Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 122 The bloody battle in London (a big chapter of about 6,000 words, we listen to your advic

The door opened. The person who opened the door was a little maid of about sixteen years old. She looked very cute and had some small freckles on her face. She did not show fearful awe after seeing His Royal Highness the Son like others. But very relaxed and happy.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son." She smiled and stood by the door, making a 'please come in' gesture.

Moriarty seemed slightly startled when he saw the little girl behind the door: "Why have you grown so big?"

"Because it's been three years since we last met." Parthenope complained with a smile: "Of course I grow up fast at my age!"

"It's been so long." Moriarty said thoughtfully as he walked into the room. During this time, Noper's face was filled with a kind of happy aunt's smile that was not suitable for his age. It seemed that he was very happy that His Highness the Holy Son could come to see his young lady.

And she also followed the maid standing outside the door and said with a cute smile: "Sister Moran, I haven't seen you for a long time. Oh, my figure is getting better and better. I wish I could be like you in the future."

Moran said nothing, but responded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards

"Hey, hey, just follow the bodyguard and stand outside the door. What are you going in for!?" When Parthenope saw Sherlock coming in, she immediately changed her expression to a very mean one and reached out to stop him.

"Oh, he is my friend." The Son turned around and said.

"Friend??" Noper still frowned at Sherlock, obviously feeling displeased that this guy had disturbed the Son and his lady's alone time.

Of course, Sherlock was too lazy to pay attention to the overly active maid. He looked at her with blank eyes and then walked into the room.

This was originally supposed to be a staff lounge, but due to the arrival of important people, it was changed to the style of a single apartment. In fact, a brand new sofa was moved in, as well as a bed that didn't look cheap, and the There are carpets, there is a free-standing gas lamp with a nice cover, and the original public coffee machine has been replaced with a new one. Although it still doesn't look very cozy, it's good to have it like this.

Following Moriarty through the small front hall, he came to the back room. Looking beyond the wall, he finally saw the somewhat busy figure in the room.

The person was wearing clothes that didn't look cheap, but she obviously didn't take them out often, and they were wrinkled after being stored in her luggage for a long time. At this moment, she was wiping her hair frantically with a towel because it was too frequent. Quickly, the jet-black hair was thrown into a mess.

Realizing that someone had entered the house, she had no choice but to wipe and complain:

"Noper, you are serious. You know that my hair is not dry yet, so you can't ask His Highness the Son to sit down for a while!"

Moriarty smiled: "Actually, I think that although we are not very familiar with each other, we have known each other for a long time. Miss Nightingale does not need to dress up specially for me."

"How can that be done? I can't come to see His Royal Highness the Son with the smell of disinfectant in my head." Nightingale finally dried her hair, threw the towel aside casually, then lifted up her hair and raised her head. Got his head up.

At this moment, even though Sherlock had already seen the girl's appearance from various photos and newspapers, and had long been prepared to see her in person, he was still attracted by this moment. Shocked by the visual impact.

It’s hard to describe the beauty, charm, expression, the slight apology at the corner of the mouth, the gesture of lifting the hair, the fingertips passing behind the ears, and the strong color contrast between the dark hair tips and the crystal ear edges.

He is a detective. When he meets a person for the first time, he will inevitably observe the details of the person. Therefore, these shocking beauties rush in in a turbulent manner that is magnified countless times than ordinary people. in his pupils.

Next, there are the extremely clear brown eyes, the tiredness between the eyebrows and a slight smile, the slightly red skin after washing the hair, and the almost perfect only the cheeks and the arc of the neck that appear in the painting. It seemed that the faint light emitted by the gas lamps was given a more charming color when passing by the girl; Sherlock remembered that some kind of fantasy was mentioned in the fairy tales for children. The extremely beautiful elves. Of course there are no elves in this world, but if there were, they would look like this.

"Please take a seat." Miss Nightingale gestured to the sofa chair next to her, then looked at Sherlock beside her: "I wonder who this is?"

Those eyes met Sherlock's. Sherlock didn't respond immediately. It wasn't that he was completely addicted to the beauty of the other party, but it was true that he was stunned for a few seconds because of the beauty of the other party. After all, he He was not a fool without aesthetics, but he was also shocked that there could be such a big difference between the real person and the photos. Fortunately, he quickly got rid of this kind of admiration for beauty, and nodded politely: "Sherlock Holmes, A detective.”


