Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 331 Or a body

Seeing Sherlock's confused expression and hearing Lord Nightingale's words, Watson also came around curiously.

And after seeing the pattern on the devil's neck, he was also extremely puzzled.

So he stretched out his hand and touched it, and found that there was no protrusion similar to a rash, and there was no change in touch after the scar healed. Of course, it was not some kind of tattoo, or totem painting in ancient customs.

"It seems like it's some kind of pigmentation in the lower layers of the skin."

He could only try to explain this from a doctor's perspective.

Of course, he knew that simple pigmentation could not form such a drawing. The lines were as straight as if they were carved with the most precise ruler.

It felt like some kind of text or password to him.

The night finally passed. Some staff from the Urban Maintenance Bureau arrived at Baker Street a few hours ago and began to repair the damaged streets and buildings around it.

These people are very professional. After they came here, they started working directly without saying a word. They didn’t ask anything, said nothing, and didn’t look at anything. If they didn’t need to look at the road when moving maintenance equipment, they would I wish I could lower my head all the time and just stare at my feet.

Fortunately, the damage to this street was not very serious. Except for a section of asphalt pavement and a wall in front of No. 221B, there was nothing else that needed to be rebuilt. So, just like that, the morning sun penetrated the morning fog, and the streets in Xiacheng District Some residents woke up early and loaded heavy goods onto horse-drawn carriages, just to go to the market and grab a not-so-bad position.

When passing by the construction team, these people only looked curiously for a few seconds and then looked away.

As for the armored vehicles parked around, they can indeed attract some attention, but there is still no way to stop these less wealthy people. Even in order to avoid trouble, most pedestrians will deliberately speed up when passing this street. speed.

In this world, curiosity and watching the excitement cannot make one's life better. It's like seeing the bodies of some dead beggars in the alleys on the streets every morning, but no one cares; some It even had to be left there for several days until it rotted and attracted bugs and rats. Then a garbage disposal truck from the city was dispatched to throw the body that no one cared about into the back of the garbage truck.

That night, Sherlock didn't sleep. He kept staring at the humanoid demon all night long.

But in the end he had to confirm that he had no way to get any information on this demon.

Because this guy really seems like a still statue.

She doesn't talk, eat, or go to the toilet. If she is regarded as a 'person', her mouth should always secrete some saliva throughout the night, and she should always swallow and blink. I open my eyes and yawn a few times.

But nothing.

This guy is like a person who has had his brain removed. He has no thinking, only a heart to supply blood to the body, and breathing to maintain normal oxygen levels in the body. Other than that, she is no different from a tree. It is difficult. Imagine how such a demon can establish a contractual relationship with a human being. I always feel that it can appear in a person's awakening dream. This thing itself is a bit strange.


Yes, that's the word.

When Sherlock quietly pricked her fingertips with a knife, and then watched the blue blood flowing from the skin, he didn't know why, but subconsciously thought of this word.

Then, he saw the knife edge immediately recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a second, there was no trace left.

Well, Nightingale has the ability to heal diseases and injuries, so naturally her contracted demon also has this ability, and this also proves why such a motionless guy can still maintain such perfect posture in hell. Body appearance and skin.

Because the scorching sand from hell has no way of leaving any traces on this thing's body.

So now, three mysteries lie before Sherlock.

First: What is Nightingale’s Contract Demon, and why does it have such a perfect ‘human form’?

Second: What does this demon have to do with mankind’s counterattack on hell?

Third: What does the pattern on the back of this thing mean?

Sherlock thought for a whole day, but he still couldn't find any clue.

After daybreak, Hopkins proposed that Miss Nightingale be moved to the nearest military base and then protected for half a month.

However, she was rejected by Nightingale. The reason was that she felt that living here was quite comfortable, and if the old beggar really regretted it and came back suddenly, then staying here might be more comfortable than staying in a military base. Be safer.

The next day, the street repair work was completed, and those eye-catching armored vehicles finally drove out of the neighborhood. People seemed to quickly forget that two days ago, this place was crowded with fully armed soldiers, and no one knew that the great Lord Nightingale lived in this ordinary rental house. Otherwise, the whole street would be filled with worshipers.

In the afternoon, the most beautiful girl in the world had a rare opportunity to rest. She wanted to go shopping. It is hard to believe that she had not really chosen a suitable dress for herself for almost five years. clothes.

But this idea really frightened Hopkins and others. They didn't know what this girl's heart was made of. She had just experienced a near-death assassination, but she was not frightened like other girls. You have to hide in your room for weeks, afraid to leave the house, but you want to go shopping instead?

Could it be that Miss Nightingale's healing power also includes healing of psychological shocks and traumas?

Fortunately, after everyone was worried and even humbled to dissuade her, she finally gave up the idea.

On the third day, Sherlock still locked himself in the same room with the girl demon. When Watson opened the door and walked in, he saw paper all over the floor.

Picking one up at random, he saw that what was painted on it was the line pattern on the back of the girl demon's neck.

It seemed that Sherlock also felt that this pattern recorded some kind of information, so he wanted to try to decipher it.

But judging from the papers littering the floor, it seemed that he had failed.

"What's the matter?" Sherlock asked, holding a pattern he had just copied and comparing it with the painting on another piece of paper.

"There's a car coming outside. Mr. Franklin, the Emperor of the Empire, wants to see you."

Watson answered directly.

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