Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 139 The gathering of clues

Moran is a maid with the most traditional ideas.

Well, it's not that traditional. After all, there are still a few maids who escape from marriage with their masters in their arms. But as a maid, you should always restrain your sharpness when you are around your master.

But at this time, Moran was behind Moriarty, quiet and silent as usual, with lowered eyebrows, but even so, he still attracted all the attention.

Watson saw Sherlock's eyes and turned around, looking across the street.

Immediately afterwards, he was also stunned!

Even the eyes that had been slightly squinted couldn't help but open, showing a strong surprise.

Moran still has such a tall figure and is wearing the same maid uniform, but a mechanical arm is so eye-catching. The alloy steel extends to the shoulder. A small steam turbine is embedded in the shoulder armor. Although it behaves very quietly at this time, no one knows how it will run, because a suitable maid top has not yet been customized, resulting in the too soft fabric always getting stuck on the mechanical gears, which is very helpless. This arm can only be temporarily exposed, with an occasional glimmer of light under the not-so-bright sun.

Ever since the gates of hell opened and the empire began to vigorously develop steam, the Imperial Mechanical Institute has become a backbone force in promoting the development of human science and technology. Although there have been rumors for a long time, the Mechanical Institute has begun to pay attention to people as early as decades ago. Combining it with machinery is such a cutting-edge subject, but after so many years, no one knows to what extent this subject has been studied, and no one has seen with their own eyes that a person can really have a robotic arm.

At this time, in addition to the mechanical arm, Moran also had a black eyepatch on his left eye that was a bit too abrupt. He was dressed in the most traditional maid outfit, with fair skin, smooth long hair, and a quiet posture. All of these... In the attributes, a pair of eye patches suddenly appeared.

Although this eye patch is connected to the maid's hairband and does not look as ferocious as pirates or the gamblers in the lower city, it still feels very weird and people can't help but want to take a look. One glance.

In short, at this moment, a few people are separated by a long street. You look at me and I look at you when you are confused about each other.

After a few seconds, Sherlock finally spoke:

"Well, since you're all here, please come in."

There were so many people in the room all of a sudden, and Sherlock was still a little uncomfortable, so he found a few chairs and came over, so that Moriarty and Watson had a place to sit.

In fact, His Royal Highness the Son and Watson have never met formally, and there is still a strange sense of getting along between them.

"Hello, John Watson, retired military doctor."

"Hello, Moriarty, the Holy Son of the Holy See."

This extremely absurd self-introduction gave Sherlock a slight headache. If Watson's self-introduction was acceptable, then the introduction of [Holy Son of the Holy See] seemed a bit awkward.

What was even more awkward was that the two people in front of them shook hands in a friendly and cordial manner.

Of course, these two people are not good at each other. They both have a strong ability to read people, so during such a simple meeting, they both tried to read something about each other from the other's expressions, words and deeds. information, but at the same time they both found that they could not see through the other party at all.

In the end, they just got to know each other and smiled, thinking that the other person was Sherlock's friend after all, and that he should not be a simple person, so he felt relieved.

As for Moran, she did not sit down. Although she lost an eye and an arm, for her, not dying was already an additional gain; Nightingale's healing power could not make the lost limbs grow back. But it can repair all other damage, so Moran is in good condition at this time.

As usual, she tried her best to fulfill the duties of a maid and started to make tea for others. However, she found that Sherlock didn't even have tea in his house. In desperation, she could only pour three cups of hot water.

"Crack——" The kettle was crushed.

"Bang——!" The knob of the gas stove was pushed in directly, and a big hole was made out of the entire stove!

"I'm sorry, I haven't mastered the strength of my arms yet." Moran frowned and looked at his arms worriedly.

"We can do it ourselves." In order to prevent the house from being demolished and the landlady coming back, Sherlock ordered him to be executed. He quickly went over to get a few glasses of water and put them on the table.

Only then did the formal topic finally begin.

"Didn't you say you had something to talk to me about?" Sherlock said.

Then he saw Moriarty looking at Watson next to him with his peripheral vision, and emphasized with certainty: "If you want to tell me something related to the airship crash incident, then believe me, Watson is here and will Make this conversation more fruitful.”

Moriarty hesitated for a moment, seeming to think of the name the old man mentioned to him by the river that night, and then nodded: "Okay, then I'll get straight to the point and say that I want you to help me investigate. this matter."

"Oh?" Sherlock leaned back with interest: "Tell me more about it."

"There is nothing to say in detail. I just want you to investigate everything, including the cause, process, method, behind-the-scenes person, motivation, who passed through the intermediate links, and everything else." Moriarty said:

"Actually, I have been investigating these days, but the obstacles encountered in the process are quite big. The other party obviously knows the direction of my investigation, so they always cut off the chain of clues in advance. In the past half month, the top leaders of the Holy See have paid a great deal of effort. Nearly 20 bishop-level figures died, and the death of subordinate clergy reached nearly a hundred people. Many government officials were also assassinated. In short, the other party's power has a tendency to destroy everything. Even if it causes social unrest, it will This matter must be sealed forever.

