Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 323 Watson the Ripper (Part 1)

So, Nightingale also turned around and looked at the man behind her.

This man named Watson is very beautiful. It can even be said that he is the most beautiful man she has ever seen. Whether it is the outline of his face or his own temperament, coupled with his gentle attitude and gentleman's style, , are enough to make any girl fascinated by it.

But I don't know why, Nightingale could feel the slightest bit of something wrong in such a perfect person.

Is it emptiness?

Or is this person hiding too many secrets in his heart?

In short, she could feel that the man in front of her was not happy, and he was not as humble and gentle as he appeared. In the past few days she had been with him, it seemed that she had never seen the other person's eyes. He always put those eyes into his eyes. His beautiful eyes were narrowed, so that no matter what expression he showed on his face, his true emotions could not be seen through his eyes.

But because he was Shylock's partner, Nightingale didn't pay too much attention to this doubt in her heart.

Well, actually she didn't know when she began to regard Sherlock as a person she could trust.

Even after learning that this guy was the most terrifying criminal, he still followed the rules?

While the vehicle was driving just now, Nightingale was even a little confused. She knew that she must be a cognitively sound person, and she could not have any psychological barriers or diseases. So when facing a guy like Sherlock, , what you should feel the most is definitely panic.

What's more, as a medical worker whose mission is to save lives and heal the wounded, I shouldn't have any favorable impression of a heinous criminal.

But why don't I have the slightest thought of running away from this person?

Is it just because the other person saved his life?

She couldn't find the reason.

And she had no time to think anymore, because she actually saw Mr. John Watson standing behind her, taking out a bright scalpel.

At this moment, everyone in the room was stunned.

No one knows what's going on.

But what is certain is that Watson took out a knife, and he was standing behind Miss Nightingale!

The time came to 11:58 midnight, and there were only two minutes left before the end of the day. At this juncture, no matter who suddenly took out anything that could hurt Miss Nightingale, it would not be just An unintentional move.

So no one dared to move, because these people knew Watson's ability and knew that at such a close distance, no matter what they did, they could not stop the knife in the opponent's hand.

As for Sherlock?

In fact, in the few seconds just now, his thinking went through a very strange, but very reasonable thinking process.

First, there are only a few minutes left until midnight.

Second, a letter was delivered.

Third, the Ripper prepared to kill Nightingale.

There seems to be no direct logical connection between these three things, but it is obvious that the appearance of this letter is very likely to lead to the death of Miss Nightingale.

But in the current situation, the letter itself certainly cannot kill anyone.

So what role did this letter play?

It took Sherlock two steps to think of the answer. That is, the only purpose of this letter is to allow himself to receive it.

I will definitely take it over!

Because no one would let the soldier who delivered the letter enter this room, and he would inevitably have a strong curiosity about the letter and couldn't wait to open it and read it.

He would not let anyone help him hand over the letter, nor would he let the soldier open it directly, nor would he let anyone read the words on it for him in front of everyone. After all, this was a letter from the Ripper to him. ah.

Then, as long as he walks to the door, or in other words, as long as he and Nightingale reach a certain distance, someone will kill him.

So, who can do this kind of thing?

Hopkins couldn't do it. Ever since he discovered that he was one of the 'Rippers', he had no chance.

Captain Gregson couldn't do it either. As long as his treasured revolver was slightly tilted towards Nightingale, he could rush over and push him to the ground.

The soldier who delivered the message was impossible, and the armored vehicles outside were certainly impossible. Even if a third-level demon suddenly descended from the sky and appeared on the streets of Baker Street, it was impossible to kill Nanding within two minutes. Geer.

Only one man can do it. John Watson

Because he is too close to the girl!

Even though he is not a contractor, Sherlock also knows very well that if he is too far away from him. If it is more than one meter away, then no matter what, there should be nothing he can do to stop him from inserting the scalpel into Nanding. Miss Gerr's mind.

Although the girl in front of her has miraculous healing abilities, no one dares to bet on whether she can survive if her brain is damaged, and she herself cannot know, after all, she has never tried this before.

But, John Watson wanted to kill Miss Nightingale?

The result of this inference is undoubtedly very absurd, but it is just like what Sherlock once said: eliminate all possibilities, and what is left in the end, no matter how absurd, is the truth.

Therefore, he stopped the third step he had just taken. He did not let the distance exceed one meter, and just stood there, looking at Watson.

At this time, Watson was holding the scalpel very gently with his beautiful fingertips, and then put it in front of his eyes and began to look at it carefully, as if waiting for the knife to bloom a flower. Come the same.

"Calm down."

Hopkins was already sweating profusely. He was less than half a meter away from Watson. He was a third-level contractor. Logically speaking, he should be able to kick an ordinary person with just one kick. Separation of flesh and blood.

But he didn't dare to do this. In the Academy of Life Sciences, he had seen Watson's skills. This guy could never be described as an 'ordinary person', although in terms of physical strength, he was far inferior to a contractor. But if a fight really breaks out, contractors below the third level will definitely not be able to take advantage of the opponent. And if the battle scene is placed in a city or a relatively complex place, then the opponent will definitely be able to take advantage of those dark The alley and the shadows that were not illuminated completely killed a three-stage strong man.

"I've always been calm."

After hearing what Hopkins said, Watson said extremely calmly: "In fact, I have been very calm all my life, so you don't need to use the words inherent in the special training of negotiators to appease me, that kind of thing It’s of no use to me.”

As he spoke, he looked at the clock on the wall. There was still one and a half minutes until midnight, and it only took him a tenth of a second to kill the girl in front of him.

So, no rush.

He needs to think about it carefully, because this is the most difficult decision he needs to make in his life.

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