Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 193 The Fourth Time

Chapter 193 The fourth time.

Sherlock looked at the cute little devil, but what he said was the name Duncan.

Some people can't understand it, and some people can understand it, but reason, or human nature, allows them to selectively not think in the darkest direction. And some reporters who are used to seeing the most terrifying and cruel side of the empire, they With extremely strong psychological endurance, he dared to speculate on the extremely cruel answer.

In this silence, Sherlock's whisper was so deafening:

"This Duncan."


The silence remained, no one made a sound, and no one dared to interrupt. Only some messy breathing sounds appeared, which meant that some people seemed to be unable to bear the truth that was about to appear.

"A man whose limbs were cut off was sewn into the body of this demon!

The eyes were wrapped, the vocal cords were removed, and the lobes of the brain were destroyed. This poor guy with slow thinking was unable to make a sound or write any words. He could not do anything. As a demon, he In full view of the public, he has lived till now. "


It’s hard to imagine how much impact such a softly spoken word can have on a person’s spirit and conscience.

There was one person in the crowd who seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. He suddenly retched. Fortunately, his stomach didn't have much food after a night of fatigue, so he just leaked some acidic water.


Vice President Holk on the stage shouted angrily: "How can this be a human being?"

"Duncan is right here!" Sherlock's tone was still as cold as ever. He slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of the deputy dean:

"It's actually very simple to prove this. After all, he was just sewn into the body of this demon, but his structure is still human. He has traces of severed bones, he has human organ structure, and human body structure. Characteristics, as long as this poor guy is opened now, the truth will be clearly presented in front of everyone, and you know what the result will be.

In fact, I have always felt that I am not a conscientious person, but now, I hope you'd better not let me prove this. "

Sherlock's eyes never left Vice Dean Holk's eyes, which gave him a feeling of suffocation.

"Oh, so what?" He suddenly asked: "I don't know where you got such a thing, and I don't care whether it is a human or a demon. Even if it is really a human, so what? This It still has nothing to do with me!"

"Do you really think it has nothing to do with you? There are no more than five people in the entire empire who can possess this kind of medical ability, and the only person who has the ability to complete such an operation in the Academy of Life Sciences is you!"

"Why do you say it's just me?" Holker still didn't back down at all: "What if it's some guy who has a gifted surgical ability? What if it's some pervert from the Medical Research Department who completed such a surgery frantically? What about surgery?

There are a lot of talents in this era, and there are not a few people who enter the Academy of Life Sciences every year. Moreover, surgery is a coincidence. What if some guy completes such an operation by accident? "

Vice President Holk stood up as he spoke, glared at Sherlock and retorted. In fact, his current tone was already a bit hysterical, but he didn't care.

Again, the other side has no evidence.

He believed in this from beginning to end! Because except for that operation, he had no interaction with this demon, not before or after, so he knew that the other side could do nothing to him!

"Haha, you are so sensible. At this time, you still refuse to admit it." Sherlock said with a smile.

He gave no evidence. Like he really had no evidence

But for some reason, Sherlock didn't panic at all and just brought the topic back to the case.

"If we talk about the killing method used to kill the old dean, this method is indeed extremely sophisticated, because from the beginning to the end, you have never taken any action, and you don't even need to have any connection with this experiment.

You just have to keep the demon in one place.

And what you are taking advantage of is Professor Darwin’s housekeeper Maude, whose loyalty has remained unchanged for decades! "


Old housekeeper Maude is now standing next to Catherine. The old man has not recovered from the shock just now. Hearing such words suddenly, he almost subconsciously showed a kind of panic.

Sherlock made a 'don't get excited' gesture in the direction of the old butler, and then continued to speak unhurriedly:

“Actually, I only discovered this this morning.

Because at that time I asked him something about the old dean's original demon. Unexpectedly, he actually knew that demon very well, and even told him that because of the experiment, the old dean had broken away from his original demon little by little. The relationship, the backlash, and the control of the demon named Crimson were all told to me by the way. "

After saying that, Sherlock put on a puzzled expression and looked at old housekeeper Maud:

"Actually, I was very surprised at the time, where did you hear these things?

Logically speaking, since you are not a contractor, you should not know these things.

And you are not a researcher participating in the experiment, so it is impossible for the old dean to tell you this.


Who told you? "

When the old housekeeper was asked this question, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately looked at Vice President Holk on the stage.

