Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 195 Fuck with you?


“Uh ah ah ah——”

Vice President Holk didn't react at the first moment as to why he was choked on his words. He just felt a spasm in his throat, almost blocking the entire airway.

Then, he realized belatedly that the other party had an extra arm in his hand, and that arm was his own.

It was only then that his severed arm finally erupted with a burst of severe pain that went straight to his forehead, and the blood that was flowing out finally realized. With the huge pressure, he began to scream and move towards An astonishing amount of blood spurted out!


He began to scream, and his remaining hand tightly grasped half of his forearm, as if holding a water pipe that was spraying water.

It has to be said that Vice Dean Holk's mental strength is really strong. At this time, he can still rationally consider first and not let himself die due to excessive bleeding.

As the vice president of the School of Life Sciences, he had extremely professional medical knowledge, so when he almost fainted from the pain, he tore into his white lab coat, and then used his teeth and his remaining hand to cut off half of his arm. Mark it down, and this stopped the blood from continuing to spurt out!

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

In fact, one second ago, they were still trying hard to keep up with Sherlock's speaking speed, because the jumps in the middle of his words were too big, making it very difficult for them to record. But the next second, they saw the new arrival. The witness walked towards the deputy dean and saw blood.

There was no warning at all, and it was so sudden that it made people think that they were hallucinating because the news was too exciting.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that someone finally regained consciousness, then fell to the ground and crawled back using his hands and feet, as if he wanted to stay away from the spurting blood.

Immediately afterwards, screams finally began to resound through the venue. Chaos, pushing, cries of fear as people fell and got up again, and bursts of vomiting after fainting with blood. This supposedly most respected court suddenly fell into chaos. Become chaotic.

Hopkins stared on the stage. Whether it was because of rage or fear, his eyes began to become bloodshot!

As a judge, he would never imagine that someone would dare to do such a thing in front of him

Just ripped off the defendant's arm? ! !

This is no longer contempt for oneself, but contempt for the court, contempt for the laws of the empire, and contempt for the tribunal under the Holy See. Is this man named Baskerville a lunatic? !

Yes, Baskerville is crazy!

He was so crazy that his name was strictly ordered to be spread out of the Redeker Strait. He was so crazy that no one except the soldiers on the front line of Hell Gate knew of his existence.

He is a pure madman, a madman with distorted cognitive ethics. His emotions are not even that perfect. More than half of his expressions, smiles, and frowns when he is thinking are all obtained by observing the reactions of other people over and over again. I learned that his glasses are more than 800 degrees myopic, but he himself is not a myopic person.

The reason why he wears those gold-rimmed glasses is so that he can't see clearly the person in front of him. Because it can reduce his urge to suddenly go crazy and kill the person in front of him.

His teeth were so horrible that they were almost all broken. Those living nerves were exposed in the mouth, and blood was oozing out every moment. The smell of blood flowing from his body was a real smell of blood. He Every mouthful of saliva was bloody.

And the reason why his teeth are like this is because he is eating the flesh of the devil.

Baskerville has no special emotions, except for his extremely sick admiration for Lord Dante.

His thinking is very weird, but also very direct.

He felt that Lord Dante once traveled to hell alone and lived for one year and seven months by eating the flesh and blood of demons. If he could also eat the flesh and blood of demons, wouldn't it be true that he and Lord Dante were the only ones in the entire empire who had eaten the same thing? s things.

I and Master Dante are the same in a certain behavior. There will never be a third person in the entire empire! ! !

This kind of temptation made him extremely excited! So he began to eat the demon hard. The hard flesh scratched his mouth, and his teeth were cracked by the hard chewing. When he swallowed, his entire esophagus suffered as painful as swallowing glass shards.

But he still did it happily.

Because this can make him feel that he is one step closer to Lord Dante.

No one knows why this pervert worships Dante so much. Anyway, if a person deceives him in the name of Dante!

Then he will be angry, very angry, extremely, extreme, and beyond reason!

Well, he doesn't have much sense himself.

"I advise you not to go." Sherlock stopped softly, and Hopkins was about to step forward to stop this sudden tragedy.

The latter's eyes almost popped out. He wanted to step forward to stop him, but he knew that he could not stop the scary middle-aged officer at all. He could only look at Sherlock angrily:

"Is this part of your plan?"

"Uh" Sherlock said in a long tone, and finally nodded: "Yes."

"This is the court!!!" Hopkins said with suppressed anger. It seemed that what Baskerville had done made him very uncomfortable.

"Okay~" Sherlock casually spread his hands, then took out a cigarette and handed it to Hopkins: "I thought you had a very flexible professional bottom line, weren't you just abusing lynching in court and seeing some blood? What’s the big deal?”

"He's killing people, before I declare him guilty!"

"Then kill him." Sherlock said indifferently: "You are a judge, not a machine that reads out the law. Do you think that a person's crime is really only written in the "Imperial Code", and must be in your Does it take effect after you say the word 'guilty'?

Whether a person is guilty or not should be pronounced at the moment he commits the crime."

With a "click~" sound, a bunch of flames rose up. Sherlock handed the lighter to Hopkins and slowly lit a cigarette for him.

The weak firelight swayed, but gradually it dispelled the anger in his eyes.

"But again, I am a judge and I always have to maintain the legal process. You haven't given any evidence yet."

"Oh, you mean the evidence." Sherlock said like a normal person: "Actually, I have evidence."

"What?!" Hopkins was shocked: "Then why didn't you take it out earlier?"

"This evidence is a bit troublesome because I need to take Duncan out of that body."

Hopkins listened and frowned: "Take it out. Do you want the client to state the crime? This is impossible. Does Duncan really have this ability? He can't even speak, and you are not Tell me, has his skin been peeled off? How long can he live after it is taken out?"

