Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 191 I don’t recognize a single word!

Not his? ?

In fact, the two people on the stage spoke with a bit of a jump, which made the reporters who had just read the whole story a little confused.

"Haha." Vice President Holk was stunned for a few seconds, and then suddenly laughed:

"Have I been in the Academy of Sciences for too long and not realized that you just made a joke? Or maybe you are so crazy that you don't even know what you are talking about.

What does 'not his' mean?

Are you trying to say that the demon called [Crimson] is not controlled by Professor Darwin? "

"That's right." Sherlock nodded.

"Is there any logic in what you say?" The vice-president looked at the detective in front of him angrily, as if he thought it was extremely absurd: "If Darwin can't control the demon, what achievements will he show?

The theory behind his experiments was to prove that humans could somehow control wild demons.

So he brought an uncontrollable demon to show everyone that day?

Did I hear it wrong, or did you say it wrong, or do you think Professor Darwin is also a lunatic? "

Sherlock listened quietly to the other party's anger, and then continued unhurriedly: "Professor Darwin is certainly not a madman, so the fact is that he always thought that the demon was already under his control. He was Misleading.”


The courtroom needs to be quiet, but the words of the detective on the stage are really hard to accept, so there are some discussions in the audience. Although the movement is not big, there are more people talking, and when they are mixed together, it becomes There was a buzzing sound.

Will he be misled about whether he controls the devil?

Most of the reporters off the field were not contractors. Even if they were, they had only signed contracts with the lowest-level varieties such as the 'Hell Worm', which had no combat effectiveness. Therefore, they did not see any hope of promotion, so they came to work as reporters.

But they all know that controlling demons is a very subjective feeling, just like whether there is urine in the bladder or whether the body feels empty due to excessive indulgence. This is not something that you can believe is true if someone else lies to you. , so it is almost impossible to be misled.

And judging from the brief description of the experiment in hand, Professor Darwin has been controlling [Crimson] for two and a half years as the controller himself. Could it be that for such a long time, he didn't even realize that he had been misled?

Professor Darwin is an absolutely authoritative expert in the field of demonology, and he is also a second-level contractor. He was misled and this conclusion is somewhat unreasonable no matter how it sounds.

Sherlock on the stage seemed to know exactly what the whispers in the audience were about.

Therefore, he continued to explain unhurriedly:

"Actually, you don't need to think it's as complicated as you think. We can even start directly from the experiment itself.

Professor Darwin's experiments lasted for more than 30 years, and during the previous 26 years, he had actually been concentrating on developing a machine called the "Soul Visibility Device".

This device is the basis for whether humans can control wild demons.

Judging from the test records we reviewed afterwards, a total of 36 human volunteers and 11 wild demons participated in the test of this device.

The content of the test is also very simple and straightforward, just to see if these humans can control these demons through the soul visual device.

But has anyone found a problem?

There are 36 human volunteers, but there are only 11 wild demons. Among them, the only wild third-level demon is [Crimson]. "

The sound of the pen tip scratching across the page was obviously quieter. It seemed that some people had thought of something, and the hand that was recording quickly suddenly froze.

Yes, there are so many experimenters. There is only one wild third-level demon!

"That is to say, there are cases where several people share a demon for experiments." Sherlock said with a smile: "This is of course not to say that the Academy of Life Sciences cannot find more demons, but because this is also the importance of the experiment. One of the links.

Professor Darwin wanted to know if humans could control wild demons, what would happen if multiple people controlled the same demon.

The results obtained afterwards were also very simple and reasonable.

That is, the devil will choose the person with the highest degree of compatibility, that is, the person with the most matching soul line.

This point was mentioned in the professor's experimental notes, but it only appeared as an established conclusion, so it was difficult to understand its specific meaning during the initial reading.

In short, this explains why Professor Darwin wants to act as the controller of [Crimson] himself. "

Speaking of which.

"Um, why?" A reporter raised his hand in embarrassment and asked.

Sherlock was startled, and seemed a little surprised that after explaining it to this extent, there was still someone who didn't understand?

Actually, this is not the only person who doesn’t understand.

"Because the old professor didn't expect that he would become the most suitable person for [Crimson]." Sherlock was in a good mood at the moment, so he explained it again in a very friendly way: "Actually, he didn't He didn't want to be the controller. After confirming that the experiment was not dangerous, he got on the [Soul Visualization Device] and wanted to try it out based on the curiosity that all scientific researchers have.

