Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 160 What about above the law?


The empire's oaths are substantial and have extremely high execution standards. Although the oaths of most people will not be taken seriously, the oaths of a Vatican clergy must be the most important and the most concerned.

Catherine's hand representing the oath slowly lowered, like a strong and magnificent building collapsing.

But the roar of the building's collapse only fell on the ears of others, but Catherine herself did not have any complicated emotional changes. Instead, she was calm and indifferent, as if she had picked a leaf by the roadside and was accidentally blown by the wind. Take it away, just look at the empty fingertips and smile lightly.

It was such a casual scene that made those who were lying on the ground and wailing stunned. They stared blankly at the woman in front of them, almost forgetting the pain in their bodies.

A clergyman, a devout battle nun, those achievements, wealth, respect, and faith that are earned through countless wanderings between life and death. These are the most precious things to anyone, and countless people What you want to pursue all your life.

Just like that. Abandoned?

Yes, abandoned. Voluntarily, without even any hesitation.

With such an extremely cold and ruthless move, Catherine told everyone in the laboratory that she didn't care about anything. She was already ready to face any difficulties and was already ready to abandon everything.

Sherlock looked at the woman who had given him arrogance and prejudice, and suddenly smiled. He wanted to take out a cigarette, but this was a laboratory and smoking was not allowed, so he had to smile even happier. As for Vice President Holk not far away, he was so surprised that he didn't move at this moment, and even felt a little cold. He looked at Catherine's face blankly, and after a while, he realized that he had forgotten to breathe, and his lungs Instinctively, he relaxed quickly, and the cold wind passed through his organs, causing several coughs.

Sure enough, this woman is just like her father!

Dean Darwin was able to abandon everything he had for a crazy idea and resolutely devote more than 30 years of time and effort. And now her daughter is also paranoid about investigating a non-existent murder case because of an idea that has no basis. .

Just as stubborn and determined, not even giving himself the slightest way out.

But if this kind of stubbornness reaches the extreme, it seems that it can show some kind of strange strength. Vice President Holk thought that he did not have this kind of stubbornness, so he was angry and looked at the woman in front of him. , it was like seeing the person who had suppressed him for most of his life.

"Very well. I'm waiting for the day when you and your father's death become a laughing stock."

The vice president said coldly, then turned and walked out of the laboratory, ignoring the security personnel who were struggling to get up.

On the other hand, Catherine looked at those people with a faint smile, but her chin was slightly raised, with an indescribable pride.

"Do I need to contact the infirmary for you?"

"No, no need."

One of the people who was relatively close said, holding his shoulder in pain and trying to put the dislocated joint back together.

The vice-dean had already left, so there was no need for them to continue spending time here. They apologized slightly to Miss Catherine, then supported each other and walked towards the door.

And during this process, their eyes looked at Catherine with respect, not the kind of respect that soldiers had for powerful clergy, but something deeper and more indescribable.

At the same time, some people looked at the private detective standing next to Miss Catherine.

In the brief contact just now, these people have clearly felt that the other party has been working hard to suppress their strength, otherwise, everyone in their group will definitely have to explain here.

At this point in my thoughts, while expressing my gratitude to him, I suddenly had an idea that some men like to speculate on. They didn't know why Miss Catherine chose a little-known private detective among so many strong people. Maybe she saw it. It seems that this person has hidden greater strength, but if he has some other tricks, he doesn't seem to be at a disadvantage.

Just like that, the vice-dean of the School of Life Sciences came to him with anger, and then walked away with even stronger anger. When he was young, he couldn't defeat her father, and he finally died until he died. Now he found that he couldn't take his daughter. I really don't know if this respected old professor will be able to sleep after returning home.

But no one cares how he sleeps.

Because in the afternoon of that day, a piece of news in the newspaper almost caused a sudden landslide and tsunami throughout the entire empire.

"The Imperial Emperor's Changing Ceremony will be held at the end of this year"

It's such a simple title

The Holy Journal actually published an additional issue for it.

Because the date of the Transposition Ceremony has never changed in the entire Holy Calendar, but this time, it suddenly moved more than four months earlier.

No one knows what this means, but it is conceivable that the next day, countless versions of rumors will pop up like weeds after the rain, and occupy 90% of the topics of conversation among the citizens of the empire after dinner.

On the cover of the entire page of the Holy Journal, the heads of the two people were placed together.

On the left is an old man with a gray beard and friendly eyebrows. There is no trace of the powerlessness of old age in his pupils that have turned white due to the baptism of time. Instead, he looks down at everything under the sky like white catkins in the clouds, and also records countless things. The wrinkles of time are like the countless mountains and valleys on the territory of the empire. Each one carries a certain kind of tenacity, tenacity, and magnificent wisdom that has been nurtured for a long time.

Augustine the Great was the most powerful emperor recorded in the sacred calendar and protected the great existence of the empire for nearly a hundred years. Even because he was so dazzling, after several generations of changes, his image has become an inherent symbol of the emperor of the empire.

It's as if the emperor of the empire should look like this and will always look like this.

And on the other side of the newspaper.

Although the challenger was over fifty, but slightly greener than Emperor Augustine, he was leaning sideways and smiling at everyone who read the newspaper.

Some people looked familiar to this person, but couldn't remember it for a while. It wasn't until someone with a good memory reminded them that they finally realized it.

Isn't this the man who is said to want to start an energy revolution?

Called. What is called Franklin?

No one seemed to have noticed before that he was actually the challenger to Emperor Augustine this time, so now they couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But Sherlock would certainly not be surprised. He even knew that this man with a Ph.D. in energy science had a brief encounter with Moriarty and saved Moran's life in some extremely weird way.

From this point of view, the majestic Holy Son of the Holy See also showed some tendencies that should not appear during the Transposition Ceremony.

At this time, Shylock was sitting by the window of a restaurant, looking at the newspaper in his hand with some contemplation. However, he did not pay attention to the challenger that everyone was very concerned about. Instead, he looked at Emperor Augustine intently, as if I feel that this great king has not changed much since he was a child until now.

It's already noon now, and when investigating a case, you always need to eat.

Catherine sat opposite him, also holding a newspaper in her hand.

Suddenly, Sherlock asked:

"Say, if the Holy Son of the Holy See dies, who will benefit the most?"

Catherine frowned, not knowing why Sherlock would ask such a question, but she still thought for a moment and happened to see the picture on the front page of the newspaper: "Emperor?"

"Why do you think so?" Sherlock smiled.

"The empire and the Holy See are not harmonious to begin with. If an important person on one side dies, the other side will definitely benefit."

Sherlock nodded: "Yes, this is an answer that even the freight workers on the dock can think of."

"So why are you asking this?" Catherine looked suspicious: "Also, why do you look so sad?"

Sherlock sighed slightly and looked at the flow of people outside the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long while, he finally muttered leisurely:

“The reason why criminals are criminals is because they have the law above their heads, so they can be convicted and naturally punished according to the law.

But what about someone who is above the law?

For them, is there any concept of ‘crime’?

If there is no more, then how to impose sanctions? "

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