Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 234 Departure

With a "crash", the cup in Hopkins' hand hit the edge of the coffee table, splashing some water, which was very hot, and fell onto his hand, releasing some light air.

Of course, a third-level contractor was not afraid of being burned, so he just put down the water glass, wiped his hands, and then took the envelope, for fear of letting it get stained by water.

Just like that, he looked at the envelope and hesitated for a long time, but finally did not open it.

As I said before, the accident was not a big secret in the eyes of discerning people. Guys like Hopkins could actually narrow down all the initiators to 5 without any search or verification. Within the individual.

But those are just reasonable speculations. If we talk about solid evidence, it is another matter.

A piece of evidence that is enough to accuse the emperor will have different power if it falls into the hands of different people and is displayed at different times.

"Why would you give me something like this?" Hopkins asked.

"Aren't you a member of the Tribunal? It's reasonable to leave it to you."

"It is indeed reasonable, but" he exerted some force gently, and felt the document in the envelope with his fingertips, which seemed to be tingling: "This is evidence to accuse the emperor of participating in a large-scale terrorist attack. It is too heavy. What I mean is that I don't know when to hand this thing over to the Inquisition. Not all people in our institution are trustworthy. And I don't think this kind of evidence can have a huge impact on Emperor Augustine. That's the emperor. He should have many ways to minimize the power of this evidence."

"Don't worry." Watson smiled and got himself a cup of tea: "I don't understand politics, and I can't even memorize the laws of the empire, but I know that when this evidence is presented, it will be of greatest use. effect."


"Of course it will be when the old man is no longer the emperor of the empire."

Temperature alone cannot tell the difference between late winter and early spring. Only the budding green grass buds and more and more distant skies indicate that spring has arrived.

There is no New Year in the empire, and there are no overly important festivals, because the Holy Light shrouds the empire all the time, and people in the empire have been performing devout worship for decades. It is really difficult to continue to worship on this basis. , and then work hard to create a more grand day.

A light fog shrouded the London night, and the lights under the street lamps brought out some halos. On the outskirts of the city, a huge timber transport truck was parked outside the factory area.

The vehicle has been specially modified. A huge steel carriage over 7 meters long was added to the back of the vehicle that was originally loaded with logs. After adding four sets of steam turbines to the engine, the entire vehicle body looks like a small train. Light rail train.

At this time, the crimson-soaked demon sedative vessel had been loaded, and six temporarily deployed armored combat vehicles were parked around it. The heavily armed military soldiers arrived in London this afternoon and set off in the evening. Responsible for transporting this third-level demon to a military base 900 kilometers away.

To be honest, it was extremely shocking that such an escort team could be assembled in less than a day.


Still silent.

Seeing the escort team of nearly a hundred people in front of them working in an orderly manner, Professor George Romanis said nothing, and Sherlock, who was standing not far away, said nothing.

At this time, all the greetings and inquiries have no much effect. It seems that only silence can make the noise in the wind a little calmer.

Hopkins didn't come.

Watson didn't come either.

Her Royal Highness the Saint did not come either.

It's a bit strange to say that a person like Sherlock has some friends inexplicably. According to normal logic, these people should be standing in the night wind at this time, looking at the team that is about to leave from a distance, Bring some encouragement and blessings to it.

But no one was present, which meant that they were all doing more important things.


"Mr. Holmes, the pre-inspection of the team has been completed and it is time to set off." A Crusader soldier reported to Sherlock with great respect.

Sherlock did not have the identity of a soldier, but the opponent still made a fist with his right hand and knocked steadily on the left side of his chest. This was the most commonly used military salute among the Crusaders.

The duty of a soldier is to obey orders, but in the absence of military orders, soldiers still have their own thoughts. These people who have devoted their blood for the empire understand what [controlling wild demons] means to the battlefield, and naturally they also know that this person in front of them looks like What a difference Mr. Not-So-Handsome will bring to the world.

At this moment, they sincerely hope that the demonstration of this experiment can be successful, because that will save a lot of blood and deaths.

Sherlock looked at the impressive convoy in the distance and found that almost everyone was standing in the straightest military posture like the soldiers in front of him. At the same time, they were also paying attention to him. Finally, there was a uniform soft muffled sound, The sound resounded under the halo of the gas lamp, causing a burst of hot blood to surge from the left chests of everyone around him.

As for himself, he just frowned slightly, because even with his brain, he couldn't figure out why these people could make the sound of beating their chests so neatly without anyone directing them.

In the end, he just smiled helplessly, wrapped his windbreaker tightly in the early spring night, and then said lightly:

"lets go"

The whole world shares the same moon. On the outskirts of London, the moonlight is not so bright due to the fog and clouds, but in a small town near the edge of Wilnes, the moonlight is as bright as ever.

This town faces the sea, with mountains at its back, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. You can bathe in the first ray of sunshine on the coastline every day. It is like spring all year round. Even in the hot June, you will enjoy the coolness pouring down from the mountains. Qi allows people to have the most comfortable sleep even at noon.

There is no station in the town, no tourism projects have been carried out, and even in such a good seaside location, no dock has been built. It just remains the same as it was sixty or seventy years ago. There are not many young people, only some old fishermen living here leisurely.

However, even in such a city that is somewhat out of touch with industrialization, there is still a post office and a newspaper deliveryman who has been delivering a few newspapers to this town for several years.

Today, it's 9 o'clock at night.

The newspaper delivery man held an envelope tightly in his hand.

Knocked on a wooden door of a brick house next to the seaside embankment

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