Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 258 Are you busy lately?

Sherlock is just an ordinary person.

He is not the kind of savior who regards the future of mankind as his own responsibility.

He is not a king with great talents and great strategies.

He's not even a good person.

Lestrade, the former director of Scotland Yard, commented on Shylock, saying that he had no respect for the law, no humanity, no grace, and no regard for life. To some extent, he was worse than the criminals he captured and brought to justice. Evil, that is, a madman who acts according to his own preferences!

And now, this madman has taken over a case.

Even though this case involves many things, such as human beings, the future, the structure of society, the stability of the race, etc., in Sherlock's eyes, it is just a case, and everyone told him that this is A case.

Then it is absolutely impossible for him to accept the outcome of this case.

Irene looked at the man in front of her. As a businessman, what she believed in most was her own vision. When she first met Sherlock, she dared to conclude that this man must be extraordinary. After that, Sherlock showed Her ability is indeed amazing, even more powerful than she initially imagined.

She admired this man, and could even say that he was a little bit worthy of being obsessed with him.

But at this moment, she felt inexplicably afraid because of the other person's words:

"what are you up to?"

Erin couldn't help but ask.

Sherlock just responded calmly: "Of course the case is closed."

"The case is closed."

"No, a murderer was acquitted, and everyone regarded him as a hero. Even after Emperor Augustine abdicated, he received higher admiration from the people than during his reign. This is not a case closure, it is just a transaction. "

"This deal is good for everyone." Erin looked a little nervous. She put down her wine glass and took a step forward to approach Sherlock: "This is the best ending. You are the smartest person in the world. You should You can understand, right?"

There seemed to be a slight hint of 'pleasure' in her tone.

However, Sherlock just smiled apologetically and shook his head: "Whether this ending is good or not depends on who it is. Moriarty wanted to pull the emperor off the throne and elect a new king to come to power. Now he has got his wish; just think If you want to popularize new energy and expand your investment area, you will get what you want."

As he spoke, Sherlock looked at the crowd below, those people who were cheerful, joyful, and tasting the fruits of the harvest:

"These people are very happy because they have their own expectations, and at this moment, their expectations have been realized, whether it is wealth, power, or anything else. It can be seen that they are very happy.

All of you got what you wanted, and for you, this is of course the best ending.

what about me? "

Sherlock's words seemed to be asking Eileen, but more importantly, he seemed to be asking himself, so after a moment of silence, he shook his head:

"I haven't gotten my wish yet.

In fact, my wish is the smallest. I just want this case to have the ending it deserves.

I am not a hero, I do not have those great feelings of compassion for heaven and earth, and I am not cheering for the people who died in that disaster.

I just want closure.

Those who owe money must pay back money, and those who murder must pay with their lives. This is the simplest and most basic way to close a case. Crimes cannot be whitewashed as great contributions, and what the murderer did must be made public.

If you can't make me do what I want.

Then I’ll do it myself.”

After saying that, Sherlock was very satisfied with his words, as if he had finally found a good channel to express his feelings. He grinned, then turned and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute." Irene grabbed Sherlock's hand.

She seemed to know what the man in front of her wanted to do, but she thought it was too ridiculous and terrifying, so she subconsciously wanted to stop it.


"I know you are worried about me, thank you, but you can't stop me anymore." Sherlock comforted: "Of course, you can let your follower try, but with all due respect, if there are several Months ago, when we first met, he might have kept me here, but now, he can hold me for five minutes at most, so don’t waste your time."

After saying that, he gently took away Eileen's hand from his, pushed open the door to the room, and walked out.

Only Irene Adler was left alone.

This woman who deserves respect from the Inquisition, this woman who can establish a personal friendship with the Holy Son of the Holy See in her personal capacity, this woman who secretly has a huge information network and countless unknown properties, actually seems a little lost at this moment.

At this time, the door to the room was pushed open again, and her follower 'Godfrey' walked in, standing outside the door looking at his master with some worry.

"Miss, do you need me to do anything?"

This professional assassin who once assassinated more than thirty second-level priests by virtue of his identity as a human being actually feels now that he may not be able to keep the man named Sherlock, but as long as his master says a word, He was willing to risk his life for it.

However, Eileen just sat on a chair and shook her head silently. She knew that this made no sense.

After a few more minutes like this, she finally said slowly:

"No matter whether it works or not, contact everyone who can have an impact on Sherlock. You have to try."

Moriarty set up the exchange reception after the inheritance ceremony next to the Thames River just to be closer to Sherlock. This was also a way for him to express his gratitude to Sherlock.

Of course, this is not all thanks. Sherlock played a vital role in this series of events. If he had not solved the Darwin murder case, the current dean of the School of Life Sciences would have been Professor Holke. As a result, the controllable experiment on wild demons will basically not be able to proceed normally, let alone show the success of this experiment to the world within two months and gain the recognition of the entire empire. In short, it can be said that without Sherlock, there would be no today. Everything today.

Therefore, Shylock will definitely receive an extremely generous gift of thanks from His Royal Highness the Holy Son. This gift of thanks is enough for him to complete a class leap, and even directly obtain a lofty status and aristocratic status, not only for himself, but also for his Future generations will also have a beautiful life that is admittedly beyond their reach.

It's just that Moriarty has been too busy these days, so he didn't spare the time to personally deliver this thank-you gift to Sherlock.

But he never imagined that what deserves his attention now is no longer a thank you gift.

At night, London, an ancient but advanced city, is still immersed in a festive and peaceful atmosphere.

At 7:30, the gas pipelines were removed from the streets along the river under Big Ben for the first time, and some wires were connected to the street lights on both sides. With the slight operation of the generator, nearly three meters of the entire river bank was A kilometer-long area was brightly lit in an instant.

This is one of the rare times when electricity, an energy source, has been connected to civilian facilities on a large scale. Therefore, the citizens of London were extremely excited when they saw the light source that was several times brighter than gas lamps. They began to admire the greatness of technology. At the same time, The Mayor of London also announced to the excited people under these lights that in the next year, generators will be spread to every major street in London. By then, London at night will look like daytime.

Scenes like this are happening in almost all political districts. Administrators in some urban districts cannot control their inner surprise and announce to workers in advance that if the factory introduces electric machinery, the production efficiency will increase three times compared to before. Above, output value will naturally increase, and subsequently, wages for all positions will also increase.

In the reports of the Holy Journal, there were speculations about the popularization of electricity, but that was just a 'big pie' that had not yet been confirmed. The people of the empire would never have imagined that all this would happen so quickly and so quickly. suddenly.

As a result, the entire empire was cheering and jumping for joy.

In an apartment building on Baker Street, Sherlock knocked on the door of the first-floor room.

Watson came back quite early today, so he opened the door, looked at Sherlock and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Are you busy lately?"

"Still free."

"How about following me and killing someone?"


The two of them talked in an understated manner, as if it was the most ordinary chat.

And just then.


A phone rang.

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