Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 269 Death is approaching (Part 2)

The intensive roar of gunfire also rang in Sherlock's ears.

The flying gravel kept hitting him like hard raindrops.

In fact, if you look at the behavior of these two people at this moment from a normal person's way of thinking, it is undoubtedly absurd.

They were able to sneak into the building silently, with only a glass window away from Emperor Augustine. This is of course the most powerful performance. If they are lucky, these two guys may be recorded in the annals of history and become the first in the history of Saints. A man who successfully killed the emperor.

However, when their identity is exposed, all the hiding and persistence are meaningless.

Because no matter what, it is impossible for two people to fight against the defense system of a city. Although they can kill many people, they killed more than twenty people in that building, and after they came out, they killed nearly forty people. After rushing out of the underground, he killed a dozen more.

But so what, even if they kill another hundred people, what can they do? These two people can rely on their strong strength to avoid and dodge under the pressure of fire, and even take the time to counterattack with a few shots. However, the guards only paid a lot of money. It was just a few bullets and damage to some buildings. To put it bluntly, in the end it was just a matter of finding a team of people to clean up the battlefield, and spending some money to repair it, and the city would be intact again.

But the intruders had no response or supplies. Even if they could kill people and seize guns, they would eventually be tired and hungry. In such a tragic environment, the consumption of every second was extremely terrifying. These two people It's a miracle that it lasted this long.

They are still alive now, which is enough to gain the respect of all the guards.

But that doesn't stop them from dying quickly.

Especially after the third echelon was dispatched, this is an unchangeable fact.

Sherlock rushed into the corner of a building and got a brief respite. Some of the shrapnel embedded in his body would not hurt his muscles, bones and vital organs, but there was still a dull pain.

A stream of blood slipped from his forehead, and he wiped it, and some blood seeped into the corners of his mouth, allowing his tongue to taste the slightest trace of fishy sweetness.

He thought, if his analytical ability could be so perfect that he could identify the components in blood through changes in smell, could he become some kind of humanoid disease detector? By then, just by smelling the smell of a patient, he would be able to detect the disease. For a doctor's use.

Well, this idea is definitely impossible to realize. Even if it is realized, sitting in the clinic every day is too boring.


I don’t know if anyone has ever said this: A boring life is worse than death.

This kind of statement must come from a madman who is not in his right mind.

But Sherlock has a very deep sense of identity with this kind of words, and he has been pursuing this feeling all his life. When people live, they must have their own pursuits and persistence. The reason why life exists cannot be just to eat, sleep, reproduce, and then die. That would be too boring.

It is precisely because of this that Shylock came to this ancient city without hesitation and wanted to kill a king who had abdicated.

Of course he knew how crazy this behavior was.

Of course he knew that Emperor Augustine had abdicated and became an old man.

Of course he knew that the old man was seriously ill and would die even if he didn't kill him.

But these are not what he wants.

Some people must say that this kind of assassination is too impulsive and risky. It is better to plan for a while and wait for a more suitable time, wait for him to go to a more loosely guarded village, or return to his former hometown to retire, and then kill him. It would be much easier if it collapsed with one shot.

In theory, it is indeed much simpler.

But this theory does not apply to Sherlock. Otherwise, he would think that all assassins in the world should work hard, pay attention to their health, and live a few years longer than their targets, so that they can attend the other party's funeral. Deceiving yourself and others, saying, I will kill you

If you really want to kill someone, then you have to kill, do your best to kill, kill regardless of everything. If you want to kill in the morning, you have to soak in the other person's blood and fall asleep at night.

The moment Moriarty said that the old man didn't need to die, Sherlock had already decided all this. He didn't want to wait another day, otherwise, what fun would there be in killing people.

It was just my own impulse with paranoia and character flaws that harmed that guy Watson.

Just when he thought of this, Sherlock turned his eyes sideways, and then saw a series of silent gunfire suddenly flashed in the shadows on the other side of the road. He didn't know how many guards died under that gun, and Watson Before his whereabouts were exposed, he quietly jumped onto a platform. Under the moonlight for a moment, his excited and slightly opened eyes were illuminated.


It seems that guy is enjoying it too

And at this moment, suddenly, from the distant streets, there came waves of roars getting closer and closer.

This roar crossed the distance of the entire street, covering up the gunshots and shouts, and rushed into everyone's ears with incomparable ferocity.

Everyone knows what this means.