"Don't worry about this guy's profession, he is just a friend that I unfortunately met at a certain time." Moriarty said: "But this time, I came mainly because of him. This guy said He seems to have suffered some weird injury, and I wonder if Miss Nightingale can help him treat it."

Nightingale looked at Sherlock with a flash of surprise. It could be seen that this man was not a high-ranking senior figure in the Holy See. Even judging from his clothes, he was a little too simple. Maybe he was just an ordinary person. civilian.

However, with such an identity, His Royal Highness the Holy Son can call him a friend, and even take him to visit him in person, so this man is definitely not as ordinary as he seems.

And Nightingale is not that kind of hypocritical woman. She is deeply aware of her beauty, but the man in front of her does not seem to show any embarrassment in facing her, which is enough to prove that this person's state of mind or knowledge is extraordinary. .

"Of course, His Highness the Son's friend, how can I refuse." She said with a smile, and then walked towards Sherlock. In fact, her examination of the injured person was very simple. As long as she touched the other person, she could greatly change her perception of the other person. Physical conditions.

So she stretched out a hand

"Please give me your hand." She smiled.

But at this moment, she saw Sherlock's expression strangely, something seemed wrong.

The gaze went over his shoulder and looked out the window at the night.

Sherlock did feel a little weird, because the frosty branches hanging outside the window suddenly swayed slightly downward. Everyone knows that the wind in nature cannot blow from top to bottom, because there is no space for gas to flow and there is no air pressure difference. The light from the gas lamp outside was a little bright. I wonder if the light source was blocked somewhere. At this moment, Sherlock seemed to think of the clouds outside the window, the breeze tonight, and the strange glance the old president raised his head. His thoughts Because the unbearable pain in his body became dull, it seemed that the smallest thought could cause a splitting headache, but fortunately, his instinct as a detective allowed him to notice something strange again.

"Get out of here!" he said suddenly.


"Get out of here and go!"

Sherlock didn't explain much. He didn't even open the door and go out according to the normal route. Instead, he passed by the stunningly beautiful girl in front of him, opened the window of the room, and jumped out!

The wind outside the window rushed in, along with the winter chill and the noise in the distance. He raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

In that pitch-black night, he saw an incredible scene. Several huge airships were falling from the sky! Because of their exaggerated size and the special structure of the airship, they did not fall too fast and did not make too scary a sound. The color painted on the surface made them difficult to detect, but the pushing wind pressure and the blocked moonlight , it really brings fatal oppression!

Moreover, there seemed to be something hanging between the several fallen airships.

"What are you doing?" Moriarty came to the window and asked displeasedly.

But the words have not yet fallen

The door to the room was suddenly pushed open, and Moran, who had been standing outside the door, rushed in. As a qualified maid, of course she would not interrupt the master's conversation, let alone break into the room so roughly. , but at this time, her expression seemed a little panicked and a little unbelievable. She simply ignored everyone, quickly came to the window, and then stuck her head out and looked at the sky!

For a moment, her expression became extremely shocked, and even her pupils shrank instantly. She opened her mouth slightly and murmured words that she couldn't believe.

"Third level?"

"What?" Moriarty asked, not hearing clearly.

However, Moran did not answer him. In their long relationship, she ignored her master's question for the first time! At the same time, she almost didn't think at all, and ignored everything. She didn't explain to anyone, and didn't even pay attention to her master's exclamation. She grabbed Moriarty in a rough and decisive way and rushed out of the window. , the tall and slender body exploded with incredible power at this moment, and with a "Bang!" sound, a burst of snow and smoke exploded from the ground under the huge reaction, and Moran's figure had become extremely dense with it. With a roar, he ran towards the distance desperately!

And almost at the same time, not far away, someone in the crowd seemed to have finally noticed something strange. They raised their heads in disbelief and looked at the same incredible scene. Huge and dark airships finally fell into the distance within sight. above.

For a moment, the exclamations, shouts, roars, and panic seemed to be compressed into one common second, and then they all broke out. The dense crowd began to scream and push, or simply stood dumbfounded and stood motionless. No matter what he is, he can't stop the giant thing falling from the sky.

Finally, the first airship crashed into the crowd!