And at the same time.

"I told him, what's wrong?" Vice President Holk himself took the initiative and said, "Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Of course there is nothing wrong. You just asked the old dean's housekeeper to take good care of this demon. After all, it is the old dean's original demon. If something happens to it, who knows what will happen.

At the same time, you also asked the old housekeeper to place it in a high-oxygen insulation warehouse. The daily food was not raw carrion, but highly nutritious compound food. Anyway, under such careful care, Duncan wanted to die. Can't die.

Three months ago, when the old dean was about to show off his experimental results, suddenly the insulated warehouse that had been storing this little devil broke!

What a coincidence.

What's more coincidental is that the nearby insulated warehouses seemed to be in use, so in desperation, old housekeeper Maud had no choice but to hold the demon and go to a laboratory on the northern edge of Street 16.

And this laboratory is very close to where its owner, Professor Darwin, displayed his experimental results. Very close."

At this point, Butler Maud's body suddenly stiffened.

He seemed to realize something, raised his head and glared at Sherlock, and then looked at Vice Dean Holk in the stands, his eyes full of horror.

However, Sherlock didn't seem to notice his expression at all and continued:

"After comparing the time afterwards, I found that the time when the old dean entered the training venue to show the experimental results was exactly 9:30 that morning!

At that time, old housekeeper Maude was riding a steam locomotive, anxiously transporting this little devil, or Duncan, to No. 16 Street.

And precisely because of this!

After Duncan disappeared for more than two years, many people had forgotten his existence at the moment!

Re-entered the control range of [Crimson]! "

I don't know since when, the original noise of this venue has gradually turned into silence. Now there is no sound of the tip of a pen scratching the page. It is as quiet as everyone has suddenly lost their hearing.

Old Butler Maude did not hear Sherlock's previous analysis of the case, but he seemed to sense something from the atmosphere at the scene. His heart began to beat crazily, his legs softened, and he fell directly to the ground!

"You have no evidence!"

Suddenly, Vice Dean Holk let out the loudest roar he had ever burst out today!

But Sherlock didn't seem to hear him:

"Duncan had a frontal lobe removal operation, so he always maintained a miserable state of chaos. But when he entered the control range of the third-order demon named Crimson, he quickly became a again. Find the person who is most compatible with it.

That's why at that moment, Crimson suddenly became slack. Like a puppet without its controller, it certainly cannot stop the attack of another demon. "

"I told you, you have no evidence?!" Vice Dean Holk's voice sounded a bit sharp because of the higher pitch.

"In the logical chain, you are the only person who can facilitate all of this."

"Haha—then you have no evidence!" Holker's back was soaked with sweat, but he smiled: "Dean Darwin is my colleague, friend, and someone I admire. I'm afraid of him." There is a problem with the contracted creature, so he asked his butler to take good care of this little devil. Is there anything wrong?

How do I know there's a human being sewn inside this little devil?

If the incubator is broken, then it is broken. Who can guarantee that the experimental facilities can always work normally?

And the person who ran to another laboratory with that thing was Darwin’s old housekeeper, not me.

If you insist on finding the murderer, go find that old guy! "

He said, and then pointed to Maud aside. With just such a sentence, the old man in the audience suddenly trembled, and then looked at everyone around him with great fear: "It's not me, it's not me, I don't know."

He explained almost in a crying tone.

While Holker was saying these words, Hopkins, the judge, did not interrupt.

As for the reason, it's just like what the deputy dean said. There is no evidence.

Sherlock has an extremely complete logical chain, but he has never produced conclusive evidence.

Vice President Holk smiled, the light of victory in his eyes gradually began to bloom, becoming more and more proud and arrogant!

He knew that there was nothing he could do about the detective in front of him!

He was just a detective, and he couldn't kill himself in public.

Sherlock seemed to have heard the other party's thoughts and turned to look at Hopkins:

"I said, your honor, according to my usual case handling style, I have already ripped off his head now. Evidence is just for dealing with the law, and I don't care at all."

"Sorry, Mr. Holmes, although I also hate Mr. Holker's face, but I am a judge after all, and I can't let you do this." Hopkins said helplessly: "So, your man named Watson When will my friend arrive?"

"It should be soon."

The words have not yet fallen

"Creak" sound.

The door to the conference room was pushed open for the fourth time.

The next chapter will be released in a while. It may involve some "big brother" elements and is still under review.

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