Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 282 Empire, who has the most face?

A white carriage walked through the icy rocks in the mountains, and with great difficulty came to the gate of a huge, ancient city in the howling cold wind.

Several nuns in white got out of the car, as well as a woman wearing the most ordinary windbreaker.

The guards of the Blood Prison looked at these people and felt a little confused. Since these people could find this place, they must have some knowledge. Don't they know that the prisoners in the Blood Prison do not have the right to visit?

However, when a nun in white brought a written document and handed it to the jailer in front of him, the confusion in the man's eyes slowly turned into confusion, then shock, and finally he raised his head to take a look at the nuns surrounding him. The noble figure below, for a moment didn't know what kind of attitude he should show now.

After all, these blood prison jailers did not kneel down to express their piety to the saint of the Holy See.

In fact, if they were in other places, they would not dare to be so disrespectful when they saw the saint, but this is the Blood Prison, so they should not be too humble when treating anyone.

Of course, not being humble doesn't mean you can't be respectful.

After extremely rigorous review of the document, which was almost ten centimeters thick and had the seals of 12 departments and took more than a month to download, a jailer said that he had to report it to the warden before he could make a decision. Whether it is passable.

But then, a small side door next to the prison door was opened, and the slightly fat warden ran over panting. He did not make an overly pious gesture to the saint of the Vatican in front of so many people. etiquette, but the act of coming out to greet him in person speaks volumes.

In this way, under the leadership of the warden, His Highness the Saint of the Holy See and three followers entered the strictest and bloodiest prison in the empire.

After passing some long and narrow corridors and several deep and damp iron gates, the warden wiped his sweat and explained to Her Majesty the Saint that he did not mean to drag out this visit for so long, but The tone of the Blood Prison system has been set since its establishment. It cannot be changed by one person or a few words. He has already provided the greatest convenience within the scope of his duties.

It can be heard from his tone that the warden has absolute admiration for this human evangelist chosen by the Holy Light.

With that said, several people walked past a fence gate.

Because there is no "prison visit" in the Blood Prison, there is no visiting room for prison visits. To find a suitable place for the saint, the warden can only free up the lounge in the office area, and this This resulted in a group of them passing through an isolation area for prisoners.

Those prisoners who had been in the blood prison for who knows how many years had not seen a woman for a long time. When they saw the nun in white clothes walking past on the other side of the fence, they were all dumbfounded and subconsciously obeyed. Following their own instincts, one of them even took a few steps forward, as if he wanted to see more clearly.

But this scene was seen by the warden. At that moment, the silly smile on his face disappeared in an instant, leaving only a breathtaking coldness, and he faintly motioned to the jailer beside him.

With such a simple gesture, the prisoner's whole body was suddenly thrown into an ice cellar. He immediately fell to his knees and let out the most miserable screams and begged for mercy. However, several jailers did not care at all and dragged the man away. The screams gradually disappeared around the corner of the prison, and there was no telling what kind of terrible punishment the man would face.

Don't look around, don't walk around, don't talk around, don't ask around.

It would be best for people in the Blood Prison to forget everything about themselves as human beings and just be like soulless objects.

In short, this is the most common scene in the blood prison.

But it was this scene that cast a haze over Her Majesty's heart. It was hard for her to imagine what her two tenants had become like in such an environment.

Finally, she came to a lounge, and the warden said that the person she wanted to see would be brought immediately.

There are some simple tables and chairs in the room. Perhaps for this visit, one of the tables was moved to the center of the lounge, with a chair on each side. Her Royal Highness the Saint sat on one of the chairs. The gas lamp above the head is still bright, but in this place without natural light all year round, you will always feel a strange coldness, and if you are not careful, you will hear screams echoing in your ears.

After waiting quietly for a moment, there was finally a sound of heavy metal dragging the bottom of the door.

Immediately afterwards, a prisoner with his hands tied and extremely heavy chains on his feet appeared at the door. Mrs. Hudson and Watson looked at each other. The former found that the clothes on the other party seemed to be very clean, and his hair was His face was not dirty, and it seemed that he had just been cleaned. However, under the collar, you could occasionally see some hideous wounds, as well as the bloodless lips. You could feel that he had been tortured in this prison. How much inhuman treatment they suffered.

