Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 81 He Lives Like a Hero

Everyone thought that the alchemy emperor was dead, but they did not expect that he had returned to a young and heyday.

"How come it didn't die? It's back to its heyday?"

"He didn't break through the seventh-level epic, how could he still be alive?"

"This is something that the three witches, Gilgamesh, have never done in the ancient history. Otherwise, one would not want to kill God in his later years, and the other would want to see Mercury, the God of Wisdom, in his later years!"

"The Great Alchemist has actually achieved something that was impossible to achieve in ancient times."

The major wizarding sects and the orc kingdom are all in despair, and the Rose Salvation Society is also shaking, filled with incredible, it is incredible to the extreme, the Alchemy Emperor actually came back alive and became younger.

"No matter what, if we rebel, the Alchemist Emperor will not let us go, we will surely die, we can only ask another emperor to bless us!"

"But, if that one is released."

"No buts."

Originally, the major wizarding sects and orc kingdoms worked together to resist the "Rose Salvation Society" to break the seal, but there was no other choice.

"The Emperor Alchemist has the audacity to rule the world! Big heart! On the day of his return, he will not wash the world with blood, but sit in the kingdom of Babylon, and wait for us rebels to go to apologize, but this is the biggest failure, we can use this last It's time to rescue another epic emperor! The most terrifying existence that once ruled the dark witch era!"

Emery, the king of half-orcs, couldn't help trembling when he said this, and even just thinking about the name of that existence and the ability to control death, he couldn't help but be terrified.

That is the legendary monster that opens the door to death and summons the dead.

If it weren't for the imminent disaster, he would not have been able to touch the legendary dark taboo.

On the second day, countless sixth-level legendary wizards contacted the members of the Rose Salvation Society and went to the other side of the ocean Okeanos and the land of the night - Gorgon Alchemy Island.

Over the years, the Rose Salvation Society has already found a way to break the seal, but it was blocked by other forces.

But now, they soon broke the seal. Under the island, the door was opened, and a beautiful and moving woman was sitting on the alchemy table, observing a biological slice through a microscope.

"This is, the legendary Death Emperor, one of the most terrifying beings in the world"

"So beautiful, gentle and quiet woman"

Countless sixth-level wizards were silent, and an atmosphere of fear spread. This existence is worthy of the legendary seventh-level epic. Even the alchemy emperor is old, and she is still in her prime.

She raised her head slightly and looked at everyone in surprise, "Who are you? Can you break Grantham's seal?"

"Great Emperor, we are here to save you." Everyone from the Rose Salvation Society hurried forward to explain.

"It turns out that he was approaching his old age and was almost killed by you."

Medusa laughed, and after being stunned for a few seconds, he continued to lower his head to study, "I don't want to go out, I'm here to study alchemy, the field opened up by the alchemist is indeed very profound, this is a magical microscopic field that can make I study the real death, the door of truth in the world, and even the unit structure of living things can also be born and die."

"But the emperor."

The people of Rose Salvation Society said anxiously.

No one could have imagined that they had worked hard for countless years to break the seal, and the result was that this Death Emperor did not intend to go out at all, and now he is addicted to research.

Medusa laughed and looked up at them, "This generation, there are a lot of sixth-level wizards, the times are indeed progressing. But you also said that Grantham in his later years seems to have opened the door of 'all-knowing and all-powerful' truth. , he knows everything in the world, and he has no plans, and he is the enemy of him, as if he is the enemy of the endless wisdom of all living beings, how can he leave loopholes and let you come over easily?"

The crowd choked.

Medusa laughed and whispered lightly, "I don't know how he prolongs his lifespan. But he is only a sixth-level legendary wizard, two hundred and fifty years of legend, six hundred years of epic, the qualitative change of realm is too big. It's too big, even if he doubles his lifespan, what about five hundred years? It's still not as long as my lifespan."

"What about his terrifying combat power? After all, his lifespan is short! What if he suppresses my life? After all, a sixth-level wizard can't kill me! I just need to wait for him to die of old age and illness, and then I will come out and rule the world."

Medusa continued to lower his head, his pale fingers studied the lens, and smiled softly, "I was discouraged when I failed, but now I finally understand after countless years that temporary victory and defeat are just trivial matters, and those who live long are the ones who A real winner."

Everyone was silent, and was shocked by the great wizard who was studying with peace of mind. This is the real wise man.

