Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 181 Charming You

On the other side of the bridge, the light shone towards him, turning the snowflakes into sparks and making his shadow extremely long.

Sherlock narrowed his eyes slightly.

There was no opening remarks, and no pretentious pre-battle speeches. These people were all well-trained warriors. The order they received was to catch the guy in front of them. It didn't matter if he was fainted or disabled, as long as he could breathe.

Therefore, no matter how much you say, it is just a waste of time and energy.

Black cracks appeared on the bridge, and deep or sharp roars followed. In the cold wind, the demons with the scorching temperature unique to hell slowly crawled out, as if they were boiling hot. Tito was immersed in the cold water, sizzling and emitting bursts of green smoke.


Sherlock counted them. There were eight in total, not too many.

And the other party obviously didn't want to leave too many traces. The bullets flying everywhere were very troublesome, so they didn't bring a gun. They only brought some military-equipped knives or weapons with electric shock functions.

In fact, in the minds of these people, there is no need to use such a large formation to deal with a private detective. You can just find someone to intercept the opponent, knock him out with a fist, and then carry him away.

They didn't understand their captain's thoughtfulness, and they didn't know that just a few days ago, in front of a tavern, this private detective had a momentary encounter with a gentle-looking man. In fact, if it weren't for the deliberate concealment of those people, , neither Vice President Holk nor their captain would have the ridiculous idea of ​​'tying him up'.

Oh, that’s not necessarily true. After all, the other party is just a guy who has just been a contractor for half a year.

Anyway, at this moment, they were unfortunately standing on the bridge, only about twenty meters away from the detective.

Not too far, not too close, just right to use your hands.

next second


A demon that was obviously not very well controlled could no longer resist its violent instincts and rushed towards the 'prey' in front of it. It was 20 meters away with a crazy roar, and it only took a few seconds to reach the target. It passed by, and then a pair of claws as sharp as razor blades fiercely grabbed Sherlock's face.

The summoner of this demon should be of the symbiotic type, so there are no fancy and clever operations. He just relied on the demon's innate bloodthirst and ferocity. Then a cold light flashed on the tip of the sharp claw, and the figure of the thin man in front of him changed. , a gust of cold wind passed along the tip of his nose, and hit the ground firmly, making a harsh noise like metal scraping against a hard object for a moment.

At the same time, Sherlock calmly stretched out a hand and grabbed a horn on the opponent's head, and then heard a crisp "click" sound.

He put his foot at the connection between the demon's head and body. In an instant, the devil's neck was kicked out to an angle that was almost folded in half.

The airflow in the chest was forcibly held back due to the squeezing of the throat, and the demon's roar stopped abruptly, but its tenacious vitality prevented it from dying on the spot.

Sherlock was a little surprised. While secretly admiring the little guy's stubbornness, he continued to step on his feet while the hand holding the horn continued to pull upwards.

Just pull it up hard until the demon's neck flesh can't stand the pulling and begins to tear apart bit by bit, like a torn rice cake, and the thick blood is like a bright red rice cake. It was trapped, and began to flow out more and more along the torn hole, but the spine and bones were obviously much stronger than the skin and flesh, so the horns were connected to the hard head, and the head was pulling on the tough spine, just like that. The whole set was pulled out with a "pop", and a gorgeous bright red fountain shot out in the snow! !

After that, the demon actually twitched for a while, and then slumped down like an empty cloth bag.

The whole process was not complicated, just a kick and a pull, so it only took a few seconds. Sherlock held a long spine in his hand and stood under the bright light. The snow under his feet had completely changed color. .

Then, just hanging on the ground, dragging, he walked towards the group of people in front of him.

He didn't walk in a hurry, but step by step, he seemed to have stepped on everyone's heart. No one ran, no one yelled, and no one pounced on him again.

It seemed like everyone needed a few seconds to digest what they just saw.

Until there was a "poof" sound, a companion next to him suffered a backlash, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out. Then all the muscles in his body seemed to have gone into spasm at the same time. He twitched in pain and fell to the ground, his eyes After confessing, everyone finally came to their senses.

A strong sense of crisis began to spread in everyone's hearts.

Just now, they thought that such a large formation was a bit too high on the guy in front of them, but after a few seconds, they all began to regret why they only sent so few people here.

Is this guy a third-level contractor?

The information is wrong! The captain said, this guy just accepted the canonization ceremony half a year ago!

However, the huge panic and shock did not make them retreat. The duty of soldiers is to execute orders. They did not retreat in the face of those mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and naturally they would not retreat in the face of this weird detective! Moreover, their military literacy tells them that this guy is just a person, so what if he is a third-level person.

In the hinterland of the empire, shrouded in holy light, there is no way to summon a third-level demon, so no matter how strong he is, what can he do? The human body has its limits after all! If he and his team come together, even if several brothers are seriously injured or even sacrificed, can they still not be able to defeat him alone?

In fact, theoretically speaking, this is indeed the case, so after a moment of thinking, these frontline soldiers quickly regained their confidence. Through familiar eye contact, they understood each other's thoughts in an instant, so, 'Huh' With a click, the remaining seven contracted demons all rushed forward. The chaotic scene of claws and teeth almost filled the entire bridge deck, almost drowning the emaciated body.

Under this scene, the coachman who was hiding in the distance was so frightened that his legs could not control his movements, and he simply collapsed on the ground.

And in the carriage

Erin's extremely beautiful eyes were slightly illuminated by the distant lights. She pursed her lips slightly and looked at the horrific and cruel scene, but she became more and more fascinated, and the smile in her eyes became more and more full, full of joy. It almost overflowed. In the end, she softened and leaned against the car window, gently supporting her chin with one hand, as if she was enjoying the most grand and gorgeous opera.

And the smile at the corner of her mouth made her whole person exude the ultimate charm that seemed to be born in her.

So fascinating

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