Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 125 Moving towards the second stage!

Of course Sherlock knows where the contractor is!

As a detective, when he is dying, he observes all the scenes and details around him. While avoiding the crazy attack of a third-level demon, he thinks about the obstruction of sight, the scope of the explosion, and the distance of the control area. If you can't do simple things, how can you have the nerve to be a detective?

Each contractor has a control range. The farther the distance, the less precise the control. That’s why the demon just threw Moran in this direction; the airship falling from the sky fell from the southwest and moved along the Collision on the established path, destroying everything along the way. The controller cannot include himself within the scope of the explosion; although he can sense the battle situation through contracted creatures, seeing the battle scene with his own eyes is definitely the best, regardless of this There must be no escape route for a reckless assassination, only a desperate attempt to kill the Son; of course, there is also the escape route of Moran with the Son, which seems to be a temporary choice, but in fact, in an environment where gas pipelines begin to explode. There are not many directions to choose from, and there are not many angles from which to look out and not be blocked.

In short, all this is not too difficult to analyze. Therefore, the contractor can only be in a place that meets all the above conditions. He must take advantage of all the factors that are beneficial to him. Because this person has made a desperate move and decided to Cannot fail.

There is a church one kilometer away from the London Medical Association. The terrain here is a bit high, and you need to climb a long flight of steps to get up, so there are not many people who usually worship.

And it is precisely because of the high terrain and the sparse surrounding buildings that there are only a few gas pipelines extending here. The entire church is still in the old decoration style of more than 50 years ago. The only thing worthy of praise is that The architect of that year built a clock tower with a narrow area but a height of 15 meters.

At this time, on top of the bell tower, a sturdy figure was standing facing the wind. The large-scale flames burning below did not spread, but the hot air waves evaporated across a distance of nearly a kilometer, faintly letting people know. The man felt hot. He was holding a single-tube brass telescope, with huge and complex eyepieces stacked one on top of the other. He was looking down at the sea of ​​​​fire below, and in the sea of ​​​​fire, his contracted creatures were beating almost unilaterally sadistically. Looking at a small figure.

"What a stupid woman." He murmured.

He didn't understand why this woman was so devoted to His Highness the Holy Son. She clearly had no chance of winning. Facing a third-level demon, no one had the slightest chance of contending with it, but this guy just didn't want to die. Come up and fight to the death.

From the moment they met to this moment, this woman had countless opportunities to pretend to be dead, and countless opportunities to escape. She knew clearly that the only person who had to die tonight was the Holy Son, but she had to rush up and interfere again and again. I, wanting to touch His Royal Highness the Holy Son, had to step over her corpse first.

However, this guy's vitality is incredible. She should have died a long time ago. In the telescope, the slender body is in tatters. The bones of the left arm have been completely shattered, and the chest and ribs on that side are also completely broken. Collapse, her whole body spurted out blood as she breathed, and she could no longer stand still, but even so, she had to get up again and again.

Why did she have to suffer so much pain in vain when she could just die quietly? What's even more tragic is that she should know that all she has done is in vain.

Never mind her.

Thinking of this, the man standing on the bell tower used his binoculars to scan other directions in the sea of ​​​​fire. Just now, a survivor appeared. Although it was incredible, the survivor seemed not to have been struck by his contract immediately. The creature is hammered to death.

Well, it may be hammered to death, it doesn't matter, anyway, tonight, there is only one of my own third-level contract demons in London. It is impossible for the city's task force to deploy it in such a short time, and it is impossible for anyone to come from. Another third-level demon arrived from the demon breeding farm, and the only contractor who reached the third level was the stupid woman who still refused to die.

In short, I am invincible tonight, and that Holy Son has no possibility of survival!

But I just thought of this.

Suddenly, the man seemed to notice something, as if something was quickly approaching in his direction.

He frowned and searched around with his binoculars. Within the circular visual range, there seemed to be a shadow that appeared and faded through the night and the firelight.

Someone found themselves?

He didn't quite believe it, because his control distance was extremely far, reaching more than one kilometer. At this distance, without a large-scale search, and without an overhead airship conducting a high-altitude search, it would be difficult to find a control-type contract. It is an extremely difficult thing.

Although it is not ruled out that some people are very smart and can find themselves by accident.

But so what.

The man thought, and continued to search for the figure unhurriedly, but suddenly, his telescope seemed to be broken, and his field of vision was completely dark.


It's not broken, but something suddenly appeared and blocked the mirror!

At this moment, the man turned his head sideways almost as a reflex, and at the same time, a huge force swept across the telescope in his hand, smashing it to pieces!

The man looked at the guy in front of him who had jumped up to the bell tower at some point, and thought that if the other person was the shadow running towards him just now, then the speed was not too fast.

Sherlock didn't think so much. He just looked at the other person silently and intently. His eyes swept over the other person's thick shoulders, and then his muscular neck. He was more than forty years old, but he was still full of energy. Thick blood vessels beating in the neck, a combat uniform that was very inconspicuous in the dark night, extremely short hair, a beard that grew wantonly, and thick calloused hands.

He is a third-level control contractor, but it can be seen from his body shape that his combat effectiveness is definitely good. He comes from the Crusaders, but his skin does not look like he has lived in a cold zone for a long time, which shows that this person is not from Those transferred from the front line should be some kind of combat training personnel on the back line.

Just like that, the two people looked at each other, neither of them looked away, but after a moment

A trace of doubt flashed in the other party's eyes.

As mentioned before, high-level contractors have a certain ability to perceive low-level contractors. At this moment, the man could clearly feel that Sherlock was at a lower stage than himself, but he was a little unsure about who he was. Level 2 or level 2.

But he didn't care too much and simply smiled: "Imani Matiniyaz, who are you...?"

"Sherlock Holmes."

"I haven't heard of it, but it's casual."

Niazi smiled, feeling that he had said nonsense, because the other party would definitely die, so of course the name was insignificant, and it seemed that the other party also realized this.

He was just curious, why did the other party rush forward even though he knew he would die?

Of course, this is something that doesn't matter. He's just a little miscellaneous fish with some brain problems.

So he stretched out a hand and held the other person's shoulder

Compared to the other party, Sherlock was quite thin, and his contract level was very low, maybe level one, maybe level two, which he couldn't tell for sure before he entered hell. Anyway, the third-level contractor in front of him was not very cautious. He just squeezed hard, preparing to crush the opponent's entire shoulders first, then the limbs, and finally the head, so that he could give him a lot of pain during this boring time. Find some entertainment for yourself.

However, the screams and the exploding flesh and blood on his shoulders that he was waiting for did not appear. Sherlock just stood there, then slowly lowered his head, looked at the thick palms on his shoulders, and then raised his eyes again. Looking at each other without blinking.

At this moment, he knew that his feeling was right, and at the same time, he also saw the proper surprise in the other person's eyes.

Niyazi's eyes widened instantly, and then narrowed into a gap. He seemed to have noticed something strange about the other person's body, and subconsciously hooked his five fingers and applied force again. But then he discovered that his fingers were just It sank into the opponent's muscles.

Those thin shoulders actually resisted his own strength!

He was confused and had no idea why. The man opposite was only at the second level of strength at most. Even if he was an extremely talented person, he couldn't do such a thing!

Actually, Sherlock was in a similar state. He could just vaguely feel that he could resist this kind of power. Facts proved that it was true, but he also didn't know why.

Of course they don't know why.

It is even more impossible to know that at this moment, in hell, on the shoulders of the pitch-black giant, as well as the shoulders of the corpse dogs that did not die in the last battle, there was an unclear line all over them. scratches

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