Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 287 Just two copies?


In fact, during the initial review, the jailers in these blood cells didn't quite understand the meaning of this word.

Today's empire is in a good situation. Unless the third demonic invasion occurs, where is the emergency?

However, when the girl's name appeared in the crime report, all the jailers who saw the document suddenly widened their eyes.

It seems really urgent!

In the deep prison, almost all the light sources come from the sizzling gas lamps. The damp water stains on the walls seem to smell of blood. From time to time, one or two distant screams can be heard in the ears, but carefully When I tried to identify it, I couldn't hear anything.

[Natasha Noble] is a new trial court investigator, belonging to the third division. She is still relatively young and has not experienced many cases, but she is very talented and has a strong personality. She can even be called She hates evil as much as she hates it. This straightforward hatred of evil makes her very energetic in some cases, and she is also appreciated by some high-level officials of the Inquisition.

But this time, she followed the instructions of her immediate superior, the Supreme Inquisitor of the Third Division [Stanley Hopkins], and was dispatched to the most severe prison in the entire empire—the Blood Prison.

The purpose is to negotiate with a prisoner here.

The person who knows the murderer best is not necessarily the police, but another murderer, and the person who knows the perverted murderer best is definitely another perverted murderer, so this kind of going to prison and asking a death row inmate to comment on a certain case The practice of opinions is not uncommon in tribunals.

However, it is relatively rare to come to the Blood Prison to find prisoners, and it is even the first time for Natasha.

At first, the young judge did not take this trip to heart. After all, she was very confident in her strong nerves. Although she had heard of the vicious reputation of the Blood Prison, she was a judge after all. How could one be frightened by a prison.

But after actually being in the Blood Prison, she finally understood why this place was called the most terrifying institution in the entire empire.

At this time, she was walking in a narrow corridor. In front of her was an old jailer, holding a portable gas lamp. The thin light seemed to exude a faint scarlet color. He looked to be in his 60s. He was thin and had a peaceful face, but for some reason, Natasha always seemed to be able to smell the smell of blood emanating from him.

"Those people were so scary. I could hear their screams."

Perhaps because few people come to this place, the old jailer has been alone for a long time and is somewhat neurotic. As he moves forward, he is always chattering:

"Fortunately, they are all locked up, but when I think about myself being locked up with those people, I always can't sleep well."

In this way, while muttering, he walked forward. Finally, a door appeared at the end of the corridor, or in other words, it was a wall sealed with thick steel. There was only a small door under the wall for entry and exit.

The old jailer took out a bunch of keys and inserted them into the door lock to open it, but suddenly, he stopped turning his hand, then tilted his head and looked at the man next to him who was just in his early 20s with some worry. woman:

"Have you ever heard of Sherlock Holmes?" he asked quietly.

Natasha shook her head: "I heard about it for the first time when I received the mission."

"." The old jailer was silent for a while, and then continued: "I have never heard of it before.

But believe me, we have never heard of him, not because he is not famous enough, but because our level is too low to deserve to have heard of his name. "

There was a hint of warning in the old jailer's tone:

"I don't know why you came here. Maybe your boss wants to use this method to train you, but I have to tell you some precautions.

Don't say unnecessary words to him, don't give him pens or cards, and don't accept anything he hands you. Always keep at least half a meter away from the cage. Everything he tells you must be kept in mind. Don't believe it, don't look at him, and leave as soon as you finish what you want to do. "

Natasha frowned. She was a typical believer in the law. As a member of the Holy See's highest judicial body, she had to be so wary of a locked up prisoner. This gap made her a little uncomfortable.

"Old man, you may not have noticed my identity. I am a judge and belong to the third division of the trial court. I should not be afraid of a death row prisoner."

But just as he said this, the old jailer in front of him slowly turned his face and stared at Natasha under the dim gas lamp. After a while:

"That guy climbed out from the bottom of the blood prison. I have been working here for 40 years. There are only a few people who have been in the blood prison. Each of them is the most terrifying lunatic, and no one has ever been able to come out alive. .

except him.

And I have never seen a person detained in the heavy prison area being allowed to go out once every two months. Every time he comes out, he must be followed by 12 heavily armed soldiers. I feel like someone I want to ensure his mental state to the greatest extent possible.

This is not an ordinary person. In short, please believe me, this is for your own good. "

These were the last words the old jailer said. Immediately afterwards, he opened the door at the deepest part of the heavy prison area.

Natasha walked in.

Compared with the outside, the light in the heavy prison area seems to be given a heavy attribute. In front of you is a straight corridor with thick iron grilles on both sides. As long as you stand still, you can feel the light hitting your face. Comes with a depressing feeling.

Continuing to walk forward, she passed one prison after another. In the shadows, she could feel strange eyes scanning her body, like insects crawling around her body.

Soon she came to the innermost place, where Sherlock was imprisoned.

In fact, Natasha always felt that there was no need to be too careful about a death row prisoner. After all, he was locked up. But she was probably infected by the atmosphere here. She subconsciously followed the old jailer's instructions and pressed against the wall on the other side, far away. Looking into the prison from a distance.

What surprised her was that the environment of this prison seemed much better than the others. There was even a bed here. Other prisons only had the simplest straw mats, and beside the bed, you could still see some scattered cigarette boxes. , at this moment, a vague figure can be seen in the shadow of the prison, seemingly sleeping soundly.

"Mr. Sherlock?" she called politely.

Seeing that the people inside didn't respond, he raised his voice a little louder: "Mr. Sherlock!?"

Finally, the sleeping man seemed to be awakened. He stood up slowly, then got out of bed and walked out of the shadows.

Where light and dark meet, a somewhat pale face appears.

There is no bloodthirsty appearance as imagined, no mottled yellow teeth and protruding eyeballs. This is an ordinary person. Apart from the overly three-dimensional facial edges and corners, there is nothing scary about him.

Immediately afterwards

"Give me the case."

The person on the other side of the bars said, his voice was nothing special, even a little sleepy as if he had just woken up.

Natasha couldn't help but become cautious because of these words: "Do you know why I came to you?"

"Of course, I'm not very good at anything. Apart from having some knowledge about the case, there's really nothing worthy of a trial court official coming all the way to find me. So, give it to me quickly, I'm going to be bored. Dead." As he spoke, Sherlock pointed to a slide on the side of the cell.

Natasha frowned. She found that this prisoner seemed to be a little different from the other prisoners. After a moment of hesitation, she put the case into a small iron box next to her, then pushed it gently, and the box was released. Sliding into the cell. This is designed to prevent guards from getting too close to prisoners when delivering food.

Sherlock took out the case book and flipped through it casually.

Um. Well, he was flipping through it too casually. He didn't even read a minute of such a thick pile of files. Then, he raised his head in confusion and glanced at the young judge outside the prison. .

"that's it?"

"." Natasha was stunned for a moment, unable to believe that the other party could read so fast, and then said: "These two files are already very comprehensive. For the time being, we can only provide these."

In fact, she could understand the man in front of her. Although only the murderer understood the murderer best, these two murders were extremely difficult. The police were overwhelmed and submitted it to the trial court. They had not found a good direction for the investigation for a long time. As a death row prisoner, , Firstly, I have not seen the scene, and secondly, I have not followed the whole process. It is indeed difficult to find a breakthrough based on the words in some cases.

But before she could finish speaking, the prisoner in the prison interrupted her:

"No, I mean, just these two?"

"Um, yes." Natasha didn't quite understand what the other party meant. What does "just these two portions" mean? ’

The next second, she was shocked to see the man in front of her throw the two piles of thick files back into the iron box and push them out:

"If there are really only these two cases, they have been solved."

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