But who could have imagined that he would just brutally crush all the other thirty or so experimenters, and suddenly become the master of the third-order demon!

This was completely beyond his own expectations, because the old professor had never been a person who focused on contract training. He felt that his ability to control demons should be very poor.

Actually. I suspect that Professor Darwin himself is an extremely talented contractor. Otherwise, he, a scientific researcher who spends all day in the laboratory without any contract training, could actually evolve to the second stage. You know, Some people spend their entire lives just hanging around in the first stage. "

Speaking of this, Sherlock seemed to be thinking of someone who would never be able to reach the second level in his life, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

At this point in the explanation, everyone finally understood why Professor Darwin insisted on treating himself as an experimenter. At first, I thought it was because he had some valuable quality of dedicating himself to science. It turned out that it was because he was too genius. .

"In short, it is very difficult to capture a third-level big demon alive, so it is impossible for the Academy of Life Sciences to ask the frontline soldiers to fight with countless casualties to capture another one and transport it.

In desperation, the old dean could only personally assume the dual roles of experimenter and experimentee. "

"So?" Vice President Holk heard this and interrupted the other party's narration with cold words: "This still has nothing to do with me. You are just reciting Dean Darwin's experimental process. I suspect you are delaying. time."

Speaking of which, Hopkins, a high-ranking judge, does not seem to care much about the details in the court. He completely allows both sides of the case to speak freely, while he himself is only responsible for listening and maintaining the smooth progress of the trial. , of course, only he himself knows what will happen to these remarks after they enter his ears.

"The objection is invalid. I think Mr. Sherlock's words are very important in this case." Hopkins said with a smile, then looked at Sherlock: "Please continue."

"Okay, your honor, since we are talking about genius, I have to mention a more talented person." Sherlock looked at the vice president and continued lightly: "Mr. Holker, do you remember A man named Duncan Tim Burton?"

Vice Dean Holk's heartbeat suddenly changed its rhythm, but there was nothing strange about his expression. He just frowned in confusion: "Duncan? I've never heard of it."

"Oh? It shouldn't be. In order to test the strength of human control over wild demons, Professor Darwin would definitely summon at least one very talented experimenter to participate in this experiment. Even a layman like me knows that the experimental data is Need to compare.

Moreover, from the arrangement of test dates, my team found that every 26 days, one day of data would be blank. This phenomenon lasted for about a few months. Although the time was not long, it was too much. A little suspicious."

"There is nothing suspicious about this. Maybe that old guy Darwin has his own ideas. He always finds another way. As for why there is a blank day of data, then you should ask Darwin. Why ask me?"

"Because Professor Darwin is dead, and the only person in the entire Academy of Sciences who has the highest authority to review experimental data is you. If not you, who would you ask?

And the most important point is, why did you have a quota of 500,000 imperial coins when the funds flowed upward even though you clearly did not participate in this experiment?

To sum up, I can suspect that one day many years ago, Professor Darwin wanted to ask you to help him find an experimenter with strong devil contract ability. After all, in terms of manpower mobilization of the Academy of Sciences, You have always been in charge, and those 500,000 empire coins are just funds for finding someone to use? "

"Bang!" Vice Dean Holk slammed his hand on the table, and then looked to the side with great anger: "Mr. Hopkins."

"Please call your honor," Hopkins responded calmly.

The vice-president held back his breath, and his fists were clenched white with discomfort. However, he could only follow the trial rules and said again in a deep voice: "Your honor, I think this private detective is talking nonsense. He has no doubts about me." evidence of!"

"Oh? Really?" Hopkins seemed to be trying hard to recall, and then nodded: "Well, it seems that there is indeed no evidence. But if you haven't done it, and the other party has no evidence, then what are you afraid of? Let him talk nonsense, anyway, he is the one who is embarrassed in the end. If he scolds you, you scold him back. If he dares to take action, I will help you. Don't worry, this judge is absolutely fair and impartial. In front of me... there is no criminal. Can escape."

When he said the word 'criminal', Hopkins' eyes seemed to fall on the deputy dean's face intentionally or unintentionally, but the latter was so angry at the time that he didn't notice.