Her Highness the Saint's breathing changed her rhythm.

But what surprised her was that Watson still smiled very gentlemanly, and even in the restrained state, he still gave her a slight salute: "Long time no see, I hope I don't scare you, beautiful landlady. "

This sentence made the people escorting him a little confused. They didn't know why the majestic saint would want to see a prisoner, and they didn't know what the word 'landlady' meant.

But before the jailers began to think about it, Mrs. Hudson turned directly and asked: "Can I talk to him alone for a while?"

As soon as these words came out, the jailers were immediately shocked, and the warden who had just arrived was also shocked, and quickly waved his hand and said:

"Your Highness, this man is the most terrifying criminal in this prison. He is extremely dangerous. How can you be alone with such a guy?"

"Please rest assured that I am an acquaintance with this Mr. John Watson, and since he is so restrained now, he should not be able to harm me." Her Royal Highness the Saint said calmly: "Besides, I can let my If the servants stay here, there won’t be any problems with safety.”

The servants she was talking about were naturally the two nuns in white behind her. Although they looked slender and weak, everyone knew that the fighting power of these three nuns was definitely greater than the combined strength of the jailers with guns. Some.

So after some hesitation, the warden still adhered to his worship of the Holy Light and nodded devoutly.

Just like that, Watson and Mrs. Hudson were the only ones left in the room.

As the door to the lounge was closed, Mrs. Hudson's eyes, which had been pretending to be calm, finally turned red.

"Have you suffered a lot?" she asked the question to which she already knew the answer.

But Watson just smiled and said: "Actually, it's not bad, it's just that the food is a little bad."

Mrs. Hudson looked at Watson's gentle look and suddenly felt a little resentful:

"I really don't know what sin I did in my last life. I was living a good life, but suddenly I became some kind of saint. And my tenant suddenly became the most terrifying criminal in the history of the saint. Is it better to catch one?" Give one away.

Do you two idiots know what you have done?

Who would kill the emperor?

How could there be just two people who would kill the emperor as soon as their brains got hot? ! "

She asked, her tone getting more and more angry, and finally she even started to cry:

"Do you know how much rent you owe? If you die like this, what will you pay me back?"

Watson was scolded, and he felt very wronged in his heart. It was obvious that I was deceived by that guy Sherlock, but now he wanted me to be scolded on his behalf.

And when I was asked to live in 221B Baker Street, the guy agreed that he would not charge rent.

Just thinking about it.

"Where is he...? In my application, the two of you are visiting. Why are you the only one coming out?"

Speaking of this, Watson's smiling expression finally showed a hint of worry. After hesitating for a moment, he still said:

"Shylock was classified as the absolute murderer because he killed Emperor Augustine with his own hands, so he was thrown into the bottom of the blood prison.

I think it should be outside the scope of visitation.

And believe me, if you are jealous when you see me like this, then it is actually a good thing that you didn't see him. "

Just such a sentence made Mrs. Hudson's heart beat suddenly, and with this beat, she felt an uncontrollable surge of sadness.

She kept cursing in her heart, but she didn't know what she was cursing. It might be cursing the prison, or it might be cursing the guy who claimed to be the greatest detective, but ended up becoming the most terrifying criminal.

But after a moment, she still forced herself to calm down, and then said to Watson:

"Keep it up, Moriarty says, and he'll have a way to get you out."

"Get it out?" Watson was slightly startled, then smiled bitterly.

The system of the Blood Prison is special. If the outside world does not define this frenzied pursuit as reasonable, then the Blood Prison will not be able to accept an amnesty order from any force.

The saint's statement is not good, and the current Pope's statement is not good. If I am not wrong, Franklin, as the newly appointed emperor, should also be working hard. It seems that it is not possible either.

The impact of killing Emperor Augustine was really too great.

Even if some people hope that they and Sherlock can come out, there are still too many people who hope that these two terrible prisoners will be imprisoned forever, or that at a suitable time, their heads will be shot to pieces.

Because they killed Augustine the Great.

That means they can kill other people.

If these two lunatics were released, how many people in the empire would be unable to sleep?

So now, the Pope’s face is not easy to use, and the emperor’s face is not easy to use either.

Let me ask you, who in the entire empire can have more dignity than these two people?

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