Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 104 I test it myself

The announcement of the Day of Holy Love suddenly made London a hot place.

Many people from all over the empire, whether they are nobles or commoners, want to join in the fun and see this long-famous steam capital. In the past three days, eleven sets of direct lines to London have been added. Tickets are still sold out, and even the expensive and slower airships are selling much better than in previous years.

Within the Holy See, it is naturally impossible to ignore such a grand festival, let alone the arrival of His Royal Highness the Son. All institutions have dispatched carefully selected greeting personnel, hoping to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to express their gratitude to His Highness the Son. good.

The Adjudication Division is just one of the departments

In the reception room of the White Thorn Security Company, the middle-aged priest Thompson had a face with deeper piety and respect than usual. Although he was sitting at this time, this was only because he was the top official of the London Public Security Department. The person in charge cannot act too humblely in his own territory. If he were in other places, he should have stood up by now and performed the most standard Vatican etiquette.

At this moment, sitting next to him was the elderly Mr. Valentin Ivnovitch.

an executive

In the structure of the external mission of the Judgment Division, this is already the on-site commander with the highest say. There are usually 20 to 30 deacons under his command, ranging from low position, seniority, combat effectiveness, merit, etc. In all aspects, he is the absolute superior of Priest Thompson. He was old and extremely thin, but his back was unexpectedly straight. At this time, he took off the hat on his head, revealing some sparse gray hair and thick dark circles under his eyes.

Naturally, this time he came to London to find an opportunity to see if he could meet His Royal Highness the Holy Son and bring him the most sincere greetings from the Adjudication Division; by the way, he came to express his condolences to the White Thorn Security Company, which also belongs to the same system.

Oh, no, since it is within the field service system that is also affiliated with the Holy See, it cannot be called 'consolation', but should be called... review.

"Please rest assured that all field records and files in recent years have the most detailed records. There are also very clear files regarding the incidents reported by citizens. They are just stored in the London police department and will be sent back to pick them up in the afternoon. For your viewing pleasure.”

Priest Thompson spoke word by word. He usually seemed old-fashioned, but at times like this, he could give people a very reliable feeling. After all, under his leadership, the entire White Thorn's acting style was very unique. It's standard, no matter how you check it, you won't have any trouble.

Executive Officer Ivnovič nodded, seemingly very satisfied with the other party's attitude, but suddenly, he seemed to remember something:

"I heard that you filed an internal death report some time ago?"

"." There was silence for a while.

Then Priest Thompson lowered his gaze slightly: "Yes, a member of the field team named Lampard unfortunately died during the mission."

"Oh? Is the mission completed?"

Priest Thompson seemed to hesitate for half a second and immediately responded: "It should be considered completed, because the devil who committed the crime has never appeared again."

"Should it be counted? I don't like this ambiguous answer." Executive Officer Ivnovič said lightly, as if in his opinion, this task was more worthy of his attention than the death of a team member.

This is inevitable because he comes from the Adjudication Division, and people from this organization will naturally put the success of the task first.

But this indifference to life still made Ms. Mary, who was standing not far away and listened, clenched her fists.

"Also, in this period, a field team member can die during the execution of a mission. It's a bit harsh no matter how you hear it." He continued, looking at Thompson with a cold expression: "So, do I have a reason? Do you suspect that your security agency neglects to train field personnel in normal times?"

"Of course there was no oversight. Under the supervision of Reverend Thompson, all our field staff complied with the strictest training time."

Mark, who was standing upright at the side, responded. The respect in his tone was not that obvious. Instead, it was like a soldier shouting at the top of his lungs when counting the numbers. I don’t know if he deliberately used this method to face the executive in front of him. Roar, in short, Ivanovich frowned in displeasure.

"I didn't ask you a question, so don't interrupt. It shows that you are really undisciplined." He said lightly: "Also, whether you have really trained in accordance with the rules and regulations, your own opinions do not count. Tomorrow at noon .I will randomly check a person and personally test him. If he fails, then the payment of your subsidy this year will be temporarily postponed."

Speaking of this, everything is actually within the regulations of the Holy See. A field department does need strict training. After all, it is an organization that has been dealing with demons for a long time. But when I heard the words "subsidy is delayed," I always looked extremely... The respected Reverend Thompson also hesitated.

How long is the delay? Three years, five years, or decades?

Although he knew that he did not neglect the training of his subordinates, and he was not worried about his subordinates failing the test, "Sir, is the subsidy for Lampard's death also included?"

"Of course." Ivanovich said calmly.

"But he died in the line of duty. He still has a family. His son is five years old this year. This money."

Executive Officer Ivnovič was obviously impatient: "I said, I will test your training results, so did the person you mentioned die because of the mission, or did he neglect the training and die beyond his capabilities? , I will make my own judgment soon, please give me your personnel list now."

Priest Thompson suppressed his breathing rhythm and slowly exhaled a breath. His cheeks bulged secretly. Fortunately, he was covered by his beard and did not reveal the muscle lines under the skin. Finally:

"Okay, Mr. Executive Officer."

He responded, then motioned to Mary to bring over the company's list.

Soon, Miss Mary handed a black document to Priest Thompson, who then handed it over to Executive Officer Ivnovitch.

The latter slightly raised his thin face and glanced at the names in the book with lowered eyes.

In the end, his eyes rested on the line [Sherlock Holmes]. He carefully recalled the execution order he got after arriving in London, and confirmed that this was the name on it.

"Just him, bring him to see me at noon tomorrow." He said nonchalantly.

"But..." Priest Thompson was startled: "But Mr. Executive Officer, this is just a detective, and he has just joined the company for two months, so he is not considered a combatant."

"Not considered a combatant?!" There was an obvious accusation in Ivanovich's voice: "Don't the detectives need to go to the location of the incident to investigate in person?

Do you think those vicious Contractor criminals and demons would care whether the people in front of them are combatants?

All people have the possibility of facing life-threatening danger. Maybe it is your old-school thinking that makes your people helpless when facing death! "

He said and stood up unhappy.

"Tomorrow, let this person get ready and don't be late."

He didn't give anyone another chance to talk nonsense, put on his hat and walked out of the White Thorn Security Company.

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