Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 177 Monster, what can you say?

Judging from the performance at this moment, those investigators who are good at reasoning and collecting evidence, the warriors who dare to destroy criminal organizations alone, or those who are known as the geniuses of the Tribunal, seem to have no power.

Otherwise, why would everyone look a little surprised at such a trivial matter.

It's just a woman inviting a man to take her home. This kind of scene is the most common in every bar in the empire.

But at this moment, no one said anything, and all eyes were looking back and forth between Irene and Sherlock. Anyway, there was only such a large space at the table, so there was no need to hide it.

Everyone is shocked that Irene's behavior is so simple and direct, as if no matter who she sends an invitation to, she will get a positive reply. And when did Sherlock get together with this mysterious woman? of?

Eileen remained unobtrusive under the scrutiny of these eyes, and just looked at Sherlock quietly. As for Sherlock, he was actually thinking about the long cigarette in Eileen's hand, the mole on her chin, the glass of wine a few days ago, and why the other party proposed such a weird invitation to him.

But he knew that it was useless to think any more, because this woman said that she knew the information about Experimenter No. 37, so he could not refuse her invitation.

Appearing at the exact place at the exact time, with a piece of extremely useful information, it seems to be just a very simple chance encounter. The amount of extremely delicate thoughts contained in this group must be beyond the imagination of many people, otherwise It was impossible for Sherlock to refuse.

The last person he couldn't refuse was the old beggar from the Day of Holy Love, but that old beggar was more rude and shameless. If he didn't give him a cigarette, he wouldn't leave.

And those two cigarettes, through the hands of the old beggar, facilitated the meeting with His Royal Highness the Holy Son and brought a new energy promoter named Franklin onto the political stage.

So what will Irene's invitation bring?

Sherlock couldn't think of it yet, but as he said just now, he couldn't refuse this woman. So I could only assume the most gentlemanly posture, slowly stand up and bow slightly to the woman in front of me: "Sherlock Holmes, I am willing to serve you."

Eileen smiled, as if when she really looked at Sherlock, her smile was always particularly sincere: "Great, I know Mr. Holmes is a very graceful person, so before midnight tomorrow night , I will wait in this bar, I think you will not leave a lonely lady like me."

She said jokingly, and then suddenly thought of something: "Oh, by the way, [Duncan], this is the person you are looking for."

After saying that, she stopped disturbing him, waved her hand charmingly, turned and left.

And as she left, the extremely exaggerated attendant suddenly appeared from nowhere and followed her slowly. Among the people at the table, except for Sherlock and Hopkins, almost everyone couldn't help but He was startled for a moment, probably because he had just noticed this person whose presence was extremely weak.

Having a low sense of presence certainly does not mean that he is weak. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Tobias almost subconsciously developed a sense of danger for a moment, and it was not until he stared at the strong back and left the bar that he finally felt relieved.

"Damn it, isn't it true that this Academy of Life Sciences is full of research people? Why do we always encounter monsters!" He muttered a little depressed.

"That man's name is Godfrey. Among the criminals wanted by the Tribunal, his killing ranking is very high. He is the kind who can be promoted directly if you kill him. And he is not a contractor. As far as I know, There are no less than 20 second-level contractors whose necks he wiped, including 7 clergymen. As for whether he killed third-level contractors, I don’t know yet. Anyway, as long as the physical fitness is not enough to ignore weapons, weapons , being targeted by that guy is an extremely scary thing." Hopkins whispered.

"Damn it, how many people in this world can really ignore weapons? Even if those perverts in the third level let the armor-piercing hand cannon hit their heads a few times, they will die anyway!" Tobias was depressed. Said: "Wait a minute, you said that guy is a wanted criminal? Then he"

"You can figure out how much it cost to be redeemed by Miss Irene and the specific details, but I can guarantee that the real situation is several times more expensive than the maximum price you imagined." Hopkins said briefly. He explained, then looked at Sherlock aside: "Compared to this, I care more about it. You actually know Miss Irene?!"

"Well, it's hard to believe it. In fact, the only interaction between me and her was that she bought me a drink a few days ago."

