Shenyong Template! You Said This Is The Stick Hero World?

Chapter 104 Five People, You Are The Only One Kept In The Dark!

Two hours later, Brad had collapsed to the ground, twitching slightly.

Chen Luo sat on a chair and calmly looked at Brad who was in a panic.

After the incident of the elves, Chen Luo has already saved enough prudence points to exchange for sex doll maid outfits.

This time, I came here to take down Brad completely.

Brad can't be kept here forever, there are more uses for this room.

"Let... let me go..."

Brad said tremblingly while retching, with tears already seeping from the corners of his eyes.

Chen Luo looked at Brad indifferently, "Do you want to leave?"

Brad nodded quickly, his face full of longing.

She doesn't want to stay here anymore, she wants to leave quickly and escape from Chen Luo's demon!

This man is simply a monster! A devil!

If you stay here any longer, you will be insane!

Never want to touch that thing again!

Chen "510" Luo smiled, and then took out the sex doll maid outfit, "Put this on, and I'll consider letting you go."

As long as Brad wears the sex doll maid costume, even if Chen Luo forces Brad to go, Brad may not be willing.

Just like Frena and Noren, these two princesses can't wait to stay by Chen Luo's side all the time.

Brad looked hesitantly at the sex doll maid outfit in Chen Luo's hands, biting his lip, not knowing how to make a decision.

Could it be a trap?

I can't believe this man in front of me!

Seeing that Brad couldn't make a decision, Chen Luo continued, "This is your only chance to escape. If I get tired of playing, do you think you can survive?"

The cold voice made Brad tremble all over.

Must die?

Brad trembled, gritted his teeth and grabbed the sex doll maid costume.

"Hope you keep your promise!"

After finishing speaking, Fude put on the sex doll maid.

The moment he put on the puppet maid costume, Brad's body trembled violently, and the way he looked at Chen Luo obviously changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

Seeing Brad like this, Chen Luo raised the corner of his mouth, "Okay, you can go."

Brad trembled, and hurried to Chen Luo's side, hugged Chen Luo's body, "No! Master! I don't want to go!

The precondition for a sex doll maid costume is really spicy Thai pants!

Chen Luo pinched Brad's cheek with a smile, and said with a playful smile, "Aren't you leaving? Then what do you want to do?"

Brad immediately took action, and this time it was entirely her initiative!

"Master! I never want to leave Master!"

Inside the manor, Kilos was looking at Frena and Noren depressingly.

Brad hadn't come back for several days, but the two princesses didn't respond, as if Brad didn't exist.

No matter how playful Brad is, he shouldn't be back for so long.

Brad, something must have happened!

"Your Highness, if Brad hasn't come back for so many days, don't you really need to send someone to look for it?" Kilos couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, gritted his teeth and looked at Frena and Noren.

For some reason, he always felt that the current situation was getting worse and worse.

Whether it's Brad's disappearance, or the weird behavior of Frena and Noren, they are all suspicious points!

What the hell is going on, it's not right!

Noren glanced at Kilos, wondering if the master's business was over.

If Brad is not coming back, Kilos is really going to have doubts, and he will even ride away directly on the flying dragon.

Kilos must not be allowed to leave. When Kilos goes back, he will definitely tell King Gioral everything about the situation here.

"Indeed, this matter is a bit strange."

"Send some knights to find Brad's whereabouts." Noren nodded and said.

If you ignore this poor guy again, this guy will definitely go crazy.

Let's put on a show and stabilize Kilos first.


Just as Kilos was about to speak, he found Brad walking into the house.

Seeing Brad, Frena and Noren showed playful eyes at the same time.

Since the master let Brad come back, it means that Brad has been conquered by the master.

This sword hero who only likes women should have completely fallen in love with his master!

Or... the one who fell in love with the owner!

"Meet the two princesses."

"The two princesses have been worried for the past two days, but I am fine."

Brad smiled, and his eyes couldn't help falling on Kilos.

In this room, there are four women and one man, only this man is kept in the dark!

Noren and Frena nodded at the same time. They already knew that Brad would come back, and they knew very well what happened to Brad.

"Brad, what have you been doing these two days?" Kilos asked hastily, wanting to confirm whether Brad fell into the hands of the enemy......

Brad froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Kiros, you don't have to be so nervous."

"Those untouchables want to take me down, but it's not that simple."

"Do you think that I am far inferior to those untouchables?"

Brad's tone was very calm, as if he hadn't suffered a lot.

This gesture made Kilos even more convinced that Brad was not lying.

"Well, it's not enough to be caught by the enemy."

Kilos gritted his teeth, although he was not very happy with Brad, but there was nothing he could do.

This crazy woman, that's what she looks like!

"Brad, you are back, then we should talk in detail about how to deal with these untouchables.

"Kiros, what method do you have?"

Noren looked at Kilos with a playful expression.

Kilos frowned, he didn't understand why Princess Noren asked him to decide what to do.

It is obvious that Princess Noren is the symbol of the wisdom of the Kingdom of Dioral, so it is up to Princess Noren to decide what to do!


Kilos hesitated for a moment, thinking that maybe it was Princess Noren who expressed her thoughts in order to collect his opinions.

"We have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers and combat power."

"As long as we find out the whereabouts of those untouchables, we can encircle and suppress them collectively."

"The previous failures were all because the opponent took the initiative."

"If we take the initiative to attack, this pariah will definitely die 3.9 times!"

Kilos fully stated his own thoughts, and attributed the previous failure to not taking the lead, and was led by the nose by that group of pariahs!

Nolen smiled and nodded, "That's right, in fact, I've learned some news about that group of untouchables in the past few days."

"When we know the exact location of the group, we will attack directly.

"At that time, I will have to trouble Your Excellency Kilos."

Speaking of this, Noren, Frena, Brad, and Kelehe all showed a harmless smile at the same time.

Kilos didn't see the strangeness in the smiles of the four girls, he only thought that His Royal Highness Noren was amazing! He had already thought of the plan he had in mind!

For the Kingdom of Gioral!

For the two princesses!

We must take down these bastards!

Thank you guys for your flowers and votes!!!.

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