Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 311 Darkness

No one will pay attention to a homeless person, because they are at the bottom of society and will not affect anyone. If you give him some dry bread or copper plates, it is alms. If you walk by him contemptuously, they will not care. What will happen to you, because all homeless people are like that.

Things that are done by convention will naturally create psychological blind spots in people.

For example, everyone thinks that secret rooms are formed through exquisite layout or complex mechanism design, but no one thinks that some secret rooms can actually be formed the moment the door is opened.

In other words, in fact, the murder scene was not a secret room at all, but it became a secret room when everyone saw it, just like the mysterious theory that someone proposed using a dead cat a few years ago. .

Also, everyone felt that the people in the vault could not be murdered because the murderer would not have been able to get inside.

Indeed, that huge revolving door with a diameter of 4 meters and a thickness of nearly half a meter can easily scare anyone away, but no one thinks about it. In fact, the space of that huge vault is itself a killing method. Because It has injection windows for demonic calming gas at its four corners.

Although every window is blocked by a steel grid, the holes less than one centimeter each are enough to kill people, because Sherlock saw with his own eyes that day that the bank staff removed the box of food and Water piled on the edge of the vault.

Finally, there was the door sealed by the corpse. Sherlock asked Captain Gregson about it as soon as he saw the corpse.

In fact, there is no need to ask him, because the body can only be seen by opening the door.

Therefore, there is no secret room per se

There are no complicated mechanisms, no huge trajectories, and no contract capabilities. What is there is just the murderer's grasp of the blind spots of human thinking.

"It's a really strange feeling to know that you are going to be murdered soon." Nightingale looked at the people outside the window and seemed to be able to feel a hint of tension in the air.

Nopa stood behind her:

"Do you still remember my gambling dad?" she asked suddenly.

"." Nightingale said nothing, as if that was someone she didn't want to mention.

But Nopa himself continued: "Actually, over the years, I have thought about it countless times and found that even if you had not passed through the town where my family is located and had not rescued my father, nothing would have changed.

So saving a life is always the right thing to do, even if the person being saved is a complete asshole. "

Nightingale remained silent. After a few minutes, she finally turned her head and looked at the little girl behind her. There was a trace of surprisingly beautiful affection in her smile.

As Nopa said, her father was a bad gambler. When Nightingale passed through her town a few years ago, he saw the poor family.

My father is very skinny and suffers from severe lung disease. The family has no source of income and can only rely on my mother to go outside the village to pick some wild vegetables to survive. The food she finally gets in exchange will be sold by my father if it does not meet the needs of life. Lose it in exchange for some money to use for gambling.

In his words, if he didn't gamble, he would have to wait for death because no matter what, the family would not be able to raise money for medical treatment.

Indeed, this is a family with no future in sight. Illness and poverty can erase all good things. Only the teenage Nopa, with her innocent eyes that do not understand the world, can occasionally see a glimmer of hope. , and the source of this brilliance is actually just because she is still young and does not understand that she is in despair.

On that day, Nightingale walked up to her father and gently touched his forehead, which was like an extremely beautiful grace descending from a holy light.

Diseases were cured and a family saved.

This was just a common scene for Nightingale, so she ignored the woman's kneeling and the shocked look in the man's eyes after he finally stopped coughing. She opened the door and walked out of the room that didn't even have a gas lamp. Home'.

That night, the man was cured of his disease and finally had some strength, so he wanted to sell his wife in exchange for some gambling money. During the dispute, the woman hit her head and died. The man ran away overnight, and then Never showed up.

Therefore, when the young Nopa stood in front of the only hotel in the town early the next morning and saw the beautiful Nightingale, the two people had their first conversation in this life.

"Thank you sister."

"You came all this way to thank me?"

"Well, my mother said that after receiving help, you must thank the person in person."

"What a good boy. Where is your mother."


Nightingale was startled for a moment, probably thinking that she heard wrong, because the little girl in front of her was so calm. On the street behind her, some people started shouting. It seemed that a body had been found in the village. Many people were moving toward The little girl rushed in the direction she came from, wanting to see the excitement.

But Nopa just looked at the snack stalls on the street, with the ultimate longing in his eyes.

Because she has never eaten a bite of that food in her life

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed, and the former little girl has reached the age of rebelliousness. Her innocent eyes are now full of arrogance and arrogance. She seems to feel that as long as she stands next to her own lady, she will have a sense of pride. capital.

Nightingale rubbed Nopa's head:

"Of course, life is the most beautiful thing in this world."

This is a very empty comment, but when it comes from the most beautiful person in the world, it seems to have a very heavy power. In fact, Nightingale has also been examining what she can do for the world over the years.