Sherlock was silent for a moment, wanting to take a look in the direction of the sound, but just as he turned his head, he discovered that the firepower on the other side of the wall was too strong, and he had been suppressed behind the wall, unable to get out at all. Not even a hint of sight.

The dust turned into dense light spots under the moonlight, and the flames dyed these light spots into hot stars. The alarms and bells in the distance did not stop for a moment, and the wall fragments flying wildly with the bursting gunshots were moving around them in a kind of way. The fire was flying everywhere at a terrifying speed, as if the firepower was trying to cut open the wall behind him.

But all of this was actually not as breathtaking as that roar coming from afar.

A demon. A big demon of the third level.

No, not one. Amidst these roars, Sherlock could still guess that there were three or even four demons heading this way based on some subtle details.

He couldn't help but smile, feeling that these guards really thought highly of him.

After taking a few deep breaths, the smell of gunpowder smoke around him seemed to have some 'blues' effect, which lifted Sherlock's spirits a little.

The wall behind him should be able to hold up for another minute. By then, it will be blown through by the terrifying missiles, sawing his body in two. Sherlock silently raised a handful of weapons that he had just snatched from the guards. With the gun, he analyzed the direction of the shrapnel from the dust scattered around him. The gun could only shoot in a straight line anyway, so it was easy to guess where the densest number of soldiers behind him were gathered.

Well, this kind of speculation is just a habit. In fact, he can hit many enemies just by sweeping in a general direction.

In short, Sherlock hid in the bunker, using the smallest possible way to expose his body, and shot towards the other side of the wall. It took him a few seconds to empty the magazine. Then, he picked up another gun and repeated the process just now. Actions.

The shock on his back became stronger and stronger. Only a thin layer was left on the originally extremely thick wall. Sherlock's expression was extremely calm. He knew that he could not stay here any longer, so he suddenly jumped up and stood in front of him. Three or four meters high, he kicked the wall fiercely in mid-air, and used the shock to kick his body horizontally far away, entering the shelter of a nearby building. This height should be considered to be covered by the firepower from the opposite side. Blind spot, and in the process, the gun in his hand never stopped for a moment.

But even so, he still took a few shots in the thigh. Fortunately, his strong physical fitness made him not care about the injury. He just made a heavy muffled sound when he landed on the ground. In this gap, he tried A crack in the void was opened in the crowd. After all, a third-order demon appeared. Does that mean that the concentration of demon sedatives around him would be somewhat reduced.

However, these guards are the most professional soldiers. Every once in a certain distance, there will be someone carrying a large canister, constantly spraying the gas evaporated from the demon sedative, making it impossible for void cracks to appear in the crowd. .

In the distant place where the sedative was slightly thinner, I finally found a position where I could tear open the crack, but the black outline that just appeared would be hit by intensive firepower, blowing the demon that had just climbed out into pieces in an instant.

And in this process, what was supposed to come eventually came.

A large humanoid demon has arrived behind the crowd.

At the same time, a creepy demon that looked like a stick insect crawled across the top of the building, its body covered with barbs blocking the moonlight.

Sherlock rolled on the ground and hid his figure in a bush. Through the increasingly thick smoke, he saw a huge lizard with horns on its head quickly surrounding the corner of the street. A building crawled around twice, and then quickly spat out scarlet letters in the air.

On the other side of the building behind him, the huge "squeaking" sound indicated that there was also a demon there, looking for traces of prey.

He seemed to be surrounded.

Gradually, the gunfire began to weaken and soon stopped.

This is of course not that these soldiers gave up the attack, but that they felt that since the third echelon of demons had arrived, they no longer had to risk their lives by pouring bullets.

The function of fire suppression is to prevent the two intruders from escaping, and now that there are four third-level demons, there is no possibility for the intruders to 'escape', because as long as they show their heads, they will There is only a dead end.

Therefore, the captains of several surrounding teams invariably made some military gestures.

Immediately afterwards, the gathered soldiers skillfully divided into teams of five, holding guns and slowly approaching the construction area shrouded in smoke and dust ahead.

Sherlock was hiding in the bushes behind a wall. The crazy fire suppression suddenly stopped, and the silence around him made the footsteps extremely clear.

He knew that the guards had begun to look for him, and as long as they found him, they would basically declare their death.

It is impossible for humans to fight against third-level demons. Even if they could, they would not be able to fight four of them at the same time, so the footsteps that were getting closer were like a stopwatch of death, walking towards them step by step.

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