Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 337 Ouch! ! !

Chapter 337 Uh. Uh. Uh-huh! ! !



After these simple exchanges, there was a sudden silence between Shen and Shen.

After a long time, Sherlock finally uttered the simplest syllable:


Old Professor George's flattering expression remained the same, just like the waiter in a bar glaring at the eldest son of a single aristocratic family who opened a bottle of red wine. He didn't pay any attention to the increasingly clear embarrassment in Sherlock's brows.

After another ten seconds, Sherlock finally confirmed again with disbelief:

"Let me publish a textbook????"

Old George nodded: "Hehe, yes, it seems that controlling soul lines is indeed a bit too difficult for those soldiers who only know how to obey military orders and fire cannons every day."

All right

In fact, at first, Sherlock thought that the imperial military wanted him to go to the front line to demonstrate the power of controlled experiments on wild demons.

After all, this brand-new power must be seen by the soldiers with their own eyes in order to provide the most effective motivation. Just as the empire sends some teams from the Imperial Mechanical Institute to the front lines every few years. It's like a field military exercise, to show how many more lethal and powerful weapons the empire has developed over the years.

But he really didn't expect that he was shamelessly tricked into boarding an airship and actually asked to do such a thing.

Imperial soldiers don’t have enough brains? ? ?

Sherlock really didn't expect this, because a few months ago, he supported the entire experimental team by himself, and easily exceeded all tasks.

He is certainly not the kind of bastard who says, "I'm awesome, but I don't know." He knows very well that he is better than normal people in the field of brain power.

But within two months, I was able to match more than two hundred demons. Those soldiers on the front line were not fools. Did it take them so long to control one?

There is an old saying in the Empire: You are not a fish, how can you know that fish live freely every day?

In the same way, if you don't have a normal brain, how can you know the depression and distress of those with normal brains.

Especially for those soldiers, obedience is their bounden duty. The soldiers on the front line have long been accustomed to obeying the most direct instructions. You ask them to simulate the movement of their soul lines and match it with a demon. Of course, It's maddeningly difficult.

There are even some people who would rather be deployed to the vanguard unit for missions than be stuck in a small key room, thinking hard just to make the pointer in front of them jump.

but but

Let Sherlock write a textbook?

Who the hell came up with this idea? If Sherlock knew about it, he would have traveled thousands of miles to visit him!

After old Professor George saw Sherlock's expression, he quickly comforted him:

"Don't worry, we will definitely not let you be responsible for everything. In fact, on this airship, there are demonology professionals from our School of Life Sciences, as well as elite talents from the frontline vanguard army. These people are brought together in order to summarize One of the most common and practical training methods for controlling demons.

As for you, in fact, you only need to be responsible for telling everyone the methods that you think are suitable. "

In a conference room on the airship, Sherlock stirred a cup of coffee in front of him with a spoon, and his body swayed lazily to the rhythm of his wrist.

Of course he didn't order this cup of coffee, but a staff member respectfully placed it in front of him.

The entire conference room is very large. The original huge conference table has been removed, leaving a large open space. In the center, there is the soul visual device that Sherlock is all too familiar with.

At this time, dozens of people were gathered around the machine, and there was a person sitting on the machine, wearing a brain wave collector on his head, his eyes closed, sweating profusely, and the onlookers all frowned. Locked tightly, discussing something with the pointer that slowly drew a line, the recording pen in his hand kept writing.

In such a tense and serious atmosphere, Sherlock seemed out of place.

In fact, Sherlock didn't go to school much. He only completed the most basic compulsory education in the empire, and then dropped out of school voluntarily to start his detective career.

I remember that when he handed the withdrawal application form to the school leader, the old professor was so excited that he almost cried on the spot.

Obviously, he doesn't like learning very much. Although he likes puzzles, he hates subjects such as mathematics, because in his eyes, he tries repeatedly according to the established route and then uses the formulas prescribed by his predecessors. , and the operation of proving a certain conclusion in as neat a way as possible, there is really no pleasure at all.

This is the same as writing a medical paper based on experimental data, and comparing it to being on the front line of medical treatment and racing against time to rescue patients.

They are both engaged in the medical industry, and there is no difference between them, which is better or worse, but the former is full of tenacity and boring, but the latter can be thrilling.


The word "textbook" seems to have nothing to do with Shylock no matter how you think about it. Even if you just look at his education level, Shylock is not as good as those social gangsters who live in the streets and alleys.

At this moment, I looked at the people in front of me who were wearing glasses and full of academic temperament, as well as the battlefield elites who were upright and although they were wearing casual clothes, they exuded the most obvious military temperament.

Sherlock felt that he had been stirring coffee for 20 minutes without taking a sip, so he was acting a little too fringe.

Of course Sherlock wanted to be a little more marginal. How he wanted everyone to forget about himself in this thick atmosphere of discussion.

But unfortunately, not only was he unable to marginalize himself, on the contrary, he was the well-deserved focus of the entire room!

Because as long as he comes up with a seemingly feasible method, someone will get on the machine and work hard for this method, just to try to see if this method can make contracting with wild demons easier.

And in this whole process, I couldn't help at all. I could only stir the coffee here, which seemed extremely monotonous and boring.

A few more minutes passed like this.

"Uh-huh. Ugh!!!"

There was a painful groan, followed by a series of very painful vomiting sounds. The experimenter sitting on the instrument almost bent into a shrimp, and vomited out all yesterday's rice, his face turned pale. His body even twitched a little.

It can be seen how terrible pressure this method brought to his spirit.

"Come down and have a rest. This method will definitely not work. No one can persist." A person next to him said softly, and then several people joined hands and helped the man up from the machine with some difficulty.

During this process, although no one said much.

But Sherlock clearly observed that there were many cold and extremely dissatisfied eyes glancing towards him.

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