Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 17 Research on Blood Letters (8)

His movements were not fast, compared to those of the contractors, it was almost like moving in slow motion.

But his movements were so silent, and he completely disappeared into the night without paying attention.

At the moment when Sherlock disappeared, the old man who had just relaxed suddenly trembled and seemed to have discovered something. He actually stared into the depths of the billowing smoke with an unbelievable look.

In the sky, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky at an inappropriate time.

The old priest's old body suddenly burst out with a roar!


Without warning.

I wonder who he wants to let go? Where to run? How to run? Why run?

He wasn't even sure if he really wanted to say the word 'run'. Maybe at this moment, he could only reflexively condense all his words and shock into a random pronunciation.

However, he was still too slow.

In the thick smoke, a withered figure suddenly appeared, covered in blood, like a dead branch swaying helplessly in the heavy rain.

But the figure's speed was so slow, so fast that it was beyond people's imagination, but their eyes caught his tiny body and saw that he was holding a pitch-black one-meter-long spike in his hand. He made a gesture of throwing high in the air.

Unfortunately, all of this is just the image of light entering the pupil, but no one's brain can react in any way.


The blood-stained slender arm burst out with an incredible force, until there was an explosion in the sky. It was the sound of the strange force beating the air. The sharp thorn in his hand was like a dark light, instantly piercing the air. It passed through the entire long street, and before anyone had time to make a shocked expression, it had already penetrated the huge vine above the bell tower.

There was another "Bang!" explosion. The sporangium in the center of the plant explodes instantly, and the black-green sap that sticks to you inside is like a disgusting firework!

If the contracted creature is injured, the contractor will suffer a great degree of backlash, so Catherine on the side fell to her knees miserably almost at the same time, with a large amount of blood spurting out of her mouth.

This was not over yet, because when the explosion spread, the alien body had already burst out of the smoke and jumped straight towards the unsuspecting old priest.

It was only then that the roar of lightning came, heavy rain fell from the sky, and some people who were not quick to react finally saw the whole figure clearly!

That should be Lord Badr, because he still wears the tattered blood-red deacon's robe, but his appearance has completely changed from its original appearance.

It can even be said that only the most basic bones and skin are left. The originally strong muscles have completely disappeared at this time. Only the outline of the body can be vaguely seen in the wide and drooping robe, matching its dry bones. What's more, it's the head with drooped scalp and the terrifying bright red eyeballs.

When the old priest saw the other party in such a state, his eyes were splitting for the first time, because he incredibly thought of a possibility: the reason why the other party was able to explode with such terrifying lethality in such a near-death situation, could it be that Because he's sacrificing everything he has?

Everything mentioned here naturally includes muscles, internal organs, mental power, and even the life of his contracted creature, all the things he still owns; it is precisely because of this sacrifice that all the muscles in his body have become All the tissue was instantly transformed into crazy nutrients, making it extremely thin and terrifying.

This method of sacrifice, in which both body and soul are destroyed, comes from a potion developed within the Holy See in conjunction with the [Academy of Life Sciences].

It is extremely precious, and according to legend, only the most devout clergy can obtain it.

However, isn’t this medicine still in the development stage?

Why does Baldur have a bottle in his hand?

Did he steal it? Or did he get it quietly through some connections? It was even said that he was willing to use himself as a test subject?

The old priest couldn't guess at all. In short, this sudden change was completely beyond his expectation.

Precisely because of this, the old priest was so shocked that he could only widen his eyes as a reflex, witnessing the strange and twisted slender body approaching him in an instant.

That body was too miserable and too thin. The desperate killing power gained from burning all the nutrients left him with no extra strength to protect himself. But with such a body, as long as he was allowed to touch it, The moment the priest met, the latter must have been stabbed to pieces in an instant! Then, the remaining crazy power will drive this withered body to do everything it can to kill and destroy all life around it until it itself is shattered to pieces.

Everything happened too fast. In fact, until now, the heavy rain had just crossed the gap between the sky and the ground, hitting the long street with crackling sounds, turning the blood on the ground into puddles of smelly mud.

No one could have imagined that this would be the result, and naturally no one was prepared.

Catherine didn't, nor did the old priest, nor did all the surrounding papal guards.


It seems one person has.

Just hear a soft sound in the rain curtain.

That was the sound of a bullet coming out of the barrel. Under the continuous violent roar just now, the sound of the gunshot was so clear and sweet.

This inconspicuous bullet passed through the entire street, passed through the smell of blood everywhere, passed through the wreckage of several steam armors and minced rotten meat, and also shattered a few drops of rainwater, and finally , facing the chest of the emaciated body that came in an instant, it hit hard!

Not much noise was made at this moment, and Deacon Bader didn't even scream.

Because after he swallowed the potion, his reason was also part of the sacrifice, so it had almost no ability to feel pain at this time.

However, because there is no solid muscle as a buffer and protection, the impact of the bullet collides with its own terrifying speed. The momentary shock caused the skinny figure to stumble suddenly, and the slight deflection under high-speed movement , like a speeding train that suddenly derailed, overturned with a rumble, and then rolled crazily in the sticky blood all over the ground.

On the other side of the rain curtain, Sherlock stood with a gun in hand. His messy hair was washed and flowed down his face. The cold night wind turned his face pale.

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