Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 145 One after another

Chapter 145 One piece after another.

Sherlock looked at the man's back and felt that this man seemed quite interesting.

He was very clear about Moriarty's methods. There was absolutely no chance of a single flaw in his personal resume. As for his appearance on the Day of Holy Love, he could definitely suppress it with the operation of the Holy Son. In other words, he He must have entered the screening as a civilian.

In this case, the skepticism shown by the people around you is the attitude you should have.

This is not to say that these judges are uneducated or self-righteous, but that as judicial personnel of the Holy See, they should have this kind of pride. This is a subconscious maintenance of the majesty of the Holy See.

So this judge named Hopkins is a little too friendly to him.

Not only is he friendly, he even thinks a bit too highly of himself.

Looking at the man again, I found that he had sat back among the crowd. Some people wearing tribunal robes also naturally approached. It could be seen that he had good prestige among the crowd.

"Civilian?" A rough-looking man seemed a little displeased: "I don't quite understand the meaning of this person's existence in this lounge. These old guys from the Academy of Life Sciences think that their cases have to be dealt with by the tribunal. Isn't it enough? Why call so many people and do some screening?

Even if he doesn’t want too many people involved and is prepared to investigate the case secretly, or he is worried about the government’s face.

Okay, I can understand this.

But what's going on with this private detective? "

It can be heard between the lines that this person is very dissatisfied with the arrangements of the Academy of Sciences.

"So, do you think there's anything wrong with my show of kindness to that person just now?" Hopkins looked at the person beside him calmly.

"Of course not, I just think that a private detective might not be able to help much, and..." After being glanced at, the man quickly explained, but his tone became weaker and weaker, and finally he simply shut up.

Hopkins sipped the drink in the cup: "I don't care what you think, but for this screening, we must go all out. The Academy of Life Sciences seems to be acting secretly and does not want to make it public, but in fact it uses extremely complex methods. network, invitations were sent to every administrative region throughout the empire.

And the most important thing is that this incident actually invited the Holy See and the government to intervene at the same time. Either the people of the Academy of Life Sciences are stupid, or they have absolutely sufficient reasons and the situation is absolutely urgent.

I promise, this case is definitely not simple.

In this case, if we make a contribution in this operation, what we can get will definitely be an unimaginable wealth, and it may even affect the future tendency and attitude of the Academy of Life Sciences towards the Holy See.

So, cheer me up! "

Hopkins is only 34 years old this year and has only been in the trial court for three years, but he has already reached the position of third division judge.

Although the people around them are all judges and their positions seem to be similar, almost all of them have worked for almost ten years before reaching their current status.

There are even rumors that this genius, who has been on the job for three years, will take over as the presiding judge next year.

So at this rate, he is likely to be promoted to trial in the next few years, and even become one of the top jurors in the trial court before the age of 50.

Even the youngest Justice of the Inquisition since the start of the Holy Calendar?

Although all of this is just speculation and imagination under the best circumstances, Mr. Hopkins has indeed demonstrated extremely amazing strength in a short period of time, whether it is strategy, reasoning, decision-making, execution, or unbridled divergence. Thinking, and intuition that can be called terrifying, he has easily become the most outstanding person of this generation.

And the strong should be respected.


The people around him didn't speak loudly, but they all responded with great caution.

Hopkins nodded. In fact, several of his colleagues around him are also extremely outstanding people. Otherwise, they would not have received the invitation. It's just that some are too proud, some are too pious, or are too smart, so He seemed a little lazy. In short, he was not worried about how these people would perform during the screening.

So during the process just now, his eyes kept 'accidentally' scanning the civilian detective not far away, and his eyes became more and more cautious and sharp.

London is a very common city, and the capital of steam is often mentioned in the cases of the Inquisition.

Just half a year ago, there was a case in London in which the wife of a deacon of the Adjudication Department was tortured and murdered. Originally, this kind of case was not very eye-catching to the Inquisition, whose scope of supervision covers the entire empire. Compared to a Pope Fucking another pope's daughter is really childish.

But coincidentally, this London case was handled by Hopkins.

Although the case was already over when he handled it, and the deacon of the Judgment Department had been killed on the spot, there was only one battle nun and one high priest on the list of cases.

Although the strength of these two people is not weak, compared with the guys from the Judgment Division who only know how to chase and kill, they still seem to be a bit lacking.