The moment the huge air bag, which was so exaggerated that it could not be seen with a single sight, touched the ground, it erupted with an extremely huge explosion, followed by the bending and oppression of countless steel bars, collapse, twisting, and splashing. The outgoing iron rope swept through the crowd, instantly carving out a piece of scarlet flesh, flying into the air, and then raining blood all over the sky. Everything and everything it came into contact with roared, and then there was an even bigger roar. , until it continued into a long and harsh sound that was indistinguishable to human ears, shocking people's eyeballs to pop out, and then, a little fire exploded in the densest place of the crowd.


The world was almost unplugged from the sound system at this moment, and the flames were like a bloody tornado sweeping across the wilderness, and like huge waves drowning the sand and gravel! And at this moment, here, in this ancient city, in London shrouded in fog, there is naturally no wilderness or sand and gravel, so the tiny weeds and tiny grains of sand are all people! !

living people!

Flames, explosions, huge waves and scorching winds, flying steel, splashing gravel, everything swallowed up, everything killed, are people! Blood and fire directly became the cruel theme. However, there was a second airship, and a third. Until the fifth, the same behemoth crashed into a distant building like a mountain falling from the sky. The building was directly smashed into pieces and exploded. Flames and rubble began to pour down from the sky, smashing pieces of blood on the ground. At the same time, the surrounding streets, main blocks, and all nearby buildings were all spared, as if hell had descended on the world at this moment!

This naturally includes the building complex of the Medical Association!

At this time, Sherlock was flying between the flames and the gravel and steel falling from the sky.

His hand was holding the other hand, Nightingale's hand, while he was carrying the unpleasant maid on his shoulder. He did not speak, and he did not care whether the two people hanging on his body could bear this. Such bumps and speeds can even sometimes pull a person up like a kite.

In his eyes, countless pieces of information were gathering together densely and crazily. The entrenched steam pipes exploded beside him, spewing out scalding airflow. The toppling buildings threw out smoke and dust behind them that obscured his vision. The burning of underground buildings The furnace also began to expand and explode, and the earth was tearing apart. Every step could lead to falling into the collapsed road, but all of this failed to stop Sherlock from running wildly, as if everything could be predicted and avoided by him. , even used by him.

The two women beside them were already stunned by this sudden scene. They never imagined that just two minutes ago, they were chatting in the same room, and their hair was not even dry. At this moment, he was already in hell on earth.

A sudden explosion caused a heat wave that covered half a street. It must have been a major steam pipeline explosion. Sherlock was directly thrown away. His computing power could not allow him to run half a street in this moment. Fortunately, the distance allowed him to minimize the impact on himself and the damage to the two people around him!

And at the moment when his body flew backwards, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and then he fell solidly into a pile of rubble.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

This was followed by an extremely violent cough, and the sense of collapse in Sherlock's body reappeared, and was worse than every time before. The bright red blood vessels seemed to spread to the surface of the body, like vines. Climb up the neckline.

"What's wrong with you?" Nightingale knew that this question was stupid, but she was too frightened, so she asked subconsciously.

Sherlock lay almost exhausted among the gravel:

"If the inspector at the security checkpoint hadn't died, he should have let him see what I look like now! I told you, I'm very sick," he said while coughing up a lot of blood, and then looked at the beautiful woman next to him. The ultimate girl: "Do you need any complicated rituals to treat your illness, such as reciting a prayer of grace for half an hour?"

"No need."

"That's great, please save me, I can't hold on anymore!" Sherlock's whole body was covered with blood lines, like a porcelain made of flesh and blood, about to break into pieces.

Nightingale stared. She didn't know how many people were going to die in the scene just now. Coupled with the fear in her heart, her eyes were full of tears. But at this moment, she gritted her teeth and tried her best to let go. She calmed down, and even though she was surrounded by burning flames and gravel falling from the sky, she didn't say a word. When she was running away just now, she naturally had no energy to save the person in front of her, but at this moment, she closed her eyes He opened his eyes and put his hand on Sherlock's chest to find out the condition of his body!

And just such a simple inquiry, Miss Nightingale seemed to be suddenly startled.

"What's wrong?"

When a doctor suddenly makes such an expression while treating you, anyone would be shocked.

Nightingale looked at Sherlock with an incredible look: "I don't know how you did it, but if you were a human being, you wouldn't be alive with such a degree of injury!"