Speaking of this, Hopkins hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "And wouldn't this be too cruel to him?"

"Yes, it is a bit cruel." Sherlock nodded: "However, if Your Excellency Nightingale is allowed to personally operate this process, then there should be no problems like the above."

He spoke in a relaxed tone, but Hopkins's eyebrows furrowed even more tightly, looking at Sherlock as if he were a fool:

"Did you say it wrong, or did I hear it wrong? You said you wanted to invite His Excellency Nightingale?"

"Yes, that guy seems to have broken bones and limbs that cannot be repaired. His intestines are smashed and he is fine. He can be cured in a vegetative state. Now that she is here, what about Duncan?"

"Wait a minute, I'm not doubting His Excellency Nightingale's ability." Hopkins interrupted Sherlock: "I mean, how dare you expect that you can invite Your Excellency Nightingale. How could she Come all the way here to help you with this?!"

"There is really nothing you can do to help me. When I rushed over this morning, I called her. She is now on her way to the Corderli Administrative State. If she rushes over, it will take half a month, which is too long. "

"Did you call her??"

"Yeah, haha, you think it's amazing too, right? She has a little maid, her name is Nopa. Anyway, she's very talented in mechanics. She made a portable phone, although it's a little bigger, like It’s a large shoe box, but it can receive calls remotely. I heard that the Imperial Machinery Institute wants to buy the design drawings at a high price, but I don’t know.”

"Enough is enough!" Hopkins interrupted Sherlock's ramblings somewhat roughly: "What kind of phone call do you think I care about?? I'm asking you why you got the phone call from Lord Nightingale?!"

"She gave it to me"

"Huh?" Hopkins looked confused.

"We met before. I saved her life, and she later saved mine. It was actually a clean slate. But when she left London, I shamelessly asked for her phone number. You know, She has great medical skills, so if I get hurt in the future, it will be convenient to contact her.”

Sherlock explained reasonably, but Hopkins was completely deaf.

He stared blankly at the man in front of him, his mind already filled with an increasingly loud buzzing sound.

He knew that the other party was a monster, so when he learned that he knew Baskerville, he was just surprised and forcefully accepted this fact.

Monster, what's there to say?

But no matter how weird he is, he shouldn't know Miss Nightingale.

There is only one Miss Nightingale in the entire empire!

This guy actually has Miss Nightingale's phone number? ? ? ? ?

What did he just say?

[A shameless request]? ? ?

Hopkins' whole face was stiff, and there were sounds of cracking bones coming from his ears, as if someone was asking for help or whimpering, but his head was buzzing and he had no intention of paying attention. In the end, he was a little confused. asked:

"Your Excellency Nightingale, is it really as beautiful as the rumors say?"

He didn't even know why he asked such a question.

But Sherlock thought for a moment and nodded firmly: "I think the rumors have weakened her beauty a bit."

Hopkins was still at a loss, his mind trying desperately to digest these simple but extremely unbelievable words. After a few seconds, he suddenly seemed a little embarrassed. He looked at Sherlock and showed a shy expression. There was an awkward smile in his face:

"Well, actually, I think we have known each other for a long time. How about I hang out with you?"

A genius of the Tribunal, a young third-level contract expert, who may become the supreme judge of the Tribunal in the future, actually wants to hang out with Sherlock?

This may be a joke.

Hopkins also felt that it was a bit wrong for him to say such a thing, but his reason told him that if he followed Sherlock, he would not suffer any loss.

Speaking of which, his feeling came a little late. Just a few days ago, Ms. Eileen had already taken action in advance.

At that time, she actually just met Sherlock once in a tavern.

Therefore, there is still a big gap between Hopkins and Ms. Irene in terms of understanding people and acting with courage.

"In short, it's not that I don't have evidence to support your verdict. It's just that Nightingale is too far away to come here. If we really wait for her to come, it will take at least more than half a month, and I can't wait more than half a month.

I want to judge this guy in advance right now.

Not willing to wait a second longer. "

Sherlock said calmly.

Hopkins nodded. He was not an advance judge who only followed legal documents. In fact, his trial standards in the court were very flexible. The so-called anger just now was because of what the man named Baskerville did. It's just too much.

But now after listening to Sherlock's words, he felt much more comfortable, just like what the other person said.

This is not contempt of court, nor is it a private pronouncement without evidence, it is just moving everything forward.

So he smiled helplessly, feeling that he was following this unscrupulous detective, and his moral bottom line was lowered. Then he felt the slight burning between his fingers, and he found that the cigarette he held was about to burn his fingers. , quickly dusted off the cigarette ashes and took a puff.

"Cough cough--grass--cough cough cough cough, what the hell kind of cigarette is this? Has it been soaked in engine oil?" Tears were about to come out of his eyes.

"Blues, you'll get used to it after smoking a few cigarettes." Sherlock was like a profiteer, promoting the low-quality cigarettes in his hand.

Not far away, Vice President Holk was still crawling on the ground with difficulty.

Oh, no, he should say now that he is squirming

Baskerville followed him step by step, waiting for him to desperately squirm forward a few centimeters, and then slowly squatted down, took out the ball of intestines stuffed in his mouth, and grinned. With a mouth that was so terrifying that it made one's scalp numb, he said with a smile: "Have you thought about how to apologize?"

The vice-dean was now in a state of disarray, but he still tried his best to make some sounds with his spasming throat:

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied to you, I shouldn't have used you, I shouldn't have used your contracted devil."

There was a trace of disappointment in Baskerville's eyes, and then he opened the opponent's mouth that had already been opened to the limit and opened it wider, and stuffed the intestines in his hand:

"I thought that since you are a vice-dean after all, you should be very flexible in your mind. However, your answer is wrong. Please think about it again."

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