Medusa continued: "Actually, he was deliberately letting me out for three days, and he wanted you to have time to release me, bring death pressure on him, let me fight him, and let him break through the seventh-level epic. , just like when he let me break through the epic realm back then, but if he can break through the seventh-level epic, it is the moment when he can kill me, and I have no chance of making a comeback."

That's exactly what everyone on the Internet is doing.

It's just that they underestimated this great emperor who once suppressed the world, and they were easily seen through the plot. She would never give Li Shengjiang a chance to fight against her and break through the seventh-level epic.

After this day, a message resounded all over the world:

The Death Emperor Medusa, who was voluntarily suppressed on the Gorgon Alchemy Island, promised that as long as the Alchemist Emperor was alive for one day, he would never be a step away from the Gorgon Alchemy Island!

"As long as the Alchemy Emperor is alive for one day, Medusa, the dead monarch who once ruled the Dark Ages, can't live forever? This is an acknowledgement of the Alchemy Emperor's invincible power in this world!"

"The Alchemy Emperor, suppress the world, no one dares to fight with him!"

"The alchemy emperor is not an epic, but an epic!"

On the third day, countless sixth-level wizards had no hope anymore, and countless forces were completely desperate, and after their collapse, they took the initiative to plead guilty to the Kingdom of Babylon.

In just half a month, a terrorist reform broke out.

Countless sixth-level wizards and spies of civil strife were found out, abolished and suppressed in the "Carlson Prison" on the prison island. These rebels and thieves who seized power were never allowed to go out.

Countless careerists have retreated, and the Alchemy Emperor has already exceeded the limit of his lifespan. No one knows how long he will live in the future.

History, The Spear of Witchcraft records:

[In the 539 years of the Babylonian kingdom, during the 12 years of the assassination of Grantham, the alchemist, in his later years, the earth was plunged into darkness and turmoil, and the major forces fought for power and hegemony. This day, they will return to live a second life, suppress the world, and those who are conspiratorial will all come. apology]

549 years of the Babylonian kingdom.

Ten years have passed since the suppression of the unrest, and the reign of the Great Alchemist is still continuing.

He has completely surpassed the normal lifespan limit of a sixth-level wizard, as if he really wants to be immortal.

He was still young, mighty, strong, and full of energy.

And the legend of the infatuation of the alchemist was finally completed at this moment. Using his own life extension method, he successfully rescued the seven little witches who were sealed and extended their lifespan.

It's just that they are no longer humanoids, but have slime's unique hair on their heads.

At this moment, today, ten years later, people have finally guessed the truth of the Alchemy Emperor's extension of life.

"They turned out to be infused with the blood of slime!"

"How is it possible that the blood of the evil eye has already been integrated into the blood. This is the integration of the second bloodline? It can only be integrated into one kind of bloodline, which is the eternal law of the wizarding world."

"The Great Alchemist, it turned out that he developed a method for the second bloodline, which was able to prolong his life and suppress the dark turmoil in his later years."

"The Alchemy Emperor's level of alchemy is unbelievable, and he has reached the forbidden zone of God. Compared with their intrigue, this is the real wizard. Give me endless truth, and I can shake the whole world!"

600 years of the Babylonian kingdom.

On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Alchemist Emperor announced his grand wedding, marrying seven little witches from the "Elizabeth Witches Freemasonry".

Countless rare treasures are presented, the prosperous and prosperous, the world congratulates it!

In the Kingdom of Babylon, the giant "Adolf" held an alchemy multicolored fireworks and firecrackers. The giant fireworks exploded and resounded throughout the sky of the royal capital of Babylon. Countless merchants, women and pedestrians on the street looked up and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Our king is finally married."

The Hanging Garden of Babylon took off in the sky, flying under the beautiful stars in the sky, and held a big wedding ceremony.

The only true disciple of the Alchemy Emperor, Elmin silently guarded the side, and smiled with emotion, "Master, at this moment, you are no longer the all-knowing and almighty Alchemy Emperor, but a long-term lover who has been waiting for more than two hundred years. "

Ermin burst into tears, wiping layer after layer of tears, "Master, the more I get to know you, the more I understand that you are respectable as a slime, yet live like a hero. "

On this day, the Great Alchemist walked into the hall with seven beautiful brides in wedding dresses.

Flowers sprinkled all over the garden, and countless wizards wept beside them, whispering to each other, filled with emotion.