Even if you add dozens of temporarily deployed steam armors, it won't work.

With this suspicion, after reading the files many times, Hopkins finally focused on a private detective who was "temporarily assisting".

Although the name of the private detective was not mentioned in the case, nor what exactly he did, Hopkins felt that the private detective definitely played an incomparable role in this case. important role.

In fact, he is the key to solving this case safely.

After several hours of waiting, finally, all the people who entered the screening today have arrived.

The School of Life Sciences also adhered to their usual style of doing things. There was no opening remarks, no time for everyone to introduce each other, and they did not even change places. Only a staff member walked into the break with a trolley. room.

On the trolley, there was a pile of paper, or in other words, test papers.

No one thought that the Academy of Life Sciences, the most cutting-edge and high-end scientific research institution in the entire empire, would have such a primitive method of selecting places.

However, the thickness of the stack of test papers made everyone present feel a pressure coming towards their faces.

It is nearly two meters long, and it is thick. It needs to be tied with cloth tape on the trolley, and the length of each piece of paper is about half a meter long by visual inspection.

There are about 30 people in the lounge now, so if they are evenly distributed, how many questions does one person need to do?

I'm afraid I won't be able to finish reading it.

Just when everyone was shocked, the staff member who pushed the cart in was very polite, bowed slightly to everyone, and then said:

"Hello everyone, as you can see, these are the test questions used to select test candidates this time." He patted the test paper next to him that was almost reaching the ceiling:

"Here are real files collected from all the major administrative regions of the empire. Of course, the closed cases have been omitted, leaving only clues and testimonies. The regions are different, the times are different, and even the administrative regions are different at different times, different places, etc. The laws are also different. In short, what everyone here has to do is to find the murderers of these cases just like the investigators at the time.

If you have completed one dossier, you can come and get another one. If you feel that the dossier in your hand is not suitable for you, you can also come and change it. The entire test lasts until midnight. During this period, you can take a break at will. There are food and drinks in the room. If you feel tired, you can go to the rest room to take a nap. If you need to talk to family or friends, the lounge is also equipped with a phone.

Of course, everyone has their own habits. If you need some special equipment, cigarette brand, wine, or chocolate, etc., you can ask our staff. If conditions permit, we will try our best to help you complete it.

After the time is over, the Academy of Sciences will have dedicated personnel to tally their performance. The judging criteria include but are not limited to accuracy, quantity, suitable case types, amazing ideas, description of the thinking process, etc.


Testing begins. "

After saying that, the person divided the test papers beside him into several piles, then walked to the corner of the room and stood there very upright, like a sculpture.

There was a moment of silence.

Some people in the room were still marveling at how simple and crude the screening test of the Academy of Life Sciences was, directly pulling in all the cases within the Quan Empire as questions; some were pondering whether there were any rules under this rule. Better answering strategies; more people were looking at each other, expressing their surprise at the length of the test, and their dissatisfaction with the operation of "can't change it".

But the good thing is, no one wants to cheat.

As I said before, the people here are all elites in their respective fields. Of course, they will not choose to cheat or take advantage of loopholes in this situation. Not only is their pride not allowed, the key is that they will not treat the Academy of Life Sciences as fools. He won't even joke about his own future.

Soon, the first person stood up, walked to the file and flipped through it, then took a copy and returned to his seat to read it carefully.

Immediately afterwards, everyone stood up and selected the dossier they seemed to be good at. For a moment, the entire rest room became extremely quiet, with only the sound of some pen tips scratching the pages.

Sherlock also took a file, but instead of selecting it, he walked over, touched one at the top, and came back.

His behavior didn't attract too many people's attention. After all, it doesn't necessarily mean he's really good at it if he seems good at it. The progress of the case is so complicated that no one can predict it.

But 15 minutes after he sat back down, he suddenly stood up again. Instead of putting the file back, he took another one.

A few people raised their heads and saw this scene, but they didn't pay much attention and quickly turned their attention to their own tests again.

Until more than 20 minutes passed.


It was the soft sound of the sofa chair scraping against the ground. Sherlock stood up again, then came to the trolley and took another one without even choosing.

Finally, some people cast doubtful or even extremely displeased looks on him.

"Is this guy causing trouble?"

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