Shenyong Template! You Said This Is The Stick Hero World?

Chapter 91 Of The Two Princesses, One Of Them Must Wear A Maid Outfit!

"Tick tick..."

It was the familiar cabin again.

Noren slowly opened her eyes. The dark environment around her made her feel fearful.

There is no one else in the room, only myself.

And the body is not restrained, it may be because the strength is too weak, it is not necessary at all.

Noren shook his head, got up and walked to the door.

Just about to open the door to see what was behind it, I heard Frena's voice.

The master's voice after voice, and the panting voice again and again, made Noren tremble all over, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

How could my own sister become like this!

How could the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Giular become a bitch!

"Frena, Noren seems to have woken up."

It was Chen Luo's voice, and Nuo Lun could hear Tianqi.

"Master~ Leave her alone, please continue to give me rewards."

Frena twisted her body, completely forgetting her good sister.

Immediately afterwards, there was another series of hurried calls.

Just by listening to these voices, Noren can feel that his sister is enjoying endless happiness at this moment!

The former Frena has never been like this.

After waiting for a long time, there was no sound outside the door.

Norun didn't dare to step forward, she knew that with her own strength, she would never escape Chen Luo's grasp.

In terms of brains, Noren is indeed second to none.

But in this respect, it is scum!


The door was slowly opened, Noren looked in a panic and saw Chen Luo standing at the door with a smile on his face.

Through Chen Luo's figure, Noren saw the doctor Liena lying on the table.

Frena blushed, her expression exploded, as if she was still savoring the joy of the reward.

" pariah!"

"What kind of magic was used to turn my sister into this!

Noren roared angrily at Chen Luo, the expression on his face was even a little distorted.

It is unbearable for her beloved elder sister to become like this!

If there is a chance, Chen Luo will definitely let Chen Luo pay the price!

Chen Luo walked into the room with a smile, and clapped his hands.

Frena on the table stood up and walked over tremblingly. After walking to Chen Luo's side, she hugged Chen Luo's arm directly, showing the appearance of a little bird.


Frena's crisp voice made Noren's face flush.

I've never seen my sister like this, this Chen Luo is really damn good!

"As you can see, Kena has become my person.

"Triste and the others died thanks to Frena's help."

Chen Luo smiled lightly, and when killing Trisde and the others, Frena put a lot of effort into it.

If it weren't for Frena, it would be really difficult to deal with these troublesome guys.

Nolen gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Luo, wishing he could swallow Chen Luo alive.

It's a pity that I have no chance to resist in Chen Luo's hands.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

"Take Kayal away, and control this stupid woman, Frena, are you trying to make the entire Gioral Kingdom an enemy!"

Nolen gritted his teeth and shouted, everything Chen Luo did was aimed at the Kingdom of Gioral.

She couldn't figure out what Chen Luo wanted and why he did this!

Chen Luo couldn't help sighing when he heard Nolen's words, "I just wanted to protect myself, so I took Kayal to Blanike."

"It's you guys who are chasing too closely and don't give us a chance to breathe."

"No way, all of this is yours."

Chen Luo shrugged and attributed everything to the Kingdom of Giulard.

If the Kingdom of Jioral doesn't pursue, Chen Luo will not take great risks to fight against the Kingdom of Jioral.

Isn't it good to stay at home and exercise to upgrade?

When you reach level one or two hundred, you will be invincible when you come out!

Noren twitched the corners of his eyes, what Chen Luo said, could it be that their current fate is all self-inflicted?

"Hmph, don't you want to turn me into the same stupid woman as Frena, I won't compromise."

"Even if you want to kill me!" Noren turned his head away, firm in his position.

It would be better to die than to become such a bitch as Frena.

As the princess of the Kingdom of Gioral, she would rather die than Dumbledore!

Seeing Noren in such a state, Chen Luo couldn't help laughing.

Dealing with Noren can't be like dealing with Frena.

This woman is too smart and has a good brain.

We must attack the weak point of Noren's heart, completely defeat Noren's defenses, and let her wear a sex doll maid outfit!

"Actually, you are not very useful to me." Chen Luo suddenly shrugged and said.

Noren froze for a moment, and his expression instantly sank.

Useless? Is she not as good as a stupid sister!

Seeing Nolen's expression, Chen Luo continued with a smile, "Your brain is very smart, but besides your brain, do you have other useful places?"

"Are you a brave man?"

"Take you by my side, you don't even have experience points."

What Chen Luo said was completely belittling Nolon's ability.

Noren was so angry that his face was livid. As the strongest brain of the Kioral Kingdom, he had defeated countless enemies in the Kioral Kingdom!

In this man's mouth, she is nothing, how can this be tolerated!

Isn't it a brave man?

Does the brave decide everything?

Chen Luo couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth when he saw that Noren's complexion was getting worse and worse.

Noren's feelings for Frena are morbid. He worships Frena as a brave warrior, but he is not reconciled to his ordinaryness.

If it weren't for his status as the princess of the Kingdom of Jioral, what would Noren do with his brain alone?

So Noren has always been jealous of Frena's status as the hero of the art, and she wants to get involved in everything about Frena!

This morbid feeling has become Noren's biggest flaw.


"Am I wrong?"

"Don't you think it's really useless to compare yourself with Frena?"

"If it weren't for my status as the princess of the Kingdom of Jioral, I wouldn't be interested in you at all.

Chen Luo continued to attack, observing Noren's expression all the time.

Noren's heart has been shocked, but he quickly recovered.

Possessing the smartest brain in the sticky world, how could she not think that this is Chen Luo stimulating herself.

This kind of low-level stimulation is nothing more than that!

"You can say whatever you want, I've already fallen into your hands, you can do whatever you want to have a good time." Noren turned his head and snorted coldly.

Seeing this, Chen Luo couldn't help showing (Qian Zhao) a smile, and started the next round of offensive, "Then if..."

"I can give you a chance to choose. Between you and Frena, I can let one go."

"How would you choose?"

Noren looked at Chen Luo in surprise, not understanding what Chen Lu meant.

catch and release

"Will you let him go?"

"I don't believe it!" Norun narrowed his eyes, completely disbelieving Chen Luo's words.

Only a silly woman like Frena would believe what a man like Chen Luo said!

Chen Luo smiled and took out the sex doll maid outfit, which was newly exchanged.

Noren looked at the sex doll's maid outfit and couldn't help frowning.

What Frena is wearing is the clothes only worn by lowly women!

I really don't understand why Frena wears this kind of clothes, it's a disgrace to the royal family of Gioral!

Chen Luo grinned, "Of the two of you, there must be one who wants to wear this dress."

"Are you coming, or is she coming?"

Thank you guys for your flowers and votes!!!.

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