"You may not believe it, but I don't know how I did it."

"Okay!!!" Parthenope, who had finally regained her composure, yelled: "You two are talking nonsense here. Miss, please cure this guy quickly, and then let him cure us both. Take me out, I don’t want to die here, I’m only 16 years old! I’ve never even been kissed!!”

Sherlock smiled bitterly, thinking that this little maid had such a bad temper that she would even scold his own lady when she got excited, but he immediately looked at Nightingale: "You can cure me, right?"

"Yes, but I need .5 minutes."

"What?!" Parthenope heard this and shouted in a shocked voice: "Five minutes?!"

It only takes a few seconds for my lady to treat the most difficult disease, even a cancer that spreads throughout the body. Now, it actually takes five minutes to treat such a guy? !

Stay in this environment for five minutes? ! No matter whether it is roasted or smashed, no matter what, it will be dead for several rounds! !

Well, it seems that she has no other choice. She and her young lady will definitely not be able to escape from here.

So, as if she was extremely distressed, she took out an equally huge iron box from the exaggeratedly huge luggage bag she was carrying, then put it on the ground and kicked it hard as if she was angry. A kick!

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of the rapid operation of the steam turbine. The sound alone was much more powerful than the three-meter-high steam armor before. With the powerful turbine and the rapid involvement of the surrounding air, the big iron box Countless iron plates began to pop up. The extremely complex structure and dazzling gears made it difficult for Sherlock to keep up with its speed for the first time. Moreover, the hollow design between the plates also made it difficult for the parts to move. The space was greatly expanded, and just like that, within a few seconds, a large and half-wrapped iron shell covered all three of them.

Sherlock couldn't help but be startled when he looked at this extremely sophisticated machine.

"Hmph, you must be dumbfounded. If the stubborn old guys from the Institute of Mechanical Engineering see this thing, the worst I can do is become a professor!" Parthenope raised her head and said in an extremely rude manner: "Resist. It’s high temperature resistant, breathable, has a built-in space layer to prevent impact, and has an all-round two-meter strong wind design. It’s even waterproof when folded. The only drawback is that this thing is disposable.”

After saying that, her distressed expression became more obvious, and she could only curse and take out a screwdriver and a wrench, preparing to face various impacts in the next five minutes.

And Sherlock did not continue to pay attention to the little girl, because Nightingale had already taken a deep breath: "Hold on, I'm going to start."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sherlock felt a wave of pain that exceeded physical limits rush into his mind. It seemed that every nerve, every muscle, and every inch of bone in his body was undergoing extremely cruel punishment, as if he was injured. After that, the itching and pain of the body's healing increased exponentially, and then the long-term accumulation was forcibly compressed into just a few minutes.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have fainted from this extreme pain, but Sherlock's brain was very active in enduring this pain, and he felt every second with incomparable clarity!

During this period, Sherlock could only curse in his heart:

"Damn it. Haven't I reached my limit yet?!"

Time passed minute by minute, and outside a thin protective layer, the fire continued. No one could have imagined that on a night when London was the most crowded, they could suffer such a huge fire that could almost be described as absurd. disaster.

Almost all nearby blocks were destroyed, and the bursting of steam pipes spread further, causing a quarter of the facilities in lower London and uptown to be paralyzed.

No one knew when those airships flew over, and no one knew how they all crashed in the same area.

But Sherlock, who was still in pain, vaguely knew the answer.

Because in his first glance, he saw something hanging between the falling airships...or rather, a terrifying body.

Think again of Moran's reaction at that moment when she looked at the sky, and the words she said.

She said at that time:

Level three!

Therefore, this disaster must have been deliberately caused by someone! And it is definitely not over yet. It can even be said that this explosion and the deaths of tens of thousands of people are just the opening ceremony!

And the fact is exactly what Sherlock thought.

In the ruins smashed down by the airship, in those fires, in the pile of corpses with the largest concentration of corpses, in the scorched smell of human flesh!

A terrifying and ferocious huge body slowly stood up, like a tall tower rising from the ground, slowly walked out of the firelight, and looked straight in a certain direction.

Then, silently and crazily, he knocked open all the ruins, stepped on the corpses on the ground, shook out pieces of sticky blood and corpses, and ran towards where he looked! ! !

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