Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 264 Who is that person?

This suitcase was bought a long, long time ago. It is made of the thickest cowhide and is covered with strong nylon mesh. It is so well made that it has not been broken even after so many years. Usually, when Sherlock wants to end a case, he will Carrying this big box is not only convenient for loading people, but also more of a habit.

At this moment, he still follows this habit.

Oh, if you have to ask, how did Sherlock escape from the tight defenses around Baker Street? It's actually very simple. His current domain has spread to ancient Rome, so he can directly pass through the sun in hell. Pull yourself over.

At this moment, he carried the box to Watson and opened it.

In fact, there is nothing too surprising inside. A pistol, some bullets, that's it.

Sherlock didn't know why Watson specifically asked him to bring this gun here, because guns are actually not difficult to obtain. You can capture a lot by just killing a few guards in the city, but like Watson, Just like Watson wouldn't ask Sherlock how he escaped from the siege, Sherlock wouldn't wonder why Watson brought a gun. He didn't even observe the gun carefully. Everyone has to have some secrets. This is Human nature.

Watson picked up the gun and turned it around casually in his hand. The gun seemed to disappear. He didn't know where it was hidden. Then he put the few bullets into his pocket:

"What's next?"

This time, he accompanied Sherlock to kill people, so he naturally had to respect Sherlock's opinion.

Of course, he also knew what the process of this operation was going to be like. Since he wanted to kill someone, he naturally had to know where the person he wanted to kill was first. As the ancient Roman city of France was the political center of the empire, all the information in it was wrong. It is open to the public that even if some visitors are allowed to enter the city, they are only allowed to move within the planned area and cannot enter the heavily guarded inner city at will.

As a result, it becomes very difficult to determine the location of the target.

Fortunately, there will always be interactions between people. In the past few days, he can ask a few soldiers from the guard army and government workers to ask questions. Watson believes in his ability to communicate with people, at most three or four Within days, useful clues can be collected, and based on these clues, Sherlock should be able to quickly deduce the target's location. There are still many people stranded in the city, so time should be enough.

But I just thought of this

"Emperor Augustine is in a separate building in the inner city. The specific direction is probably all the way north along Block 23, passing 6 security posts, and then passing the Imperial Finance Office building and a garden area. , you can see it.”

"." Watson listened to Sherlock's words and was silent for a few seconds. Finally, he asked the question that he didn't want to ask but couldn't hold back: "How did you know?"

"Through the transport routes of vehicles, in the past few years, several transport vehicles have passed through the inspection checkpoints in the city almost every 20 days. I checked the refueling routes of these vehicles and found that they all came from several stores in the empire. After coming out of the pharmaceutical company, after entering the inner city, they stayed and returned near that building, and every six months, a group of medical teams would go to that building. Considering that the old emperor's condition could not go out often, he would definitely You can’t always move places, so the chance of him staying in that building is more than 95%.”

When Watson listened to Sherlock's explanation, the curiosity in his expression did not completely dissipate. There was nothing wrong with the other party's reasoning, but how did he get the source of this information?

Seeing Watson like that, Sherlock didn't have much explanation.

The security measures of Emperor Augustus are naturally at the highest level, so every drug transportation record is very detailed, and his thinking palace has a very fast search ability in recording information, just like that power is naturally He has an extremely keen perception of things in the form of words. If Sherlock wants to see it, he can quickly present it in front of his eyes. In fact, if he hadn't deliberately made such a detailed record for fear of omissions, he might not be able to do so. Find the target quickly.

"Also, at 2 o'clock in the morning, several groups of medical teams will meet at a hotel at the end of this street. They are drawn from the eleven top hospitals in the empire. I feel that they are mutually beneficial to each other. The chance of knowing each other is slim, and the purpose of their coming here is to conduct a final health check after Augustine the Great leaves office.

There was no advance warning about the resignation of Emperor Augustine this time. It was a completely sudden decision, so most of the procedures were not prepared in time. The medical testing team was also notified at short notice. Photos and detailed files of the relevant personnel would not be mailed until the morning. It's a rare opportunity. I think, depending on your ability, you should be able to sneak in. "

"Of course." Watson nodded.

In fact, it sounds like a very simple thing to get into a team that doesn't know each other very well, but if you really want to do it, you need extremely strong comprehensive qualities, exquisite speaking skills, observation of words, and adaptability to changes, often with the same demeanor. , the tone of a sentence may be exposed, not to mention that these high-end medical professionals may have heard about it for a long time, so what kind of identity is needed and what kind of role needs to be played requires very subtle considerations. It's not something you can do casually by putting on the cloak of a medical worker and standing in a corner pretending to be mute.

