Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 149 List

The Academy of Life Sciences is worthy of being the most powerful scientific and technological gathering place in the entire empire. It has more than 200 laboratories and more than 100 large-scale production plants. However, compared to London, there is no overly hazy fog here.

The midday sun shines through the long street without any obstruction. Although the huge steam pipelines on both sides are somewhat rusty, they do not look aged at all due to long-term maintenance and repairs. You can even feel a sense of age when walking along them. The stocks have inexplicable energy.

It was still Building 7 in the administrative area, but this time, Sherlock walked into a large conference room.

The School of Life Sciences sent out a total of about 400 invitations this time, and the screening test alone took several days. At this moment, the conference room was full of people, but everyone seemed to be a little uneasy and nervous, so that There was silence in the conference room.

As mentioned before, there is a gap between genius and genius, so even though many people here claim to have superior abilities, after coming into contact with so many equally talented people, they are not sure that they can pass the screening.

The seats in the venue have been divided long ago, and people who participated in the same batch of tests sit together, so everyone around Sherlock remembers this private detective from London, and they all look sideways when they see him coming, with a look in their eyes. The meaning is very complex.

Instead, Hopkins smiled politely at him, and Sherlock naturally responded.

Soon, everyone had arrived, and a person who came to the podium in the conference room was the manager of the Human Resources Department, Ms. Clairson.

He also held a list in his hand.

At this moment, everyone in the venue seemed to be in a state of 'holding their breath'.

I saw this woman who was nearly 50 years old looking at the audience with a stern attitude, her eyes sweeping around everyone's faces. In fact, some of the people participating in the screening were about the same age as her, but in this atmosphere, I couldn't help but feel tremendous pressure.

"Everyone here should have guessed that we are invited here because the School of Life Sciences has encountered some troubles." Ms. Clairson went straight to the topic as always, without even saying "Hello everyone": "So this screening is extremely strict. , the list will be announced below, a total of five people."


The silence off the field was finally broken.

At the beginning of this assessment, the School of Life Sciences did not announce the reasons for the assessment, nor did it announce the number of people who passed the assessment. Although everyone could vaguely guess that this number must not be large, the elimination rate of only five people was too high.

Those who came with the invitation letter can almost be said to be the most prominent figures in various fields of the empire. With the quality of personnel, only five were selected. What a difficult thing this Academy of Life Sciences encountered this time, and this The level of confidentiality is too high.

In response to the sudden discussion in the audience, Ms. Clairson signaled silence and said in a soothing tone:

"You don't need to be too surprised. Failure to pass the assessment does not mean that you have no strength. In fact, receiving the invitation letter is enough to prove that this hospital recognizes everyone's strength.

It's just that the situation faced is special, so only five places can be released.

Next, let’s start announcing the list. "

As she said that, she had already opened the small piece of paper in her hand.

All the test participants in the audience also pricked up their ears. Most of them felt that they had no hope, but they were still curious about what kind of person could stand out among so many people. !

Gradually, names were read out one by one.

With the appearance of each name, there seemed to be a burst of strong suppression, but there was still a gathering of exclamations. Almost all of these cries contained an attitude of 'approval', as if everyone felt that, If such a talent is qualified to be selected, then it seems to be excusable for him to be eliminated.

"Tobias Gregson, captain of the ninth squadron of the Imperial Royal Investigation Corps."

This was the third name that was read out, and almost no one felt that this person's selection was inappropriate. Three years ago, Gregson was still a detective. He led four new police detectives under him to investigate a smuggling case, and then followed the clues to uncover a terrorist attack on Ilmos Parish. At the final crisis, he sneaked into the enemy's hinterland and almost single-handedly shattered the conspiracy that had been brewing for 12 years. Afterwards, more than 700 tons of homemade explosives were found throughout the diocese. His achievement was equivalent to one person saving 300 people. Thousands of people.

Courage, strategy, and intelligence are all incomparable to ordinary people. The most rare thing is the indomitable execution ability. Within the team, he is the planner with a strong voice, and after leaving the team, he is the most powerful. As a lone hero, coupled with his comprehensive qualities shown in the assessment, no one dared to question his selection.

"The fourth candidate: Stanley Hopkins, the third judge of the Tribunal under the Holy See."

No one seemed surprised by the appearance of this name. Even the imperial government had heard of this young man who was recognized as a genius. Not only that, but he had heard rumors that he seemed to have broken the contract a few months ago. The limit of the second stage has reached the third stage!

The people on the Holy See's side have a tacit understanding and do not make overly excited gestures. They act so naturally, but an atmosphere of pride is also coming out, as if they want to say that your government does have something to offer. Guy, but we in the Holy See also have a once-in-a-century genius.

Okay, the overt and secret fighting between these two groups has existed since the beginning of the Holy Calendar and continues to this day. Under such circumstances, it is natural to secretly compare.

But at this moment, everyone is more curious about what kind of person this fifth person is. Is there anyone on the field who can be compared with these few?


"Fifth place, London, Lower Town, Private Detective Sherlock Holmes."

Ms. Clairson read, at this point, all the candidates had been announced, and she slowly closed the list in her hand.

But the atmosphere in the conference room seemed a little different.

Because there was no exclamation or admiration, but silence and doubt intertwined with each other.

Those who were silent were all those who participated in the screening at the same time as Sherlock that day. Their silence was due to shock or disbelief, and some of their faces turned slightly pale;

The ones who were confused were the other people. They asked each other in low voices, and some turned their heads back and forth, as if they were looking for where this powerful person came from. Are they lonely and ignorant? Why did they do it before? I've never heard of it. Wait, why is the title "Private Detective"?

All in all, this scene lasted for quite a while.

Just when someone finally got rid of the shock in their hearts and began to mutter "impossible", they even wanted to get up angrily and shout that there was an inside story, but they didn't know the reason for such an inside story.

Suddenly, someone hurriedly ran up to the venue. He didn’t know what he was panicking about. He didn’t even look at Ms. Clairson on the stage and shouted directly to the audience:

"Mr. Sherlock Holmes?"

"Excuse me, who is Mr. Sherlock Holmes?!"

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