Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 346 Big Monster and Little Monster


When Sherlock heard the name Nightingale, he immediately understood why all the people in front of him were so virtuous.

It turned out that the military had not arranged Miss Nightingale's residence.

Well, according to the status of this girl in the hearts of the imperial people, coupled with the absolute effectiveness of her healing ability on the frontline soldiers, coupled with the immeasurable momentum and inspiration that her appearance can bring to these soldiers, then these It is understandable why the soldiers acted so fanatical.

In the eyes of this group of people, honor is always the most important thing. After a bloody battle, life and death, when those medals representing honor are hung on their chests, everything seems to be worth it.

And what kind of honor would it be to take the great Miss Nightingale to live in the war zone where she is? A company alone slaughters a demonic wave? A class forcefully killed a third-level demon? Trapped in a desperate situation, he fought hard for three days and three nights and returned to the team with glory?

No, none of these will work!

Just imagine, if you wake up every day and do morning exercises, Nightingale could occasionally see your figure; after training, you may look at each other from a distance for a moment; you may even witness the opponent's face once at the turn of day and night. Smile, compared with these, the glory of the appeal completely pales in color.

Therefore, even if the commander of the war zone does not issue a must-win military order, these people are willing to do everything to win this game!

That’s right, it’s not just a task, it’s a competition!

Two squadrons were dispatched for this mission. One was Sherlock's team. In addition to the group of people who spent more than half a month on the airship, this team also had 15 people transferred from the military region. The frontline warriors who have established a contractual relationship with the wild demons have formed a completely new team with each other.

The other team is composed entirely of frontline conservative soldiers. These people have always resisted the experimental results developed by Professor Darwin with their lives, and feel that the war between humans and demons will continue to be fought as it has been for the past 300 years.

After all, in the past three hundred years, human beings are still standing on this planet, and if suddenly because of a strange new experimental result, the valuable experience gained from 300 years of war and the blood of countless soldiers, it is very likely that causing the entire war to collapse.

The war is fought for resources, for beliefs, and for the unity of the entire race. A person can have his own ideas, but there cannot be two minds in the army.

Therefore, this battle is actually a battle between old and new war ideas. Although it is only a small-scale mission, it must make the entire frontline soldiers see clearly and make them realize that a new era has arrived; not only must we win that war The entire team, which is composed of soldiers who adhere to the old-school combat concepts, has to fight until they personally admit defeat and win.

"Tomorrow morning, we will take a special train to Theater No. 404. We are expected to arrive that night. As for the mission, it is said to be to recapture a frontline outpost, but in fact it is a large-scale clearing mission. The fall of that outpost It was caused by the sudden appearance of a large number of void cracks. The exact number is unknown, but it must have exceeded three digits. Moreover, the number of demons there must have been increasing continuously in the past two months. Calculated based on time, it may have been The number has reached 400 to 500, and the possibility of the appearance of a third-level demon cannot be ruled out."

On this piece of permafrost, one of the biggest differences from the hinterland of the empire is that the effect of the holy light here is extremely thin.

Before the second demonic invasion, there were servants of gods in the Holy Light Temple who followed the military and spread the will of the Holy Light on the Antarctic Road. In fact, no one knew what those servants of gods who looked strange but had extremely high status would do. In short, they took some weird metal creations and buried them under the frozen soil. Then, the power of the holy light can show its effect within a certain range.

But unfortunately, during the second demonic invasion, the effectiveness of the Holy Light throughout the empire dropped significantly. After the demonic invasion was ended, all the Holy Light that the servants of God had worked so hard to spread was ineffective. Now thirty Many years have passed, and the frontline war zone is still an absolutely dangerous place where demons can appear at any time, and can appear in batches.

In the square outside the hotel, Second Lieutenant Millsap held a mission briefing that had just been handed to him and explained it to more than 40 soldiers around him, while Sherlock sat among them with a cigarette in his mouth.

This was the first time he heard such an explanation of frontline tasks. It was very novel, but after listening for a while, he found that it seemed to be similar to the police meeting at Scotland Yard, except which street in London was mentioned there. Several stupid murderers appeared, and here, it was a terrifying demon tide and a bloody battlefield.

As for why Sherlock was sitting here listening to the mission briefing, of course it wasn't that he was really moved by the sincerity of these people and agreed to participate in this mission.

What's more, he was very curious about the experience of being able to go deep into the front line and see the battlefield with his own eyes; and if that guy Watson knew that he had the opportunity to keep Nightingale in his own war zone, he would use this opportunity instead. If you want to hand it over, you may have the idea of ​​​​murdering yourself.

emmmm let Watson murder him

I don’t know how well he understood the notes left by the old beggar, but it sounds interesting anyway.

While he was thinking wildly, Sherlock continued to listen to Lieutenant Millsap's words:

“The outpost is divided into two areas, the battlefield observation area and the living area where the soldiers are stationed.

For the convenience of distinction, they are temporarily called [Area A] and [Area B]. The two areas are thirteen kilometers apart.

On the underground floor of each area, there is a large-scale demon sedative spraying device with a coverage of 200 meters in diameter. If it is turned on, it can significantly weaken the surrounding demon activity within half an hour.

Therefore, the process of this mission is extremely simple, that is, do your best to break into the outpost surrounded by demons and turn on the sedative spraying device.

The difficulty of the task is.

We are faster than the other team. "

Speaking of this, Millsap paused suddenly, and then took a deep breath:

"Although it sounds unfair, the other team that performed the mission was an integrated assault battalion under the leadership of General Patton.

All of them are the most powerful Imperial soldiers decorated with first-class merit.

Although we also have first-class achievements, those people have achieved it through bloody battles. In August last year, they slaughtered a small-scale demonic wave with their own battalion.

A group of monsters born for war, and they all seem to be people with deep prejudices against controlled experiments on wild demons.

I don’t know why, but the officers on the front line want us to compete with this guy. "

Although there was no flinch in Millsap's tone and he was high-spirited, there was also an obvious hint of confusion.

But Sherlock just heard the word monster and thought with a wry smile. Once upon a time, he seemed to have been often called a monster.

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