Xiaoyaozi's attack, Ye Xiaohu directly gave up checking his body and kicked him on the spot, so he had this scene in front of him: "Do n’t treat everyone like you, at least I Ye Xiaohu is different. Even those partners, they are different from you. They still trust you at the last minute, but you shot to kill them. "

"I killed?"

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi had lost his mind before, so he didn't even know that he had killed Nanhai Buddha and others.

Now reminded by Ye Xiaohu, he suddenly remembered what he had just passed.

"No, this must not be true."

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi could hardly accept such a thing. I saw him stand up and pounce directly on Ye Xiaohu Road: "It must be you, you killed them, and then blamed me."

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi was crazy, he gave up everything, and was bound to kill Ye Xiaohu, so as to defeat the devil in his heart.

But Ye Xiaohu is not an ordinary person, and now Ye Xiaohu has refined the Dao Ying left by Kunlun Immortal and repaired it to a higher level.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu faced Kunlun Immortal, who had been crazy, with almost no difficulty, and directly shot with a punch.


No accidents, Ye Xiaohu hit Kunlun Xiaoyao with one punch.

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi didn't even have the opportunity to evade, he was hit by Ye Xiaohu in the forehead, and the soul beaten by Ye Xiaohu was scattered on the spot.

"Strange, how come my strength is so strong?"

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi is a master at the peak level of distraction, but Ye Xiaohu killed him as soon as he moved, which is a little bit beyond the normal situation.

So Ye Xiaohu checked his body, and suddenly found that his cultivation practice, unconsciously, broke through another level and reached the early stage of enlightenment.

If this is the case, then Ye Xiaohu will not be so surprised.

Really surprised Ye Xiaohu because of his own body, there was actually another baby.

That's right.

Normally speaking, a cultivator can only allow the existence of a Dao baby in his body.

Because this Dao baby is constantly evolving, it will eventually evolve into a fairy soul.

But Ye Xiaohu has one more now. If he becomes an immortal in the future, it will be equal to two more souls. If this is a showdown with other gods, if someone else gives out a spirit, and Ye Xiaohu shows out two spirits, isn't it equal to two hits and one?

If they have the same strength, then Ye Xiaohu will definitely abuse the opponent.

"What the **** is going on?"

"I obviously refined Kunlun Immortal Dao Ying, why does it appear in my body and bind with me?"

Ye Xiaohu was dumbfounded and kept checking his body.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu found that within his body, the two Dao babies were like twin babies, helping each other without any repulsion.

Realizing this, Ye Xiaohu could n’t help but smile bitterly: “If it ’s good to go back to Heaven, then I can ask other gods to see if I can find a solution. But it ’s not working now, human Even if I am the best and the most knowledgeable person in the world, if I ca n’t solve it, who else can solve it? "

"Forget it."

Thought for a while, and still couldn't find a reasonable explanation. Ye Xiaohu temporarily put all these questions under his heart and waited for a chance to solve it later.

But before solving the problem of Dao Ying, Ye Xiaohu had to take a look at Long Yi.

Ye Xiaohu knew that Long Yi was fighting hard and was working hard for himself ~ ~ So Ye Xiaohu could never watch Long Yi happen, so Ye Xiaohu went straight to the outside.

Had not walked in, Ye Xiaohu's ear heard Long Yi's roar.

"You **** humans, I want to roast all of you into braised meat."

At this moment, Long Yi's body was already scarred.

Obviously, he paid a very heavy price just before the war. Otherwise, Longyi, who is famous for his defense, could not be injured like this.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu was also very pleased, because Long Yi vowed to defend his own affairs, which made him very moved, and also made him understand that he did not surrender to Long Yi in vain and gave him the blood of the Holy Beast.

"Dragon One, why are you so bitter?"

"Good surrender to us!"

"Only in this way can you survive, otherwise, if you are the only earth dragon, you simply cannot be an opponent of us."

"Maybe now, one-on-one is not your opponent. But when several of us join hands, your earth dragon is definitely not our opponent."

"As long as you surrender and swear allegiance to us, then we can take you together to get the things here, and lead you together on the road to immortality, so why not do it?"

"Don't expect Ye Xiaohu, because it is impossible for Ye Xiaohu to escape from the hands of Kunlun Xiaoyaozi and others, I am afraid he is now dead inside."

Han Junlei and others confuse Long Yi while fighting, trying to persuade Long Yi.

But in the face of their persuasion, Long Yi very **** said: "I have only one master in my life, that is Ye Xiaohu."

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