Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 60 The Storm in Reality

Thinking about waiting, in a hurry?

Players: "???"

Players on the Internet have been discussing the mysterious disappearance of the "Hunyuan Thunderbolt" boss.

The live broadcast will be started immediately after it is agreed, and it will not be broadcast.

Everyone guessed that people have disappeared for a whole day now, without any news, I am afraid that they are not able to extricate themselves from being addicted to the new map?

Who knows that as soon as it appears now, it will start talking nonsense!

Qiu Mingshan's speed: "More than a hundred years, boss, are you afraid that you have already Shi Lezhi? (Black question mark.jpg)"

Krypton chops his hands again: "Seven witch wives? I'm afraid the boss is not crazy! This is not a game of harem to develop cute girls! (The style of the painting changes)"

Xiaonao bluffed down the mountain: "Hehe! Did you see it! This big prophet has long predicted that with the urgency of this game, the new map will definitely be hardcore. Brothers, this is already crazy, change to the next one! (Detailed prediction) Post, you can click on my avatar, everyone can find the post I posted yesterday, follow me for more surprises)”

Qiu Mingshan Speed: "So it turns out, I feel the same way. Thinking of the first time I entered this game, I said, "Please evolve your eyes."

Chunzi loves to learn: "I'm afraid of Mengxin! Why did the dignified tech giants fall into this kind of end? Is it a distortion of human nature? "

The players were very lively in the forum, and they were so excited that they ridiculed one after another. After all, the hardcore difficulty of this so-called sandbox casual game is obvious to all.

Many people have said that the "Hundred Yuan Thunderbolt", the "Hunyuan Thunderbolt", who won the second achievement reward, has lost his mind, and the ghost knows what kind of blow he has suffered.

After all, it's only been a day, and he's talking nonsense like crazy!

Li Shengjiang was stunned for a moment, and after looking at the public opinion in the forum, he realized that he was in a hurry, took a deep breath,

"For me, it's been a long one hundred years, longer than my current life of more than forty years, and it gave me a kind of 'I am Grantham, the alchemy emperor of another world' in turn to travel through In modern times, the illusion of being the president of a technology company.”

It seemed that those 100 years were the real him. After all, his life, the 40 years of modern life, was too short.

It was only natural for them not to believe it, after all, only one day had passed.

"But I have proof."

Li Shengjiang quickly posted a bunch of photos he took.

The first picture sent was that he came to another world, in a giant forest with lush flowers and plants, and traveled around with a bunch of lively slimes.

The forum exploded.

"Wow, is this a new map? The boss brought the slime race and opened up the wasteland?"

"The boss is finally back to normal."

Someone started to get excited.

Li Shengjiang didn't say a word, and then he posted several pictures in a row.

The second photo is of the street he photographed when he was at the Witch's Freemasonry.

On the street, there are countless beautiful women wearing various wizard robes and holding wooden staffs, as well as businessmen in gorgeous costumes, some women holding children, bustling fruit stalls hawking, all kinds of prosperous shops, and a man riding an Ara giant. The rose of the beast taught the witch, rumbled across the street.

"Huh? This is the bustling downtown of another world? It's so lively, so exotic, so real, and there are mounts, so large, is it a new map, with NPCs?"

"Wow! A beautiful lady with a staff?"

"How can there be someone on the new map! Big brother, come out and explain!"

"My saliva is drooling out!"

Li Shengjiang was completely silent: Hehe, let you think that I have lost my mind!

He didn't say a word, just aroused everyone's curiosity, and put up a huge bird's-eye view of the Kingdom of Babylon, which is exquisite and beautiful. .

This picture was clicked open, completely shocked everyone.

This is a bird's-eye view of the sand table city in "Assassin's Creed". The ancient city of wizards is full of exotic flavors. It is exquisite, real and huge, too shocking, and too beautiful!

"At this time, the main dish has to come, let's have some cool stuff." Li Shengjiang watched everyone drooling, and finally took out his trump card, and put a picture of the battle of two little witches, using witchcraft to bloom. The rotten light completely shocked everyone.

"Fuck! She's actually casting a spell on a beautiful young lady in a wizard's robe!"

"Boss, we were wrong, please say something! Don't just post pictures (kowtow, kowtow)"

"Trembling!!! Mom asked me why I knelt down and played the game "Spore Evolution". Is it because learning has made me unable to extricate myself? (Kowtow and admit my mistake)"

"I've ridiculed and ridiculed me before, so I'm surprised? I'll give you a big one." Li Shengjiang smiled and finally released a very shocking picture.

This is the scene when Medusa, the emperor of death, came to the Kingdom of Babylon. The "Flower of Death" above the sky, the huge black blood rose, tested Lilith's strength, like a terrifying black scene of extinction.

It is an extremely shocking picture of the destruction of the world.

"It's terrible. That young lady in the sky is so beautiful. Is she a god?"

"That rose flower, if you smash it down, I'm afraid the entire city will be destroyed, right?"

Everyone turned into a licking dog.

Crazy begging the big guy to speak, don't just post pictures, please, be a person! Say something!

Li Shengjiang has some regrets, but it is a pity that there is no way to live broadcast and record the video, so he can only take screenshots, otherwise, the visual effects brought by them will be even more shocking.

"Now, the picture you are seeing is Medusa, known by the world as "the monarch in charge of supreme power and death"." He did not deliberately delay, because his time was short, and he was short outside. In a few minutes, a long time passed inside.

After he released these key evidences, he spoke directly, "I think you all know that I brought my racial slime to another world in just one day."

Really, brought his own race slime to another world?

A real otherworld?

The very big one?

Everyone was completely stunned.

"It's impossible! But these pictures??"

Countless people responded frantically, and a post covered hundreds of floors in an instant. There are not many players in the game itself, but there are too many cloud players to play the game, but they are madly paying attention. At this moment, they are all excited.

But then, a more explosive sentence instantly and completely caused the players to boil:

"I know what you are wondering, why did I take so many photos in just one day? That's not true, I am a legendary tourist scenic party? Take pictures along the way? Experience exotic customs? But it's not right, another world So friendly to slimes? As soon as I enter, I can bring my own racial slime to the city and go sightseeing?"

"Actually, I can solve many of your questions in one sentence: In your eyes, I have only lived for more than a day, but I have lived in another world for more than a hundred years! One hundred years is enough for me to live with you. Long years that I have never experienced in my life!"

The entire forum went crazy in an instant.

Many people's hands while holding the mouse on the computer trembled, their lips trembled slightly, their minds were sluggish for a few seconds, and they even knocked over a water glass and spilled it on the table. , exploded his own doubts.

"what is the problem!"

"One day outside, a hundred years in the game?"


In an instant, the replies to the post swiped wildly.

Pages of posts are like the frame rate of a movie, and almost the speed of the human eye can't react at all.

When they were sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard, a legendary idea appeared in their minds: virtual reality, time flow adjustment technology!

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