Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 254 The conversation that determines history (Part 1)

In the early morning of the fifth day, Sherlock woke up leisurely from bed.

Since the demonstration of test results a few days ago, he has relaxed and returned to his apartment. He goes to bed early and gets up early every day, never tired, with the physical blessing of the second-level contractor and the provision of tentacles in hell. Under the effects of his recovery, his injuries have healed to some extent, and the fatigue in his brain caused by the long-term consumption of the past two months and the fight during transportation has completely disappeared.

Recalling the night when he fought with Baskerville, Sherlock seemed to vaguely feel some changes in his body. He felt that he might have touched the line that reached the peak of the second level of the contractor. But just touching, if you want to cross over, you should still wait for an opportunity.

These days, Watson doesn't know why, but he is inexplicably interested in a gun. He walks out of the house before dawn every morning, and he doesn't know when he will come back at night. In this renting environment in London, Watson In this way, tenants who are away from home every day will definitely be warned or questioned by the landlord.

Fortunately, 221B is not Sherlock's property. As long as that guy doesn't come back to play with a skinned person, he won't bother him.

He sat down at the table, made himself a cup of coffee, and ate a few bites of the instant biscuits he bought a few days ago. He picked up the newspaper he had just picked up from the door and read it casually.

Similar to the reports from the past few days, the content was either parades or condemnations. Most newspapers were discussing how the interruption of the inheritance ceremony would affect the empire. However, some newspapers chose to find another way and began to send reporters to interview those who Seeing these words, Sherlock was not too touched by the family members of those who died in the London accident, because he knew that things would not turn around too much.

The war on the front line, the popularization of new energy, and the replacement of the throne are all inevitable outcomes, and what is reported in the newspapers are actually the pains that must be faced before the reform. Sherlock also knows that Moriarty He must have taken these into consideration, otherwise he would not have allowed the people to make such a fuss. Of course, he was also a little surprised that the dying old man actually had the ability to bring the entire empire into chaos without saying a word. powerful capabilities.

Fortunately, anger is not a long-term state. No matter how stupid people are, they will eventually come to their senses. So, wait for the angry people of the empire to gradually tire, and then at the right time, the evidence of the crime will be clearly presented in front of people's eyes. It will gradually get better.

From this point of view, it seems that he was a bit overly cautious in letting the black tide composed of tentacles in hell advance towards the ancient Roman city early. If he had known that everything would go so smoothly, then he should have let those If the little guy absorbs a little more demons, he might not have to fight so hard when fighting Baskerville.

Oh, by the way, after more than half a year of drawing hell, Sherlock seems to have discovered something very strange, that is, the demons in hell do not seem to be a creature that expands its population by 'reproduction'.

Because Sherlock knew very well that he had absorbed or killed almost all the demons in London during the past period, but he spent more than a month in the Academy of Life Sciences and two more in the suburbs of London. Yue, when he was free again and turned his attention to his surroundings, he discovered that many demons appeared in hell.

These demons were definitely not born through mating, nor were they hatched from an egg left in a corner.

They just suddenly appeared somewhere at a moment that Sherlock didn't notice.

He had nothing to do after sleeping these days, and even carefully cleaned up the demons in a certain area around him. However, two days later, he found a corrosive dog appearing on a corner outside Baker Street.

Sherlock hasn't found a pattern for this phenomenon yet, and he doesn't know if it's a good phenomenon, so he can only wait and see.

At the same time, in a small church on the edge of a small city more than 1,300 kilometers north of the ancient Roman city of France, a nurse was checking the names of some medicines very carefully.

She wrote these drugs in a list, then handed it to a court staff member outside the door, and gave the instructions very seriously:

"The manufacturer of each drug must purchase it according to what I wrote. The production date should not be more than one month. Please disinfect and seal the packaging before sending it over. When will the oxygen cylinder I want be delivered to the patient? My body is very weak now."

I don’t know if she has been chatting with Emperor Augustine for a long time. When facing the superior clergy of the Inquisition, this civilian nurse showed no cowardice at all. There was even a hint of majesty in her tone, as well as dissatisfaction with these judicial officers.

In her eyes, the old man was not just a king, but actually more of a patient, a respectable old man whose body functions had been exhausted and who lived only by his strong willpower. But this group of The guy actually let him ride on a steam locomotive and traveled more than a thousand kilometers, just to bring him into this small church.

For a patient, this is undoubtedly the most disrespectful behavior to human rights.

"Why are we staying here?"

No one answered her.

"How long are we going to stay?"

Still no one answered.

"No matter whether a person is guilty or not, or even during his sentence, as long as he has a physical illness, he has the right to receive due treatment. This is stated in the imperial law. You just let a critically ill old man stay in this hospital. In a room without any sterile conditions, without even going through the normal trial process, you still keep saying that you are exercising the laws of the empire, you are really ridiculous."

The girl nurse was obviously in her early 20s, but her simple words made the judges guarding the door a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, at this moment, a sound of footsteps came from the church hall in the distance.

The girl nurse looked over and saw a not very tall figure walking towards this side. The sunlight at noon was very strong, pouring down from the colorful glass of the dome, making the figure look three or four years older than herself. A young man seems to be walking in the ever-changing waves of water.

She watched the man get closer and closer to her, and finally stopped in front of her.

"Hello, a transport vehicle carrying the most professional medical equipment is on its way here. It should arrive in 15 minutes." The man said with the most sincere apology in his tone.

The girl looked at the other party's black and white robe, the looming golden threads hidden between the fabrics, and the golden sunflower pendant on her chest that symbolized the highest power of the Holy See, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"So, during these 15 minutes, can I talk to Mr. Augustine?"

The man asked, looking like a careless relative coming to visit a critically ill patient, carefully seeking permission from the ward nurse.

And just then.

"If you can, please let him in."

The old man's voice came from inside the house, maybe because he was afraid that people outside wouldn't be able to hear him through the door.

In short, for the first time in these years, the young nurse was surprised to know that the old man who was extremely weak could also make such a powerful voice.

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