Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 128 Scandal in Bohemia (to be continued)

How reluctant it is to be incestuous, how ridiculous and unbelievable it is to be incestuous.

But everything was eventually united by the empire and the Holy See, and they were buried under the terrifying suppression of public opinion.

During Nightingale's stay in London, a large-scale murder of the Holy Son of the Holy See broke out in the center of the city. No one who heard this could not be shocked, and it would even cause panic, and even more terrifying consequences. reaction.

Therefore, all this was finally described as an air transport accident, a tragedy caused by the disrepair of the steam turbine and the cargo it carried exceeded the upper limit of transportation weight.

Although it also caused some turmoil, it sounded better than the truth and was easier to explain.

A large air transport company was thoroughly investigated. Countless denunciations of the company appeared in newspapers and received abuse from many Imperial citizens. Almost all the company's top executives were arrested, and all the people passing through the entire air transport route were also arrested. After being implicated, many of them were naturally sentenced to death.

In short, these are what the people saw, and in order to calm the anger of the citizens of the empire, the number of people involved in this disaster and the punishments have been escalating. As long as the anger is not extinguished, they will continue to escalate, even the imperial transportation The top management of the department has ushered in a series of extremely bloody changes.

Of course, this is also what the public sees. After all, they can only see newspapers!

As the editor-in-chief of the Holy Journal said at a cocktail party:

"If you want people to see the empire as it 'really' looked, write it in newspapers. If you want people to see the empire as it 'really' looked, write it in newspapers that didn't seem to have had time to revise it. Release it, and then panic and say it was printed incorrectly."

In short, after only one week of sketching and guidance, this large-scale disaster that killed and injured 20,000 people was painted in a different light.

And in the light or dark places that the public cannot see, the real investigation of this largest murder in history is still ongoing.

The government's supreme supervisory force and the Holy See's tribunal showed an almost inhuman resolute attitude at this moment. In the terrifying [Blood Prison] hidden in the Black Coles Mountains, inhuman cruelty... The yelling barely stopped for a second.

Under this resolute pursuit, many things naturally surfaced, but at the same time, there was another force that was constantly cutting off these clues on the surface.

For example, those Zeppelins actually took off in the Bohemian Administrative District, and the take-off location was a lift area that had not yet been officially put into use.

However, when the people from the Adjudication Division went to the location, they found that all the people who might have participated that day had disappeared or simply died at home.

On the giant island of Odilia, 12 priests died in accidents overnight. The airport staff's rotation ship suddenly sank in the vast sea in the early morning of the next day.

And a Holy Army vocational officer named 'Imani Matiniyaz' was pushed to the forefront of the investigation, but it turned out that he was a real orphan who had an awakening at the age of 13. In Dreamland, he was just taken out of the orphanage by the Holy See. His colleagues didn't know why he appeared in London that day, let alone who he had contacted recently. All the records of his home phone in the past six months were blank. !

The only thing that was somewhat rewarding was that the orphanage where this person was in that year was also in the Bohemian administrative district.

But no one knows what this means.

All the clues seemed to be being cut off one by one, accurately and quickly, leaving no trace of escape. If you think about it rationally, the people in the government will of course benefit the most from the death of the Son. After all, these two forces have been fighting for countless years. However, this hat is too big. No one dares to make a decision without conclusive evidence. , you can blame it on other parties at will, and a large part of the people involved in this matter come from within the Holy See.

The more we investigate, the more people die.

A high priest of the Presbytery who was about to leave hanged himself at home. The whereabouts of the head of the Judiciary Department of the Holy See are unknown. Even an archbishop died in the hands of his wife in his own manor, and the man who had always been known as The gentle woman jumped down from the bell tower of the manor and turned into a blooming blood flower on the ground.

In this tough and desperate investigation and resistance, someone finally boldly made a suggestion - whether to contact the people at the Holy Light Temple.

Pray to the omniscient and omnipotent Holy Light to bring an end to this crazy murder.

This proposal was immediately put on the agenda. However, after five full days of communication and arrangements, people from the Holy See finally contacted the Holy Light Temple, but what they received was indeed rejected without even thinking.

In fact, you can understand it if you think about it.

It's just that 20,000 people died, and the Holy Son is not really dead. How can such a trivial matter bother the Holy Light?

Moreover, if you want to communicate with the Holy Light, it will take a lot of hardships and pains for the servants of God to dare to face the great Holy Light. If during this period, one or two servants of God die because they cannot stand the sacred pressure of the Light. If he dies, then how much effort and time it will take to train additional servants of God.

Is all this really worth more than the tens of thousands of people who died?

Therefore, all investigations inevitably fell into the quagmire.

In the past few days, Sherlock had been surprisingly calm.

Whether in reality or in hell, he was too calm. In fact, he didn't know what was going on in reality, nor did he know that nearly half a month had passed, nor did he know that he was now. where.

Because he found himself unable to wake up in hell

It was as if he could no longer relate to the real world. It could even be said that that world was completely like a dream he had just woken up from. The real world was actually what he saw before him, desolate, dilapidated, and decayed.

He wanted to summon the black horse made of ashes, but there was no response. He wanted to tease the tentacles, but there was no response.

Everything under his control fell into an extremely weird state, as if they had also fallen into some kind of sleep that they could not wake up from.

In this way, Sherlock walked aimlessly, or simply sat on a rock, passing the time doing nothing. He wanted to see the Thames River in hell, but it seemed that he could not walk across it. Those who did not The distance that was considered too far suddenly seemed out of reach.

Therefore, most of the time, he could only stand in the middle of an intersection, raising his head and looking at the sun.

Yes, at this moment, the sun opened its eyes again, and kept them open, staring at the tiny human being far away, without any intention of closing them.

But this time, Sherlock never felt the pain of death that he felt when they looked at each other last time. The two eyes met without any obstruction.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

A tentacle slowly extends from those distant and endless universes toward the ground.

It seemed like a finger, cautiously, trying to touch this bloody city.

The closer it is to the ground, the smaller the tip of the tentacle becomes. In the end, it is really as thick as a finger.

At the same time, the tentacle also stopped at a position about a few dozen centimeters in front of Sherlock, motionless, as if pouring water into a certain moment, and this distance was just right for Sherlock to stretch out his hand and straighten his index finger. A place within reach.

Sherlock didn't know what this meant, but he seemed to have nothing else to do now, and his innate strong curiosity drove him to slowly raise his hand.

Approaching forward, approaching again, until finally at that moment, a human finger gently touched the tentacle spreading from the distance in the sky.

Theoretically speaking, it was Shylock who finally encountered the sun in the sky for the first time, the eye that watches all things.

For a moment, it seemed that the whole world was shaking, those sleeping tentacles were awakened, the whole hell began to scream, and a beam of light exploded instantly at the point of contact! !

There was a bang. Then it was as slow and long as the silence.

At the same time, in the real world, at the top of the highest mountain in the entire empire, stood the Holy Light Temple amid the white snow and cold wind that would never melt for ten thousand years.

A servant of God hurriedly pushed open a golden door, his eyes filled with fear that he had never seen before!

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