"According to ancient legends, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built by Grantham, the king of Babylon, for his princesses, in order to leave a home for them in a hundred years, so as not to be moved by people. That 'Elizabethan Freemason' down-and-out cottage together."

There are women in tears,

"The Great Alchemist, he studied the art of alchemy all his life, not to become a god, but to save his lover from the world!"

"After all, this is a happy ending. Our monarch has also ushered in a happy old age."

Countless witches, standing in the palace of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, looked at the beautiful night view of fireworks in the sky, and sighed, if there were people in the world who loved them so much, they would die without regrets.

It is easy to get priceless treasure, and it is rare to have a lover.

After entering the palace.

Li Shengjiang took off "Grantham", a bouncing angel slime, swaying its cute fur, and jumped into Elizabeth's arms, surrounded by Melly and others in white wedding dresses Six little witches.

Elizabeth laughed and hugged the cute slime, "Back then, the weak slime we picked up was rhetoric and vowed to become the next generation of monarchs, and he actually came true."

"You didn't believe me at the time, do you believe me now?" Li Shengjiang couldn't help but wipe his tears, crying and laughing.

With them, they are no longer the monarch outside who needs to maintain their dignity, but their little pet.

To themselves, they are like family members. After waiting for so many years, they finally wake up.

This "life extension medicine" not only prolongs their own lifespan, but also theirs.

"Tell me about eggplant!!"




In the post, netizens looked at the bright fireworks at night, the beautiful and exquisite wallpaper screenshots, and the wedding photos of the big guys, and they couldn't help but get restless and sighed a lot.

"I'm so happy, I'm really happy! Finally, after so many bumpy fantasy adventures, the escape of Ermin and the Great Slime in their later years has ushered in a perfect ending, and they have a long-term relationship for more than two hundred years. ,Lovers get married."

"Although, it's nonsense (a sudden change in the style of painting)"

"Above, I'm going to hit you! Humph! Don't joke on this occasion, this is the most beautiful pure love, between family and love, hazy, pure, and beautiful, back in the witches Freemasonry Here, everyone in a room was laughing and laughing, carrying too many memories, the boss fought for this memory, and he has persisted in it for more than two hundred years, and he has come to this step for the sake of the people he loves."

"It's very touching, although it is said to be seven wives, but I can't feel disgust at all. Maybe it's because there is no physical contact, and it's not for the erotic relationship of men. It's just for them to officially become their own family, a part of their own family. Pure thought. To tell the truth, I was really in tears, I usually watch sad movies, and I don't use so many tissues (sobbing)."

"Everyone is so sad! Everyone is happy, we have helped so much, and this graphic and text-based game has finally ended successfully! It's like the feeling of marrying a grown-up child who has worked so hard to become an adult ( Tears, tears)"

Countless netizens are also watching this wedding and are very emotional.

With their help up to now, everything has finally come to an end. This text-plot game has finally come to the perfect ending they hoped to see, as well as screenshots of various ending wallpapers, wedding photos, and fireworks.

Xu Zhi sat in the room, looked at the post on the computer, and sighed,

"Li Shengjiang can really do things in his later years, just like the first two pioneers of the era, he can't live in peace"

He laughed, "But he didn't mess with me, it's good after all, he's crazy about doing things, being cute and miserable, and letting netizens help, it's over, this group of guys gave me a good surprise, but Li Shengjiang, you After all, I still haven’t been able to break through to the seventh-level epic.”

Epic realm, how difficult is it?

Li Shengjiang is a scientist who is known for farming and cultivation, and his cultivation aptitude is not an outstanding talent after all.

Give him another lifespan, and there is no hope of breaking through. He has a second gene, at most, with the help of netizens, he can live an extra day or two in reality.

"The dazzling era of the Alchemist Emperor, even if it lasts for a period of time, will come to an end." Xu Zhi looked at the sandbox of the three tests that had just opened, and a group of new players had already entered the sandbox.

It's time to plan how the next era after the Alchemy Emperor will develop.

As soon as I signed the contract last night, there were so many book friends who helped to give rewards, I was moved (*^▽^*)

Not much to say, plus more!

I wrote a lot more, and it was a little slow to send out, sorry.

Today, there are more than 3,000 words in a chapter and 4,000 words in a chapter. I’m too lazy to open it up, everyone has a good time reading it.

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