Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 120 At the limit, the contracted devil and I have separate opinions?

Sherlock walked towards the room on the second floor and opened the door with the key in his hand.

The familiar dim sunlight came out of the crack in the door in a familiar way, and then there was the familiar sound of the door shaft rubbing. Everything seemed so natural.

Sherlock walked in and found that nothing had changed much, except that some luggage and clothes were missing. Since no one had lived there for a while, it seemed a little chilly.

But none of this matters.

He had just sprayed a lot of blood and looked a little weak, so he walked slowly towards the big red patent leather sofa chair and hit his butt on it in a 'free fall' way. There was still some rebound.

Feeling the familiar curve and the right soft touch, at this moment, Sherlock finally admitted that he was a nostalgic person.

Just like that, he rushed down and let himself sink into the sofa. He didn't know whether it was due to excessive blood loss or sleepiness. Anyway, he followed the drowsiness in his mind and fell asleep.

In hell, he woke up leisurely.

Because the last time we fought with the huge black giant, most of the tentacles were torn to pieces. Although these little guys can slowly gather together again, it will take time after all, so after waking up now, there are no those tentacles coming together. Coming over and rubbing his trouser legs vigorously, Sherlock felt quite relieved.

After walking out of the room, the black carriage, as if it had been summoned on its own, had slowly driven to the door, waiting quietly as before.

He got on the carriage and quickly passed through the long streets of hell, and soon came to the body of the black giant.

Um. That's right, this black giant is already a corpse at this moment.

Ever since Sherlock called that person last time, he had also forgotten the name of the executive officer of the Judgment Department.

In short, that night, he used up almost all the power in hell to occupy the dark giant.

Naturally, the way to occupy it was to use tentacles to replace the opponent's brain, and then extend the tentacles to every inch of his body, just like when he usually possessed the Corruption Dog. And the next day after that, he controlled the black giant to destroy it. The original contract owner chewed it.

In fact, everything is very ordinary, there should be nothing to say.

But just after that, two strange things happened.

One is that after his tentacles took over the dark giant, he seemed to suddenly change his mind for some unknown reason.

They don't want to continue to occupy each other, but gradually begin to tend to absorb!

Yes, absorb, just like absorbing the eye-gouging demon.

Countless tentacles as small as silk threads protruded from all directions, and then penetrated into the black giant's body. Because these tentacles were too numerous and too dense, the body was almost wrapped into a solid radial cocoon. Each tentacle They were all sucking, all the time, day and night.

But this giant is really too big, and the composition of its body is obviously much higher than that of the eye-gouging demon, so the absorption this time is very slow. It has not been completed after so many days, and it is not finished yet. Don't know how long it will last

As for the second thing, there was something wrong with Sherlock's body.

In the last battle with the executive officer, his injuries were too serious, so he kept vomiting blood and sweating.

But at the same time, he could clearly feel that he had reached an unprecedented limit. Just like Moran said, he had reached the threshold of the second stage.

Therefore, he was very excited, and this excitement affected his body to some extent, whether it was willpower, reaction, speed, or various senses. In short, it was an inexplicable novel experience.

However, after the battle, he was hospitalized, recuperated and recovered, and gradually adapted to this excitement and all the changes in his body.

But after all this, Sherlock discovered that his injury was still not healed.

It can't even be said that it is not 'good', but that it has fallen into an even weirder state.

All the tests showed that he had recovered, and the entire hospital's medical system said that Sherlock was a very healthy person, but he was still injured.

He would vomit blood from time to time, suffer internal pain from time to time, momentary trance in his brain, fatigue and soreness from the deepest parts of his muscles, and constant tearing and healing.

He seemed to be caught between [health] and [dying]. He could not explain this phenomenon, but with his keen perception as a detective for many years, he felt that he should be stuck.

Just stuck on the line of promotion from the first stage to the second stage.

It was precisely because of this situation that he went to ask Moran for advice yesterday.

When talking about Moran and Sherlock, he didn't know what was going on with this girl these days. Her usually cold face was always filled with a faint and weird smile, and when she was talking to him, she would slip away from time to time. He even laughs suddenly.

Forget it, it's not important.

After Moran listened to Sherlock's story, she was a little confused because she had never seen a contractor in this state. In the end, she relied on her ability as one of the most talented people in more than two centuries. Talking without responsibility and giving an unreasonable guess.

That is:

Sherlock's contract creature should have reached its limit.

However, Sherlock himself did not reach his limit.

Sherlock was helpless at that time. The reason given by this girl was too unreasonable. The contractor and the contracted creature were in a state of symbiosis. There was no reason why one party had reached its limit and the other had not.

Moreover, even if it has not reached its limit, it should be because the contract demon has not reached its limit.

Could it be that my body, a mortal body that gets stomach acid after drinking too much coffee, has a higher limit than those tentacles in hell that devour everything they see?

Of course, Moran also knew that this reason was far-fetched, but she really couldn't think of any other way to explain it. In the end, Sherlock could only choose to leave bitterly, what else could he do, and he couldn't beat her.

Time passed little by little, and Sherlock was still in hell looking at the black giant being absorbed little by little in a daze.

Suddenly, a burst of noise woke him from his dream.

In reality, Sherlock opened his eyes, then walked to the window and looked outside.

Then he saw a long line of parades walking through the street

Ah, no, it doesn't seem to be a parade, because each of them looked extremely pious and worshipful, shouting Nightingale's name loudly, and holding a sign with a portrait of that beautiful girl engraved on it.

Sherlock then remembered that the girl who traveled the empire seemed to have arrived in London.

Not long after, in the middle of the celebrating team, someone started to promote the event with a loudspeaker.

It can be seen that this person has some overly enthusiastic gratitude and admiration for Lord Nightingale, so 80% of his words are praises for him.

Putting aside these compliments, the remaining useful information is--Her Excellency Nightingale will hold a grand blessing ceremony for 750 people tomorrow afternoon. Anyone who feels that they are sick and about to burp, quickly go to London. Report from the gate of the Medical Association.

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