"Miss Irene took the initiative to buy you a drink?!" Hopkins looked at Sherlock more and more strangely, as if he had just met him, and began to look him up and down again. After a long while, : "Okay, I have to apologize to you. I thought I had placed you in a very high position, but unexpectedly, I still underestimated you."

In this way, Tobias's evaluation of Shylock was widely recognized, and everyone felt that he was indeed a monster.

Since he is a monster, what else is there to say? Whatever happens to him, he can only accept it forcefully.

Soon, the clue exchange meeting ended, and everyone got several extremely important pieces of information, as well as a name - [Duncan].

Although they still don’t know what this name means, with the direction, these people have full confidence. As for why Miss Irene did not tell all the information about Duncan, it may be because she is not very clear about the details. , but the greater possibility is that she understands the investigation process, which is also a part that the detective attaches great importance to. If she only knows the answer, but does not know the process of answering, then the final truth will be filled with flaws.

What's also weird is that during this gathering, everyone seemed to have intentionally or unintentionally avoided one of the most common topics: who is the murderer!

Yes, during a discussion about a murder case, no one mentioned the topic of the murderer. It seemed that everyone already understood something, but they tacitly refused to touch it.

It seems that these guys are not without any city government.

After midnight, as the stars entered the night, the noisy long street fell into silence. After all, we had to go to work tomorrow, so the entire Academy of Sciences fell asleep.

But in the fourth-floor warehouse of a laboratory building, 12 high-intensity gas lamps made a hissing sound.

This sound has been going on all day long, illuminating the entire empty warehouse and making people feel panicked. The guarding gendarmerie captain was pacing back and forth in the empty pale light.

He was angry, confused, and had nowhere to release his irritability. It had been 28 hours since he opened the warehouse door yesterday until this moment, and he had not closed his eyes, and he would not let his soldiers close their eyes. He just stood there, Quite a "if you can't figure out what's going on, no one should go to bed" attitude.

Because he doesn't understand! ! !

Yesterday, as the warehouse door slowly opened, he witnessed the most incomprehensible scene in his life, that is, there was nothing in this scene.

The entire warehouse was empty, and the huge mechanical device disappeared silently from under the layers of guards and from the high-concentration demon sedative gas poured into it.

That thing must have weighed several tons. Are all the people under his command blind?

At that time, Vice President Holk could hardly suppress the rage in his heart and cursed loudly. In this series of events, he had already squeezed his authority to the extreme.

How could the two supervisors bring the guns in without his acquiescence? Without his operation, would a research team of dozens of people be able to enter the Academy of Sciences? Without his nod, would an outside scientific consultant dare to point fingers at a device that the president of the Academy of Sciences spent 30 years developing?

Oh, even if the vice president allowed it, the scientific advisor did not dare, so he was confined to the hotel. He could only pray to the invisible holy light every day for help to make the device survive.

He knew that it was a treasure that was ahead of its time. If it was really destroyed, it would be an unforgivable disaster for the scientific community!

But no one knew whether the prayer of the scientific advisor was really answered. In short, after wasting so much effort, the device disappeared. This almost made the vice president breathless. Come up. Of course, all the faults are attributed to the captain of the military police.

Of course it's your fault that the thing you were guarding is gone! He even wondered if the captain had been bribed!

"Fuck! How the fuck is that possible?!"

The gendarmerie captain roared angrily, his voice hoarse. He had been thinking about it all day and couldn't figure it out.

However, after all, he is an extremely professional person, so after he really couldn't figure it out, he just ignored it and forcibly determined that he was the initiator of all this:

"No matter how the hell it was done, I can guarantee that it was that guy who did it! That detective. He came here once yesterday morning!!!"

He roared to himself, as if trying to imprint this unfounded answer into his mind.

I have to say that this guy is very powerful. He actually guessed it right without any basis!

At the same time, he also decided to go find the detective! No matter what method is used, he must be forced to tell where the machine was hidden. He cannot bear to be wronged and cannot allow such ridiculous and stupid mistakes to occur in his career. The key is that this pot is too heavy. , he can’t bear it!

Go early tomorrow morning! ! !

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