And Watson agreed to this matter so lightly, which shows that he has great confidence in this kind of thing.

But in fact, it is surprising that Sherlock can obtain this kind of information.

Anyway, the two men looked at each other, and after sighing at each other's talents in some aspects, Watson asked again:

"What about you? Sneak in with me?"

"I'd better forget it. After all, the medical knowledge is not as good as your professionalism, and the image is a bit inconsistent. I have a better way."

Watson nodded.

In this way, the two people talked about their contact information and some precautions after entering the inner city. Watson turned and returned to the tavern, while Sherlock lowered the brim of his hat and walked into the street where the night breeze was slightly cooler.

In the early morning, several military transport vehicles stopped in front of a hotel. Some not too big, but extremely sophisticated medical facilities were loaded onto the vehicles. Under the gaze of the soldiers, more than 40 medical staff also Got in the car and drove towards the inner city.

This was the last health examination that Augustine the Great conducted as a king, so these doctors took it very seriously. Considering that the most stringent disinfection measures were required before the examination, these doctors all wore smooth leather coats and filters in advance. The functional eagle-beak mask is considered a standard feature for doctors in this era.

And Watson was already mixed among these people.

Not only did I get in, I also got along pretty well.

Exquisite words and detailed performances can allow him to create some cognitive biases in front of different people. This kind of skill usually appears on some high-end tramps, who specialize in attending the weddings of some nobles and at banquets. Play both sides, making the man think he is the woman's friend, and making the bride's family think he is a distant relative of the groom. In this way, usually without any accidents, you can eat dozens of meals throughout the year without being discovered, and even... Can build some interpersonal relationships.

Of course, Watson's situation is much higher than theirs, and his work is also more perfect. In the short exchange of dozens of minutes in the hotel just now, he has gained the respect of most of his colleagues in terms of medical skills, and even I had a good chat with a few young nurses and even left their phone numbers. However, if these nurses really went back and dialed the numbers, they would find that these calls were picked up by strangers, or simply empty. Number.

The vehicle passed through one checkpoint after another, and the armed guards searched all the instruments and medical equipment. Because the new emperor's enthronement ceremony was over, various handover links in the city were in full swing. Although no one would think that it would be There are people mixed in this kind of team, but they still ask everyone about extremely tricky medical knowledge. Only the most professional doctors will know this kind of questions, so as to distinguish the true identities of these people. Compared with people, What's more critical is the investigation of weapons. With the abundant demon sedatives and the support of high-intensity defensive firepower, no one can touch a finger of the emperor without dispatching the army.

In this way, after walking for more than two hours on a journey that was not too far, I finally came to a building that looked unremarkable. All the doctors on the car got out of the car and took off their beaks. masks, and a final pat-down.

At this moment, on the top floor of the building in front of him, Emperor Augustine was sitting quietly in a wheelchair in front of the window, looking at the ancient Roman French city below. After staying here for decades, he seemed to have already transformed this city. I regard it as my own home. Now that I know that I will leave here soon, there will always be a trace of emotion in my heart.

In fact, looking back on his life, although he has received countless honors, he has been losing friends, daughters, political partners, and people who understand him. After 60 years of imperial career, in the end, he seems to have only this palace left. City, but at this moment, he has to lose even this place

The old man lowered his eyes, squeezed, and found that he was still as dry as ever.

At this moment, following his movements, his blurred vision passed through the glass in front of him and noticed the medical team below who were being searched. But among this team, one person seemed to raise his head accidentally. They looked at each other through the window and the night.

Emperor Augustine was very old, and his vision had long been blurred, but the incomprehensible look at each other at this moment made him slightly startled.

"Who is that person?" He raised his old hand and pointed at the doctor below who had lowered his head.

The nurse behind the wheelchair walked up to the glass, looked down, and said softly: "It's just the people in the health inspection team. Because these people were formed as quickly as possible, the information is still on the way to be mailed. It won't be available for the time being." It’s clear which hospital that person came from.”

"Hasn't the information been mailed yet?" Emperor Augustine murmured, thinking that in the past few decades, every security inspection of his had gone through the most rigorous screening, and now, he needed to give way to the new emperor of the empire. When I arrived at the location, even the inspection was in such a hurry that I couldn't even wait an extra day.

Therefore, the old man narrowed his eyes in silence

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