Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 164 And Money and Women

The smile on the face of the woman named Irene was very light, but very charming. Her beautiful eyes had a perfect arc, and if you look at the eyes alone, they are almost comparable to Nightingale.

And the right touch of charm gives these eyes a hint of temptation that Miss Nightingale does not have. This is something that only those who have experienced countless ups and downs in life can truly look at it from a woman's perspective. The eyes of this world.

However, after returning the smiles of Sherlock and Catherine, the woman did not come over, let alone start a topic. She just stood up slowly and left the bar.

It was as if the reason she opened the priceless bottle of wine was because she felt that Catherine was in a rare good mood today.

Catherine watched Miss Irene go.

And Sherlock was also looking at Irene's back silently.

It was not that they were silent about each other's wine, but that during the process of Irene's departure, a very tall and strong man unexpectedly walked out of the shadows slowly, followed her quietly, and walked out. .

During these few steps, the man didn't say a word, and even lowered his head slightly, assuming a somewhat humble posture. He looked like an ordinary big bodyguard, but the figure hidden in his clothes gave Sherlock A momentary feeling of danger.

Moreover, Sherlock didn't even notice him before he walked out of the shadows.

"Who is this Miss Irene Adler?" he couldn't help but ask.

"A rich man," Catherine answered.

"Rich man?"

"Yes, she is a rich person, not a banker or a businessman, um, maybe both, but no one knows yet what kind of property she has and how much money she has. She is very mysterious.

As for her apparent identity, she is the owner of this bar. "

"I see." Sherlock picked up the cup in front of him and tasted the wine carefully, but he didn't think it tasted very good, so he said with a pity: "Then is she trying to show her favor to you? "

Catherine thought for a while, then shook her head: "I don't know, she and I are not that familiar. I just met her a few times when I came here to eat, and we have no other interactions. In fact, this is what we do First greeting between.”

Speaking of this, Catherine suddenly realized something. She looked at Sherlock extremely seriously. She even narrowed her eyes and began to examine him seriously. After a few seconds, she finally spoke slowly:

"She can't do it for you."

Outside the bar door, a carriage had stopped at some point.

Irene and the extraordinarily burly bodyguard walked into the carriage. The coachman waved his riding crop gently, and the carriage began to move forward.

Sitting on her seat, Erin looked at her bodyguard's fists that were constantly clenching and opening, and smiled slightly: "Don't keep things in your heart, Godfrey, just ask if you want to."

As soon as these words came out, the bodyguard named Godfrey seemed to have received some kind of pardon. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately asked:

"Miss, that bottle of wine is your treasure. A few years ago, when the Imperial Finance Minister came to visit, you were reluctant to open it. Today, you made an exception because of the daughter of the old dean?"

Irene's smile became even prettier. Any man might fall for this charming gesture, but the strong man who was over 210 centimeters tall did not dare to have the slightest blasphemous intention.

"Of course it's not because of that little girl." Eileen said: "It's because of the person opposite her. But I can't just walk over and say, 'I want to make friends with you.' That would be too abrupt, so I have to Start from that little girl’s perspective.”

Eileen should be just over 30 years old. Maybe she takes good care of herself and looks younger than her actual age, but no matter what, she should not be called Catherine.

But when she said this title, she didn't feel it was inappropriate.

"That man?" Godfrey frowned, and several hideous wrinkles like scars appeared on his forehead: "Isn't that guy just a private detective?"

"Yes. But for a private detective to be chosen among so many people, he must have something extraordinary. Moreover, didn't you see that the little girl from the Darwin family was in a good mood? She trusted the detective, not only Because the other party also felt that her father was murdered, and more importantly, she really felt that that man could really help her find the murderer."

Godfrey's brows softened a little, but not completely.

Because in his eyes, no matter how extraordinary the detective is, even if he can really find the murderer, he is still not worthy of the young lady's overtures.

"Haha, of course there are other reasons." Eileen could easily see the thoughts of her bodyguard, so she continued:

"Some time ago, there was an airship crash in London. This is not a secret. Nightingale happened to be in London at that time. Of course, this is not a secret either.

However, no one noticed that a man named Sherlock Holmes participated in the registration for the cure, but was screened out because his condition was not urgent enough.

No one noticed that at dusk that day, a call was made from a public telephone hall outside the London Medical Association. The number was the Auckland Cathedral in London.

This church is the main venue for the Day of Holy Love.

And just behind the church, there is a small villa that was built at the same time. "

Godfrey listened to his lady's words very seriously.

Although he looked like a muscular man from any angle, in fact, his thoughts were much more delicate than those of ordinary men, otherwise he would not have been able to stay with Irene.

So after hearing these words, he gradually realized something, but the idea was so surprising that he didn't say anything for a long time.

Seeing that the other party had been silent, Aileen turned her head and looked out the window. The lights in the night were like stars on the dark sky:

"Yes, I know this conjecture is a bit unrealistic. After all, the other party is just a civilian, but if the guy named Sherlock really knows the Holy Son of the Holy See, then everything seems to be extremely logical.

And haven’t you noticed that after the Holy Love Day was held in London this year, no newspapers published relevant reports. Although it can be understood that it was covered up by the airship crash incident, it can’t be so clean.

Therefore, something must have happened on the Day of Holy Love.

Even, there are some things hidden in the airship crash incident that I don't dare to think about, and all these things have the shadow of this private detective in them.

And now that the old dean is dead, this guy just appears in the School of Life Sciences, next to the dean's daughter.

Haha, I can guarantee that that bottle of wine is worth opening."

Irene said, still looking at the scenery outside the window, with a smile on her lips, but there seemed to be a strange resentment gradually appearing in that smile:

"But I'm worried that this bottle of wine won't win much favor from the detective. After all, I will have to apologize to him in person soon."

Godfrey did not answer this sentence

In his eyes, the woman in front of him is almost the smartest woman in the world, so when the word 'apologise' comes out of her mouth, people will naturally think... That guy named Sherlock Not worthy!

But then I thought that just this afternoon, the transport airship flying from Redeker Strait had landed outside the Academy of Life Sciences.

And that terrifying commander who was on the front line of the Gate of Hell, and whose name would make people fearful, was now on his way here.

Godfrey was in a much better mood.

Because Commander Baskerville came this time to recover his contracted demon, and his demon was used as an important 'evidence' to kill the old dean, and the detective would definitely not let it be taken away casually. Walk.

In this case, there will definitely be some intersection between the two people.

And according to Baskerville's bloodthirsty nature.

That guy named Sherlock will definitely die directly in his hands.

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