He was really angry, and his cheeks bulged several times, which was caused by him biting his back molars desperately.

The judge of the Tribunal has extremely high judicial power, but at this moment, he suddenly behaves like an irresponsible novice. This makes the vice president even more angry, but he does not dare to really make any noise. , because everything the detective said is true!

"He has no evidence! He has no evidence!" Vice Dean Holk muttered repeatedly in his heart, then he forcibly smoothed his breath and looked at Sherlock gloomily:

"So, I want to see what tricks you can make up in the end."

"Oh? So you're not going to continue to interrupt me with a guilty conscience, are you? Then I'll say it openly." Sherlock seemed to be very happy, and then he didn't even wait for the other party to speak. He started by saying:

"Actually, the follow-up process of the matter is also very logical. With half a million empire coins and the appeal of the Academy of Sciences, you soon found a contractor with genius ability, Duncan Tim Burton.

At that time, the old dean was already the controller of [Crimson], and due to his increasingly tight connection with Crimson, he almost lost contact with his original contracted devil.

Although they didn't have much interaction with each other, this feeling of gradual separation still made the old professor feel a little reluctant.

Until Duncan arrived.

He is indeed a genius. In just two weeks, he has a tendency to surpass the old professor. If he follows the normal process, he should soon become the real controller of [Crimson].

However, suddenly one day, he disappeared. "

"Disappeared?!" The reporters in the audience had now completely caught up with Sherlock's rhythm, so when they heard the turning point, they couldn't help but express doubts.

"Yes, he disappeared. No one knows where he went. Moreover, this person has no parents or relatives. He is the most typical orphan. He is withdrawn and has no friends. He is the kind of person who would die in a rental house until the landlord comes over. The kind that no one would find out before collecting the rent.

In fact, speaking of it, you can find such people. I really admire your ability. No wonder you can become the vice president of the Academy of Sciences. "

Sherlock looked at Holker and praised with a smile, but the latter obviously didn't care about the compliment. He glared angrily: "What the hell do you want to say?"

"Don't be so nervous. I just want to say that Duncan's disappearance was actually caused by you. Moreover, in the last experimental data before disappearing, his matching degree with [Crimson] should have finally surpassed the Darwin Institute. long!"



The entire venue fell into a 30-second silence after these words.

Some people gave out a touch of touching information in these words, while others were still reacting, but more people were not so smart and found that everyone was silent. Come down, so I dare not speak out.

"Hehe. Hahaha."

What broke the silence was Dean Holk's laughter. He seemed to have heard a weird joke and shook his head: "What does this mean?

A man named Duncan appeared out of nowhere, and his death became related to me.

Didn't you discover it yourself? Everything you just said is actually making up a story.

And I don’t understand, what does Duncan’s disappearance have to do with Dean Darwin’s failed experiment? "

"No, his experiment was successful."

"Okay, okay, I won't argue with you." Vice President Holker spread his hands: "In short, I don't recognize a word of what you just said."

"Don't worry. I'm not forcing you to confess." Sherlock didn't seem to be in a hurry at all: "Oh, I suddenly want to interrupt the topic. Do you remember a woman named Venelana?"

"Venilana? Who is this?" The vice-dean frowned slightly, as if he thought the name was familiar, but in the end he didn't remember it.

"One of your female assistants, female students, and female secretaries has bought all your scientific works and collected all the periodicals with your photos in the newspapers. This woman has been with you for many years. There are even many people in the Academy of Sciences who remember her.”

"." Vice Dean Holk was silent for a moment, but soon returned to his normal demeanor: "I have many students and assistants, and she is just one of them, so it is normal for me not to remember her. Why do you mention this person?"

"She disappeared, along with Duncan just a few years ago."

"So?" Holker said in a deep voice: "What does her disappearance have to do with me or with Duncan? People disappear all the time in the world, fall into the river, run away from home, avoid debts, Or maybe a small demon suddenly came out and was eaten. Do I have to be blamed for everyone who goes missing?"

The words have not yet fallen

"Creak~" With a sound, the door of this venue was pushed open for the third time.

This time, no one was bored by the interruption of the trial. Countless eyes turned around and then focused on the old man wearing butler's clothes at the door.

At the same time, I also saw a furry thing that looked like a cute little pet in his arms.

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