Curing diseases can certainly save many people, but is that all you can do?

Traveling around the world over the years, she has seen the bloom and decline of countless lives, and also seen what is hidden under life. She feels that since she can give hope to those patients and give hope to those families, then... the entire empire. What about hope?

Finally, half a year ago, the results of an experiment initiated by Professor Darwin's students broke the balance of the war between humans and demons.

That day, she looked at the headlines in the Holy Journal and the people hugging each other excitedly in the streets. She finally decided to announce that she would stop in the hinterland of the empire after this trip.

She voluntarily went to the front line of Redeker Strait, and voluntarily set foot on that cold and bloody battlefield.

She feels that she should have enough courage to bring more hope to the world.

"This is the bomb I have developed these days." Nopa took out a mechanical sphere the size of an apple from the huge satchel he had been carrying: "Press this button, and it will explode in an instant. The huge current can reach a diameter of 20 meters, which should be enough to burn anyone around.

But you should be able to survive. After all, your life can be continuously regenerated.

So, if you are really assassinated by the Ripper, please use this in time. "

Nopa said, but when she saw that Nightingale just looked at the mechanical creation in her hand, but did not take it or speak, she shrugged her shoulders as she had known this:

"Oh, I know that your kindness can sometimes be troublesome. I guess you would rather die than use this thing because you are afraid of hurting innocent people.

So don't worry, I'll always be with you.

If you are reluctant to use it, then I will."

"If you use it, you will die." Nightingale looked at the girl in front of her and said.

"Then it depends on whether you can save me, but even if you can't," Nopa curled his lips with a very unflattering indifferent look, and averted Nightingale's gaze: "Anyway, I Death is better than your own death."

Nightingale continued to look at Nopa, her eyes falling on the other person's face, until the girl couldn't stand the stare and wanted to cover up her embarrassment with embarrassment.

She finally smiled:

"Don't worry, didn't the unreliable detective you mentioned say that I can't die?"

"Tch, do you believe him so much?" Nopa curled his lips disdainfully, but then he thought of the night Sherlock and Nightingale were together a few days ago. It was the most peaceful sleep he had had in these days. once.

Following this train of thought, she suddenly thought of something else. She narrowed her glasses suspiciously and stared at her young lady:

"Did you really just chat with him that night?"

"Why are you bringing this up again? How many times have you said it? It's really just a chat!"

"Hmph." Nopa snorted coldly: "Whatever, anyway, I just think that no man in this world can be worthy of you. I used to think that His Highness the Son of God was a little bit pleasing to the eye, but now that I think about it, , height is likely to affect the next generation, so it still won’t work.”

"You are only 16 years old!" Nightingale said with a wry smile.

"What's wrong with being 16? In short, since no one can be worthy of you, and as a woman, you will eventually get married, so you can find whoever you want, it's the same."

A teenage girl, on the eve of an imminent murder, insisted on talking about this like an old woman. Nightingale could only rub her brow, not knowing what to say.

Time passed like this minute by minute.

The sun rises and sets, and after sunset, night falls. In the eyes of most people, this is the most ordinary day.

At 8 o'clock, Hopkins knocked on the door, and then, after obtaining Nopa's permission, walked into the villa and saluted Nightingale very respectfully.

After midnight arrived, no one knew what would happen, so he couldn't stay too far away from Miss Nightingale. He had to keep an eye on the girl all the time to give him a little peace of mind.

At 10 o'clock, Gregson also came to the villa. His too thick body stood directly at the door of the room, his hands hanging on his sides, as if he was ready for the most brutal battle at any time.

The outer patrol circle began to gradually shrink, and almost everyone gathered around the villa.

At 11 o'clock, Sherlock and Watson also came to Miss Nightingale's room.

Just like that, a few people sat around, no one said anything, just waiting, watching the hands on the clock move little by little to the direction of 12 o'clock.

10 minutes left

5 minutes left

1 minute left

People no longer looked at the clock, Sherlock lit a cigarette, Watson slowly stood up and looked around the room, Hopkins' eyes unblinkingly looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, Greg The fingertips of Sen's hands were trembling slightly, always ready to take out the two revolvers that had accompanied him through life and death, and kill anything that suddenly appeared.

Outside the villa, all the guards subconsciously tensed their muscles and looked around, at the brightly lit windows above their heads, and at the deep night in the distance.

Twelve o'clock midnight.

Big Ben on the Thames River rang once, and the loud bells dispersed into the night, heralding the arrival of a new day.


All of London!

Total darkness!

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