Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 329 Miss Nightingale’s Demon

In fact, sometimes, secrets don’t necessarily have to be told.

Because the very act of hiding a secret will leave a lot of traces.

Just like the old beggar’s assassination of Nightingale

The first thing that can be determined is that in his opinion, Nightingale is not an object that must die, or in other words, not an object that must be killed as soon as possible.

Otherwise, with his strength, he could suddenly appear at any time and directly take the opponent's life. Instead of using this girl's life and death as a 'test'.

In this case, the old beggar can be used as the entry point.

What does he care about.

In previous chats with Watson, he once mentioned this mysterious old man. In fact, according to what he said, this old guy has no pursuit of his own quality of life. He is a person who sleeps in a trash can. There are people around him who don't care. If this is the case, then the pursuit of beauty he mentioned before can exclude himself.

Then, in all likelihood, he is the kind of person who regards external factors as extremely important. To put it more clearly, he is the kind of guy who finds that he has a certain ability and is very miserable and cannot ignore this ability.

A true believer in the old imperial saying, 'With great power comes great responsibility'.

Of course, in Sherlock's view, this kind of person is just a perfectionist who cannot ignore his inner responsibility, compassion, and moral integrity, and always feels that things should move in a better direction.

If this kind of person has some powerful ability, it can always bring some convenience to the people around him.

But if you don't have the ability, you will become a person with a Virgin plot in a general sense.

If we continue to analyze according to this perfectionist character, we can easily think of what he once said after being shot.

He said that Watson was very similar to himself, and judging from his tone, this was not the first time he had said this.

Well, he is another guy who stays in this world and is frustrated, always thinking of making the world a better place.

But if you want to make the world a better place, what does that have to do with killing Miss Nightingale?

Now the situation in the empire has improved, and even closing the gate to hell has become a possibility. During the six months since he was in the blood prison, the efficiency of recruiting troops has been stronger than in the past few hundred years. The people have counterattacked in the demon war zone. Willingness is at an all-time high, what is there to be dissatisfied about.

If you are disgusted with this too unbridled counterattack call, and feel that you should wait for the devil's controllable plan to become more popular, and attack it steadily, lest you lose a wave of battles and fall short of success. Then you go and kill the Minister of Military and Aircraft, Nan Dingle is just a contractor with healing abilities, why kill her?

Moreover, Nightingale's death will definitely bring huge turmoil to the empire!

Even so, should she be killed?

If this is really the case, then there are actually very few reasons left. Considering that now is the juncture when the counterattack has started, among these reasons, the most likely reason is Nightingale, which will lead to the failure of mankind's counterattack against the Gate of Hell.

Well, this inference sounds completely unreasonable, because Nightingale’s healing power cannot have any negative impact on this most massive war in human history.

In order to confirm this, Shylock also deliberately informed the old beggar in advance of Nightingale's plan to go to the Redeker Strait war zone.

The other party had no unnecessary reaction.

But anyone would be surprised by this kind of thing, especially when Nightingale went to the war zone, which would inevitably reduce the casualty rate of frontline soldiers to a very exaggerated level.

For an old guy who always wants to change the world, it is impossible not to have the slightest ripple in his eyes.

So. Sherlock concluded.

Miss Nightingale may really have some influence on the frontline war.

Then the remaining inference is very simple.

Because this girl herself would definitely not be able to actively influence the war, she gave up her traveling life and went to the Redeker Strait, where the environment was more difficult, just to bring this war to a better ending.

So since it's not her

That was Nopa. After all, this little girl was always by her side.

Well, of course it's not Nopa. That little girl does have some talents in machinery, but even if she can build a steam chariot with her bare hands, it will definitely not be able to influence the situation of the battle.

That leaves only Miss Nightingale’s contracted devil.

Over the years, no matter which city Nightingale went to, no matter where she gave blessings, there were always reports in various newspapers. There were even no less than 20 newspapers in the empire, relying on Nightingale. Geer's itinerary, as well as her praise and photos, forced her newspaper sales to maintain a very good level.

However, among so many related reports, it seems that no newspaper has ever reported on her contracted devil.

"What level of contractor is it?" Nightingale hesitated for a moment: "It should be level 2."


Sherlock frowned slightly because this answer was strange.

The empire's classification of contractors' abilities is very simple.

A contractor can summon contract demons and control them to a certain extent.

Second-level contractors, their bodies have been affected by the contracted demon, and they have begun to gradually surpass ordinary humans. There are even a few contractors who can possess some demon-related abilities.

The abilities of third-level contractors are only enhanced versions of second-level contractors in all aspects, but there is one very clear sign, that is, their demons can no longer be summoned actively within the empire because they are shielded by the holy light.

Under this division, a person can clearly know which stage he is in.

After seeing Shylock's expression, Nightingale also smiled awkwardly:

"I really don't know my stage, because according to common sense, after I obtain the contracted demon, it should be the first stage, and when I have some demon abilities, it will be the second stage.

But after I signed the contract with my devil, I already had the ability to heal my injuries.

Therefore, I never know what level I should be considered. "


Sherlock was silent. In fact, if you think about it, Nightingale had actually started traveling in the empire when she was just a teenager. Calculating from this, she was indeed able to be cured at an earlier time. Disease.

This is different from the normal promotion path for contractors.

Sherlock thought for a while:

"Can you summon your demon?"

"This" Nightingale seemed extremely embarrassed. She looked at the bedroom door which was closed tightly. Watson and Sherlock in the room were both people who almost risked their lives to protect themselves. During a long period of time, After some hesitation.

She finally made up her mind and nodded:

"All right."

As she spoke, she waved her hand, and a crack in the void opened beside her.


A girl came out.

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