It’s not that we can’t find it, it’s that we can’t continue to find it. "

His short words were filled with an extremely bloody determination. Sherlock didn't know who the other party was, but he had to admire the other party's methods. He was so tough, determined, no matter what, and didn't play at all. There are no childlike murder techniques or agency tricks, and I don't bother to get an alibi like in a detective novel.

Instead, they blatantly made it impossible to carry out the investigation and made the victim give up voluntarily.

Wanting to investigate but not daring to investigate is the most extreme method of murder.

"That's why I want you to investigate this matter." Moriarty continued: "You are just a private detective, you will not attract much attention, and you have no obvious faction, so when you get close to the case Before you get to the core, no one should care about you; although you don’t want to admit it, with your ability, if you get close to the core of the case, no one should be able to stop you."

Sherlock nodded. He was even a little excited when he thought that there must be extremely complicated details behind this matter. Of course, he couldn't laugh out loud now, as that would make him look a little abnormal:

"Well, since you, a holy son of the Holy See, have personally come to my house to ask me for help, then I will reluctantly accept this request." Sherlock sighed with some distress: "So... do you have any suggestions?"

"No." Moriarty said: "Our investigation directions have all been cut off."

Sherlock had known this for a long time, so he turned his attention to Watson standing aside: "Then do you have any direction?"

This question made Moriarty startled. He looked at the doctor next to him with some surprise. Could this person also be investigating the airship crash incident?

There are so many people in the Tribunal who can't find any useful clues, but can he?

When I thought that this doctor who looked a little too weak and beautiful was actually the object of the senior's attention, I couldn't help but sigh, what kind of monsters are surrounding this guy Sherlock?

"There are indeed some clues." Watson's tone was so understated: "When I was chatting with the Pope yesterday, I found something not quite right.

The Bohemian Administrative Region was under his jurisdiction, so he knew that those airships were lifted into the sky above his home, but he did not know at the time that a third-level great demon was also being transported on the airship. "

The scrutiny between Moriarty's brows and eyes deepened. This private doctor could actually chat with a great pope?

But he quickly accepted this. As I said just now, the people who can become Sherlock's friends are definitely not ordinary people.

But as the Holy Son of the Holy See, he still wanted to remind him: "How credible is what the Pope said?"

Watson narrowed his eyes and said with a polite smile: "Dear His Royal Highness the Holy Son, please rest assured that the Pope has a very good relationship with me. I guarantee that what he said is true and from the bottom of his heart."

When she heard the word 'heartfelt words', Moran on the side instinctively felt an extremely penetrating aura. She didn't know what the word meant, but she still moved closer to her master.

Moriarty signaled to the young servant behind him that there was no need to be nervous, and then said thoughtfully:

"The people from the Tribunal also found the place where the airship took off, but due to various reasons mentioned before, they did not follow up. But I can guarantee that all third-level demons are sealed on the giant island of Odilia. If you want Leaving the island without authorization is an extremely difficult matter. If it is secretly transported to a certain diocese, loaded onto an airship and launched into the sky, it will be impossible without the nod of the pope in that area."

"Unless...the third-order big demon took off through normal channels." Sherlock inserted a sentence at the right time.

"Normal channels?" Moriarty seemed to realize something: "You mean, first apply for Devil's Island through normal channels, and then erase all the people and records in this channel?"

"Yes, although it is a bit crazy, a lot of people must have died on the giant island of Odilia during this period. I think based on the urine of those guys, they can do it."

Faced with this idea, Moriarty did not subconsciously refute it according to conventional ideas, but quickly accepted it and continued to think in this direction:

"There are not many reasonable channels for third-level demons to leave the island. Among them are the emergency call from the Hell Gate front line, the application of the demon contractor himself, and the demonic experiments required by the Academy of Life Sciences." Moriarty quickly sorted out what he had learned during this period. of survey results.

The frontline call can basically be ruled out, because the erasure plan of the participants will be very difficult to implement. No one dares to casually kill contractors with frontline military background. Those Crusaders value the lives of their comrades. To the extent that it even overrides the laws of the empire.

If you dare to touch their comrades, then the entire Contractor Division will dare to travel across mountains and rivers to the Empire's territory, and fight for justice in exchange for military punishment.

As for the application of the devil contractor himself, it can also be ruled out. On the day after the assassination of that guy, eighteen generations of his ancestors were turned upside down by the people of the Tribunal. Oh, that guy seems to be an orphan. In short, , he has no channel to apply for Devil's Island.


"Is it the Academy of Life Sciences?"

After Sherlock heard the news, he thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

But then, he suddenly thought of something

Catherine seems to have obvious connections to the Academy of Life Sciences.

Did that woman ever say that she would have trouble with him before the day of holy love?

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