Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 208 If you can keep up

How many years have Hell's Gate been around?

This year is the year 288 of the Holy Calendar. Counting the decades of struggle between humans and demons in the early days of the Holy Calendar, demons have been in this world for more than three centuries.

During this period of time, mankind had new beliefs, an almost impossible racial fusion, huge internal combustion engines, steam chariots, melta hand cannons that could penetrate steel, and The Contractors, with the Imperial Legion, have many things that are impossible to appear in the normal course of history.

However, the demon is still there, and the huge crack in the void with a diameter of several kilometers has still not closed.

Endless demons crawled into the world from that crack. The war on the Antarctic continent has been going on for three hundred years. No one can approach the door of demons, except for that arrogant god. In fact, if it weren't for him, the gods would descend to earth. feat, humanity may have perished in the war of the second demonic invasion.

He is a hero.

But among the entire human race, there is only one Lord Dante. For thousands of years, there is only one person who can stop a war by himself.

One person is not enough after all.

Therefore, mankind urgently needs a new force to change this situation. The balance along the Redeker Strait must be broken, the war must end, and the gate of hell must be closed.

And Professor Charles Darwin seems to be about to do just that. The wild devil is controllable! This experiment will change human history!

But what is irritating is that due to various reasons. Maybe it violated certain collective interests, maybe it was because of some people's selfish desires. In short, the great success of this experiment has been hidden, and there is nothing that can be done so far. Shown before the eyes of the world, this is not only unfair to Professor Darwin for more than 30 years of hardship, but also a cruel obliteration of human science and a shameless betrayal of the future of mankind!

At this moment, the soul lines in George Romanis' hands seemed to indicate that everything was about to undergo an earth-shattering reversal!

He raised his head and looked at the detective in front of him. Various wires were plugged into his helmet, which looked a little funny. But such a person could actually make his soul line reach the contracted limit within 10 minutes. standard!

What kind of guy is this?

What kind of brain is this?

Old Professor George didn't know, he just felt like he was dreaming, a dream that was too beautiful to be true.

He also didn't know that those so-called "Soul Line Fluctuation Change Training" seemed to Sherlock just the simplest mental test. He had seen it once at the Academy of Life Sciences last month and learned it on the spot!

He didn't know that Sherlock had actually figured out the small demon as early as 5 minutes ago. However, the lines were too overlapping, as if there was only one line. In order to prevent it from being regarded as an instrument and broken, Sherlock spent another five minutes. In just a few minutes, the level of his contract dropped a little, so that the two soul lines were not so closely aligned.

What he didn't know even more was that in fact, all of this was just using this machine. If it weren't for obtaining reasonable data and convincing the military personnel and investors from all walks of life in the empire, Sherlock could have summoned several machines at any time. Ten demons are showing off.

Of course, he wouldn't do that.

As I said just now, Professor Darwin's 30 years of hard work are worthy of respect, and the future of mankind is also worthy of respect. We must not be careless about this kind of thing.

Then, Sherlock also turned his head and looked at George Romanis.

"It's simpler than I thought. If I can speed up the experiment efficiency, I should be able to try a share of 80 to 100 demons.

As long as your scientific researchers can keep up. "

This is a very normal statement.

Sherlock doesn't understand scientific research. He doesn't know how much data he will generate from the things he does, what results these data will be converted into on those extremely complex machines, and what each result will bring to those scientific researchers. What a headache. I wonder if these people can withstand high-intensity work to their limits.

This experiment was important, so of course he had to confirm it

However, hearing what Old George heard, the blood that had just been frightened suddenly rushed to his head.

He now has 833 absolutely professional scientific researchers under his command, and the detective in front of him is all by himself! You have to ask if 833 people can keep up? !

Old Professor George now knows that the other party is an extremely terrifying wizard, but this sentence is still like a loud slap in the face to a person who has spent half his life in the laboratory!

So, he took a deep breath and sucked all the shock in his eyes and the few tears squeezed out of his pretentiousness into his hot chest.

Then he stood up and walked quickly to the door, like an angry general about to enter the battlefield.

As the door slowly rose, he saw the crowd outside, so he straightened his chest and roared viciously:

"What are you all doing here?!"

"You are the most elite scientific researchers in the entire empire! Don't just stand around like a piece of wood!"

"I'll give you 20 minutes to finish what you are doing. After 20 minutes, everyone will go to their assigned positions and be on standby! The Darwin Recovery Plan is activated!"

Darwin Recovery Plan.

This is the meaning of the name of this experiment, which is very straightforward. It is to show Professor Darwin's experiment to the world again.

Twenty minutes ago, this factory area looked like a sleepy stray dog, but at this moment, it suddenly appeared like the most ferocious beast waking up from a night dream, showing its extremely terrifying side!

Crawler tracks were set up into the huge room at the end of the factory, and demons with labels on them were transported in one after another. On the other side, a long pipe extended to the center of the factory, every other In a few minutes, a small paper tube will fall out, and inside is a freshly baked soul line change curve chart.

These curves will be immediately magnified 40 times, and then on the chart of a professional, every micron change will be marked with the most precise measurements. These changes represent the subtlest spirit of the devil in the artificial contract process. Fluctuations, and these mental fluctuations will be spread out among all demons of the same frequency type through a large number of calculations, and transformed into real-time data that is more precious than gold and diamonds.

Darwin spent more than 30 years on this experiment. In comparison, 15 hours of work sounds like nothing.

Sherlock had been sitting on that machine for 15 hours.

He didn't eat, didn't drink water, and didn't even rest for a second. The soul curve map he derived was like a shot of the most powerful stimulant, injecting all the experimenters with extremely powerful energy. power.

Sherlock is not a scientific researcher or a scholar. He is just a detective with a slightly better brain. Therefore, if he wants to make Professor Darwin's achievements recognized by the world again and silence those who want to bury it, he still needs to The joint efforts of the scientific geniuses in those factories.

However, those people never knew what happened in that factory.

Why is there suddenly a steady stream of data being transported to each work area? Why is the entire factory suddenly like those huge steam engines, operating like crazy? There is even a kind of component that cannot keep up with the energy supply speed. sense of urgency.

"Damn, the next wave of data is coming! Is your comparison over there finished?"

"Fuck! Don't disturb me!"

"Coffee! Where's the coffee! Don't fucking brew it, it's too chewy!"

"Damn it, there's a package of marijuana in the bottom of my suitcase. Roll one over here for me!"

According to statistics, swearing can stimulate people's thinking and maintain a certain level of excitement. Therefore, you can hear obscene words suddenly appearing throughout the factory area from time to time.

They were assigned to this factory because they were all geniuses in the field of scientific research. They were all accustomed to using their IQ to overwhelm their colleagues. They were conceited and arrogant, but they were indeed people of superior strength. However, what shocked them was that they were somewhat overwhelmed.

Of course they know what these data mean, and they know how smart a person is, how long of training, and what a focused process it takes to come up with such a small piece of paper.

Some of them consider themselves geniuses and have tried the soul-visualizing device, but the arduous training alone is enough to drive people crazy, not to mention the exhaustion of brain power during the experiment. Sometimes, just sitting on it once is enough to drive people crazy. I had to vomit for several minutes.

So from the bottom of their hearts, they all sincerely admire the team of testers in that factory. They don't know how many people there are, how much arduous training they have gone through, and what enviable talents they have to reach this level.

Of course, if these busy experimenters knew that there was actually only one lonely person in that room, sitting alone on the roaring machine...

I don't know what kind of expression he will put on.

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