Shenyong Template! You Said This Is The Stick Hero World?

Chapter 99 Too Envious! Why Can She Be Spoiled!

"His Highness Frena hasn't come back yet, isn't His Highness Noren planning to go out and look for it?"

Seeing that Frena and the others hadn't come back for a long time, Kilos immediately looked at Noren and asked.

Seeing that Noren was still drinking coffee calmly, Kilos felt more and more wrong.

It's just a feeling, Kilos dare not be too presumptuous.

After all, Noren is the princess of the Kingdom of Jioral, second only to the king of the Kingdom of Jioral.

Noren glanced at Kilos calmly, and smiled indifferently, "Don't worry Kilos, Frena and the others will be fine."

"On the contrary, you should be more cautious.

"This time the enemy's sneak attack lost two flying dragons, and you have lost your status as a dragon knight team."

Kilos is known as the Dragon Knight, and his ability to tame flying dragons is enough to prove his great strength.

But this time, the two flying dragons were lost without even seeing the enemy.

If this matter reaches the ears of "837" King Gioral, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with the Kings.

Kilos clenched his fists and had nothing to say about it.

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, Kilos sent a knight to guard around the flying dragon.

Use the lives of these knights to protect the lives of the flying dragons.

Compared with these knights, the life of the flying dragon is definitely more important.

"But already..."

Kilos just wanted to say that it was almost dawn, and Frena and the others hadn't come back yet.

I saw Frena leading Kelehe into the house.

"Hey, isn't this back?"

Noren smiled lightly.

Frena and Kelehe come back, explaining that Brad has been dealt with.

Next, only Kilos is left!

It's just that Kilos is very difficult to deal with. He can control the dragon to fly, and he needs to pay a lot of money to kill Kilos.

Kilos quickly looked at Frena and asked, "His Royal Highness, where is Brad?"

Kilos notices that Brad hasn't returned, which makes him suspicious.

Frena glanced at Kilos, waved her hand and said casually, "Brad went to find her own happiness, so you don't have to worry about her safety."

Where is Brad, of course Frena knows.

The current Brad should have been confused.

In the face of a powerful master, how could a woman named Brad survive, and it would be considered good if she didn't lose her gold.

Kilos frowned suspiciously, and wanted to ask, but swallowed the words in his mouth.

It's impolite to ask again.

Kilos also understands Brad's hobbies, so it's reasonable for this guy to do this kind of thing.

"Your Highness Frena, while you were away, someone attacked my flying dragon, causing two flying dragons to be burned to ashes.

"His Royal Highness knows the enemy best. I don't know that among the untouchables, only one can use powerful fire magic."

The flame magic that killed the flying dragon was so powerful that even the thick-skinned flying dragon couldn't hold it back, and the human race was even less likely to resist.

In the face of such terrifying flame magic, you have to be more careful.

You can't lose your life just to catch a few untouchables.

Frena pretended to think deeply for a long time, then shook her head, "I don't know, I only know that some people can use ice magic."

"It might be this person. If you meet him, you must be more cautious."

Kilos froze for a moment, then smiled awkwardly.

Frena's words were as if she hadn't said anything.

We can only know that there are people who use fire magic and ice magic among the untouchables, and there is also a brave man who heals.

From this point of view, these people really have the ability to hunt and kill Trisde and others.

"Those two highnesses, please be more cautious these days. After we catch these untouchables' feet, we will attack them."

"And tell that fellow Brad, let her be more careful, don't fall into the same fate as Trisde and others.

Kilos snorted coldly, then turned and left.

Losing two flying dragons, how can Kilos be happy!

I knew I wouldn't be here, it's a shame to come here once!

Noren and Frena nodded with a smile. Among the people present, only Kilos was kept in the dark.

This stupid guy would never have imagined that everyone here has surrendered to the enemy!

After Kilos left, Noren looked at Frena and asked, "Sister, does the master have any other instructions?"

"And Brad, what should the master do?"

Nolen knew that Frena and the others did not kill Brad, but sent Brad to Chen Luo.

As for how Brad will be treated, several people are very clear in their hearts.

But how to deal with Brad in the end, I don't know, it depends on the owner's mood.

Frena blinked her eyes and replied, "Instructions...not really, the master asked us to follow his instructions..."

"Brad should be spoiled by the master soon, the master said that he will deal with this woman severely.

Speaking of this, Frena couldn't help muttering, "I'm so envious, I also want to be played bad by the master...

Noren glanced at Frena, but none of his few words were useful.

But being played badly, she also wanted to.

Then wait for the master's order, there is no rush anyway.

Only Kilos is left alone, and it will be much easier to deal with only one person.

At this time, Chen Luo had just walked out of the back room, and Brad's somewhat unfamiliar crooning sound came from the back room.

This woman only plays with other girls and has never been treated like that.

Today's Chen Luo was extremely brave, and it was Brad's first time, so it was very normal to be unstoppable.

"Your Excellency Chen Luo."

Luta stayed outside with two mercenaries, and their task was to guard Brad.

Brad's divine armor was placed in the outer room.

"Put her in prison, if she escapes, it will have a lot of impact on the plan." Chen Luo looked at the three of Luta and said.

Brad still has some uses, after all, he is a sword hero, he can not only upgrade infinitely but also double his experience.

With Kayal, Frena Gabriel, and Chen Luo, the four braves form a team, and the experience gained can reach sixteen times!

Such a high experience bonus, why not?

When the whole team reaches two or three hundred levels, they will be almost invincible in the stick brave world.

That is, the devil king and the devil god will pose a threat.

Luta nodded solemnly at 3.5, Chen Luo's order will definitely be taken seriously!

"Oh, by the way, Ruta, the mithril key you gave me earlier."

Chen Luo suddenly looked at Luta and said.

Before, Luta bet the mithril key to Chen Luo as a deposit that the mercenary group would not escape.

This mithril key can be exchanged with the elves to obtain a wish.

The elf queen is about to arrive in Blanik, how can this good opportunity be missed.

Luta froze for a moment, then quickly said, "If your Excellency Chen Luo needs it, I will have no objection.

Seeing Luta's shy expression, Chen Luo couldn't help laughing, "Don't worry, I won't treat your mercenary group badly.

"Wait until you take over the Kingdom of Giular, your father's territory, and give you full authority to take care of it!"

Thank you guys for your flowers and votes!!!.

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