Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 943: : My host said you should all die

"Since that is the case, then I will solve you first, killing others."

Obviously, Captain Chen did not know what Wu Yuesheng thought, so after being provoked by Nangong Xingrui, he suddenly had some anger, so he shot directly and prepared to kill Nangong Xingrui.

Nangong Xingrui, who had been seriously injured at this time, had lost some resistance.

Under such circumstances, facing the menacing Captain Chen, he could only stand and wait to die.

At this moment of great urgency, there was a commotion of noise around.

"To kill our young master, first walk over our corpse."


"Kill, protect the young master, protect the head of the family, protect relatives, protect friends ..."

"Chong, even if we die, we must die with relatives and friends."

"Fight with them, we don't do siege."

The sudden emergence of forces is naturally Xiaoqi and others who just left.

They left this unwillingly. They did not want to be cowards and did not want to live forever, so they went back again and joined the battle.

"A group of rubble."

Seeing this scene, Captain Chen did not panic at all, only to see him proudly said: "But this is also fine, I can solve you together, so as to avoid any future troubles."

I saw that Captain Chen dispatched a few people and dispatched some people to continue to siege Lao Qi and Nangong Xingrui and others.

And he led a group of people alone, and then came towards Xiaoqi and others.

Xiaoqi's talent is good, but the current cultivation is weaker, which is far inferior to Nangong Xingrui and others.

Therefore, after being forced to rush by Nangong Xing Ruixiu as the higher Captain Chen, he fell to the ground one by one, and there was no way to stand up and fight back.

"Little Lord."

"We have lived up to your expectations."

"It's all our fault, not to save you, to save loved ones and friends."

"Hateful, these thieves have not been killed."

Xiaoqi and others lay on the ground, spraying blood one after another, obviously their mood was very low.

Seeing this scene, Captain Chen said disdainfully: "Who else, who is not satisfied, can come up with a battle."

Under Captain Chen's gaze, one after another microscopic masses bowed their heads, because they dared not look at Captain Chen, who is now murderous and raging.

But when Captain Chen's eyes fell on the south, he saw a man with a tangled expression.

Almost when Captain Chen saw the other party, the other party also saw himself, so the man seemed to have made up his mind, so he immediately stepped on the ground and instantly came to the magic table: "There is also me, Nangongdi Dragon."

"Second brother ..."

Seeing the appearance of Nangong Dilong, was bound to the Zhumo Demon Terrace, and Nangong Tianlong, who might be dead at any time, could not help but leave tears in excitement.

"Brother, I will definitely save you out."

Although the concept of Nangong Dilong is different from that of Nangong Tianlong, and even was driven out of Nangong Town by Nangong Tianlong, Nangong Dilong is still a part of Nangong family.

Because of his original intention, his starting point is good, and has always been to safeguard the interests of the Nangong family.

So he couldn't bear to see the Nangong family being annihilated and seeing that his relatives were killed.

Therefore, after receiving the news, he led a group of dead men to Nanpai City, and witnessed the scene of the death fight of Nangong Xingrui and others just now. Want to kill my eldest brother, kill my nephew, have I asked the old man the sword? "

"An old man, what's the big deal?"

Captain Chen saw the Nongongdilong's cultivation behavior at a glance, so he disdainfully said: "You are nothing more than a big grasshopper, and Laozi will take your life now."

Captain Chen snorted, and his body disappeared directly.

The next moment, when he appeared, he had come to the back of Nangong Dilong, and a sword stabs behind Nangong Dilong.


The cultivation practice of Nangongdilong is one or two smaller than Captain Chen.

Although there is no way to fully capture Captain Chen's movements, Captain Chen can still perceive a certain movement trajectory. So at the moment of life and death, the sword in the hand of Nangong Dilong went directly to the back.


The sword was stuck on the sword, and there was a muffled sound.

Nangong Dilong's body flew a certain distance toward the front.

After he landed, no matter whether he stood firm or not, he directly used a spiral knife and turned toward the left.


A sound of sword collision sounded, followed by Nangong Dilong holding a sword, leaping directly into the sky, and then descending from the sky, slashing towards Captain Chen's heavenly cover.

"Good to come."

Since Captain Chen came to Zhumotai, this battle is undoubtedly the most exciting.

I saw him take it seriously for the first time and watched every move of Nangong Dilong with his sword intently. After a few seconds, I finally found the flaws of Nangong Dilong, so he stabs Nangong Dilong to the road : "Go to death! Demon Remnants."

If you change to a child of a large family and practice some precise magic techniques, then Nangongdilong will not fail.

But in the face of Captain Chen, and the top guards with countless elaborate immortals, Nangong Dilong can only sigh.


Without any accident, the sword in Captain Chen's hand directly pulled away the sword of Nangong Dilong ~ ~ and the long drive went straight in, and a sword was directly fixed on Nangong Dilong's body.

Nangongdilong spit out a bit of blood on the spot: "If I have so many resources for you, then you are definitely not my opponent today."

Nangongdilong smiled bitterly, his breath weakened a little bit, and obviously his body was seriously injured.

"Lose, just lose."

Captain Chen was too lazy to continue to take care of Nangong Dilong, and jumped directly to force Nangong Dilong, and Yaowu Yangwei waved twice and said: "Now let me help you to bury with your family!"

Captain Chen burst into a thud, and was about to throw Nangong Dilong's body into the crowd.

"Second Uncle."

If this scene is really achieved, then Nangong Dilong will definitely die.

Nangong Xingrui, who recovered a little bit of vitality, could not help but abandon the previous suspicion when he saw this scene, and worried about Nangong Dilong.

"If you are worried about others, you might as well worry about yourself."

Captain Chen heard Nangong Xingrui's words, so he went directly step by step: "Since you want to find death, then let me fulfill you!"

As soon as Captain Chen's words fell, he took the sword and wanted to split Nangong Xingrui in half.

At this time, a dragon roared from the distance, shaking the entire Nanpai city, followed by a young man with a face like a crown jade, about fourteen or five years old, came from a distance and said: "My master Say you all deserve to die, so let me come to end your lives. "

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