Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 44 The Air Hammer of War

After Xu Zhi finished this, he felt very comfortable.

His first species with great potential was born, and he was naturally very happy. Although he raised a group of two or five ants in the small sand table in the orchard of the farmyard, this group of chattering little ants thought about rebelling all day long, but it was not that they did nothing. Live, evolved something good.

After eating again and leaving the yard, he silently returned to the kitchen and washed the lunch box.

"The creator also washes the dishes."

After washing up Xu Zhi, he went back to the next door and returned the lunch box. After that, he did not rush back to the yard. Instead, he rode a leisurely bicycle and walked around the country trail at night, surrounded by insects and birds, very quiet. .

He suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but ask the vice brain of the insect nest:

"By the way, if I write the genes of this phoenix and have the talent to be reborn from ashes, I will kill myself directly. Can I turn into an egg and come back to life? In this way, I can replace the body of cancer?"

"Yes." The worm's nest vice brain replied.

Xu Zhi was immediately excited: My cancer was finally saved.

This sand sculpture player, the evolution of the species gene is too surprising, it turned out to be the phoenix in the myth, it is terrifyingly strong, and it can already cure him.

He suddenly asked: "By the way, if I am reborn from the ashes, am I still me?"

The vice-brain of the worm nest replied: "Reborn from the ashes, the original queen of the worm nest has died, naturally it is your descendant, inheriting your body."

my offspring?

Xu Zhi was stunned, I died, my son took possession of the body, inherited everything from himself, wealth, money, sand table, and even the girl Chen Xi, became my son's girlfriend?

It's so green! !

"What a horrible cuckold gene."

Xu Zhi stepped on a bicycle and was extremely leisurely on the country road, shaking his head speechlessly, "I want to sing to myself the green light of Stefanie Sun? I don't want to kill this gene."

He immediately chose to give up the idea of ​​​​this aspect. Even if he died of cancer, he did not intend to live forever in this way, and it was only his son and grandson who lived in his own body from generation to generation.

He shifted his thoughts elsewhere.

After possessing the new highly poisonous bird species, the big sand table has become more species-rich. The whole world has two extraordinary species, and a god of fire "Phoenix", plus himself, the god of wisdom, can be regarded as With two world-class gods.

The basic system of the wizarding world has basically been formed.

"I hope the phoenix can develop quickly. Every time it is reborn from ashes, it will become stronger and stronger. Even if it is just born now, it is equivalent to the level of the sixth-level legendary three witches. In the era of the disappearance of the three witches, its current power, It is invincible in the sandbox world, the real god of fire. Now wait for it to give birth to its own wisdom."

Xu Zhi stopped the bicycle.

Surrounded by a lush forest, in the distance is a small river flowing under the night, a very quiet rural scenery.

When he came here, he had naturally reached the level of a trainee sorcerer and came to practice sorcery. After all, in the orchard, he couldn't use it, and if he ran away casually, it would be a catastrophe for small creatures.

"Air Hammer of War!"

Xu Zhi's spirit moved slightly.

An invisible and intangible mental oppression, condensed the air, and merged into a stream of energy, just about to condense, but it disappeared silently.

"Air Hammer of War!"

Xu Zhi raised his hand slightly and chanted the incantation silently.

Just the second time, the air quickly condensed, layers of invisible transparent ripples merged, and an air war hammer appeared silently, smashing the river in front of him.


The waves splashed slightly.

"The second time, I succeeded. I have experienced three mass extinctions, and my spiritual aptitude is terribly powerful." Xu Zhi took a deep breath, and there was an indescribable surprise in his heart.

It is a lie to say that he is unhappy. This is the legendary superpower. After all, which boy did not have this kind of dream when he was a child? For example, become a great wizard, mecha warrior, magical girl, like Harry Potter, perform witchcraft.

After using it several times, Xu Zhi gradually became familiar with the use of this "Qi-type" witchcraft.

After all, he is already a Zerg hero. He has eliminated the useless and complicated genes, and is already considered to be an extremely perfect high-level creature. If he evolves himself under the sand table, with his life's achievements, he will be stronger than the three witches.

However, he will not evolve by himself. After all, he does not have the time and energy. The three witches and three have spent more than two hundred years of their lives to initially deduce this path.

Xu Zhi would not spend his entire life doing these things.

"They have already learned to use a staff as a medium for witchcraft. This is the prototype of alchemy, but in reality, it is difficult for me to make a staff." Xu Zhi regretted slightly, "Otherwise, this witchcraft is very difficult to make. Power, even more than 30%!"

He practiced sorcery for an hour, and with this Medea's "Air Hammer of War", he could be considered to have the power to protect himself, and the sudden burst of impact could smash a person's chest.

Satisfied, he went straight back to the yard, only to find that he had forgotten something.

He forgot to reopen the sandbox.

"On the first day of the second test, the public test will take half a day, and the server will be suspended for maintenance for half a day!"

"Hardcore! Too hardcore!"

"People's anger is hard to calm!! Quickly pull a dog and plan to sacrifice to the sky!"

"Hurry up and start the server, my 40-meter-long machete can't stand it anymore!!"

The forum was full of complaints, screaming wildly, and was so excited that it seemed that if they couldn't play the game for a moment, they would die.

Xu Zhi didn't feel sorry for his little mistake, and it's fine to reopen now.

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