Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 313 The simplest method (Part 1)

The grass and reeds beside the lake are growing very well.

Of course Hopkins didn't know about this kind of thing. No one would know about this kind of thing. How could anyone pay attention to the row of weeds beside the lake in the wilderness far away from the city.

But Sherlock noticed.

Not just the lake, the rows of grass and reeds.

In fact, when Hopkins was telling himself about his transportation route at the beginning, Sherlock followed the westbound railway track and walked the entire route that day.

Of course, he didn't really go through it. After all, at that juncture, he definitely didn't have time to ride a real steam train, but this didn't stop him from looking down from the sky and constructing a real-time wilderness in his mind. In that state of coming from outside the sky and looking down at everything, he was traveling in a place where his body could not possibly appear.

To be honest, detectives are mainly responsible for the reasoning part of the case, but reasoning requires the collection of clues, and collecting clues takes a very long time, which results in that most of the time, people can only wait with nothing to do.

Sherlock didn't like the wait.

Fortunately, when he stayed in the blood prison, he got along very well with his clue vault because he was really bored, so he didn't need to bother others at all about collecting evidence. In fact, like Xia For people like Locke, he couldn't trust others. After all, in the 'evidence collection' part, it was impossible to search an entire railway of more than 300 kilometers, and no one would care about the height of the vegetation by the lake or the angle of the sunset reflecting sunlight.

Some things are more secure if you do them yourself.

The armored vehicle continued to drive forward. Outside the thick steel plate, there were other armored vehicles escorting it. In the surrounding vehicles were some clergymen of the Tribunal, always paying attention to the surrounding movements. There were many fully armed vehicles behind. Guardsmen from the Imperial Royal Survey Corps followed the convoy.

As Captain Gregson said, no one can come close to Nightingale.

However, at this time, the highest judge of the Third Division of the Tribunal, Mr. Stanley Hopkins, was less than 30 centimeters away from Nightingale.

There was silence in the entire armored vehicle. Sherlock stopped talking and Hopkins stopped responding. It seemed that because the space here was too small, Nightingale felt that his breathing was not smooth.

The straight traffic slowly turned a corner before Hopkins spoke again:

"The grass by the lake has grown taller. How did you notice such a thing?"

"Don't you always emphasize that I am a monster?" Sherlock responded lightly.

"You are indeed a monster." Hopkins smiled and nodded: "But what do you want to express by saying this?"

"Just to clear up the confusion. In that half second, in the carriage, in front of you, the Ripper slit the throat of the person opposite the seat. As a detective, I have to give an answer. "

"." Hopkins' laughter stopped and returned to silence, as if he wanted to show his listening, but the transition between laughter and silence seemed so abrupt.

But Sherlock continued to talk to himself as if nothing was wrong:

"According to you, you should be sitting on the right side of the direction of the train, because only in this way can the light of the setting sun shine directly into your eyes. At the same time, you also said that there are four people in the carriage, excluding two The remaining two people guarding the front and rear compartment doors should be responsible for patrolling the compartment. Since they are standing, their visual height is much higher than that of you sitting on the seat. The light refracted by the lake is dazzling. It can't reach you, but it can reach them.

So, no one has any problem when you describe that moment.

Of course, these are not the most important, because what is important in committing murder in that situation is not the method, nor the shocking tricks and mechanisms, but the people!

One only needs half a second, and the other only needs to wait until the patrol soldiers in the carriage look away, raise their hands, and easily kill the protector in front of them, and then just put on a shocked expression, There won't be anyone who doubts anyone. "

Sherlock just spoke softly.

But Nightingale’s head was buzzing!

In fact, if the sound insulation of this car is poor and someone outside hears these words, no matter who it is, they will be stunned in place as if they were struck by lightning, as if they heard the most ridiculous thing they have ever heard in their life. matter.

Inside the car, Hopkins pressed a button on the console to make the light from the car lights brighter, illuminating the road ahead more clearly.

At the same time, he shook his head again and said:

"Okay. Don't say such strange things. What you are saying now is as if you are saying, I killed that person. If so, wouldn't I be the Ripper? It's not okay to scare Miss Nightingale like this. good."

"I'm not saying you are the Ripper now." Sherlock corrected: "I said that a few days ago."


Nightingale's hands clenched tightly. She felt that she was in an extremely absurd atmosphere now. She was just a girl in her 20s who didn't understand reasoning or solving crimes. She even buzzed at this time. In his head, he couldn't tell whether Sherlock's words were true or false. If they were true, what should he do now? Should he jump out of the car, or just scream, hoping that people outside would hear his cry for help? .

However, she didn't do anything unnecessary because the man next to her spoke so gently and with ease.

"You said it a few days ago?" Hopkins' tone was full of doubts.

"Yes, that day in the office, didn't I speculate on the Ripper's personality? A very powerful Ripper, defeated other similar people, he has no self-desire, he is just doing a very common thing, That is to uphold the justice in one's heart and murder those who cannot be punished by the law.

I also said that his murder targets have long been separated from the poor class and are no longer those prostitutes and robbers. His thoughts are very specific and he is very particular in selecting his targets.

He murdered people in the powerful class, people who had great social resources in their hands, but used them to commit crimes.

He is using murder to purify this society, but at the same time he also exposes his social class.

It is impossible for a poor person to come into contact with the secrets of the upper class circles. It is naturally impossible for an ordinary believer who can only pray in the church to come into contact with the existence of the Pope, let alone to dig out things such as human trafficking and debt oppression. Improper transactions of children, etc., these are things that cannot be made public. The only people who are most likely to come into contact with these are the judiciary.

So let’s roughly integrate these arguments.

A sinner with a righteous heart and a hatred that cannot be punished by the law. His living class has long been separated from the common people. He has the ability to contact high-level people in the Holy See and is affiliated with the judiciary."

"Okay. It sounds like you just have to say my name directly." Hopkins said with a wry smile: "By the way, you didn't say this in front of Gregson before because you didn't want to be in front of Gregson." Expose me then.”

"Yeah, I think the relationship between us is pretty good."

“But, I am a judge of the Tribunal, how could I be the Ripper.

And these are just your conjectures. There is no way for you to directly identify me as the murderer. The most important thing is that I did not have the time to commit the several murders during this period.

Moreover, those were all impossible murders. We didn’t even know how the people died, so they were accusing the highest judge of the Tribunal of murder. Isn’t it too hasty? "

"Is it reckless? I don't think so, or I don't care." Sherlock said indifferently: "As for you, these few murders... Come on, they are not [impossible murders] , even using the simplest techniques."

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