Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 352 I will take you to fight

Make Sherlock look more handsome.

Well, no matter what the top commander on the front line has in mind, in short, Sherlock's slovenly, disheveled, and stubbled face, if you want to make him look more handsome, will definitely make the battlefield The reporter was so worried that he threw the photo and scolded his mother.

In the 404 war zone, the sun that seemed to never set made Sherlock sleepless. At this moment, he was sitting in a barracks with 15 wild demon controllers who had just arrived at the military base, listening to Mirza Second Lieutenant Pu’s plans for tomorrow’s mission.

These 15 controllers are truly gifted. Just half a year has passed since the release of the soul visual device, and all of them have been matched with second-level demons.

This kind of talent is probably the most powerful warriors carefully selected from the nearby war zones.

Fortunately, although they have completed the second-level demon control test, they have never participated in actual combat, and they do not have a very clear understanding of their own strength. None of them are as proud as they think they are geniuses. Instead, they are very open-minded. After realizing that Sherlock was the main writer of the "Demon Control Textbook" that was about to be typed and published, he also showed great respect for him.

I just don’t understand why a civilian employee came to the front line, and why is he still listening to tomorrow’s mission strategy? I couldn't help feeling a little nervous, thinking, this person didn't want to investigate the actual combat capabilities of the wild demon after being controlled, and he would follow him to perform the mission tomorrow. Wouldn't it be necessary to protect his safety during the mission? That would involve a lot of energy from your team. He was completely unaware that in the barracks at this time, no matter where everyone was standing or sitting, they seemed to be vaguely surrounding the non-military personnel named Sherlock in the middle.

"Everyone must know that our opponent tomorrow is the reorganized battalion led by Major General Ulysses.

Maybe many people have only heard of some of the glorious achievements of this strange battalion of only 50 people, but they don't know how strong they are.

So let me just say it briefly.

There are 4 full-time gunners in their battalion who can control 11 deflagration scatter mortars. General Patton gave them the privilege of having an unlimited supply of ammunition. As long as they go on a mission, they can give them as much as they want. To put it clearly, they can Bomb an area with non-stop fire until they get tired of pressing the fire button themselves.

In addition, all members have customized steam armor, the strongest turbine driving force, and with super-powerful melta bomb hand cannons, two or three people can defeat a large demon. 30 war armored vehicles, mobile gun emplacements, and airdrop fire support within 10 kilometers. The gun of Major General Ulysses can fire bullets with injectable powerful demon sedatives within 700 meters. The entire empire has this The effect is stronger than any ammunition on the market, and these equipment, in the hands of people like them, can exert 300% lethality.

Oh, let me emphasize, I am talking about their individual combat power level, and with teamwork, this value will be doubled.

Therefore, we are not competing against a battalion tomorrow, but against one of the most fierce imperial advance groups. "

As Lieutenant Millsap spoke, he cracked his knuckles and made a rattling sound from time to time. It could be seen that he was very nervous now:

"Actually, to be honest, I am quite proud. I am only 34 this year and will soon be promoted to captain. In my war zone, the commanders have to smile and say hello when they see me.

But I don’t have much confidence in tomorrow’s mission. In fact, this is natural. War is not about writing novels or performing stage plays. Of course, a bullet cannot be compared with a mortar.

But we still have to do our best tomorrow and show our momentum and level."

When he said these words, Millsap kept looking at Sherlock on the side intentionally or unintentionally, because the other person said that they would not necessarily lose tomorrow's mission, but the soldiers in front of him were not fools. They were bleeding on the front line. Over the years, he has learned what kind of battles can and cannot be fought in the way of nature, so he really didn't know how to paraphrase Sherlock's words.

And just then.

"I have never been to the front line, so I don't know how to arrange a purge mission." Sherlock suddenly spoke softly: "But according to basic logic, demons under the influence of demon sedatives are definitely easier to kill. Bar."

"Of course." Millsap said: "Actually, we have a relatively good execution plan for tomorrow's mission, which is to first send controllers to find a route to lure away the surrounding demons, and then let an armored vehicle, Quietly go deep into the outpost and turn on the demon sedative spraying device underground. In this way, our elimination efficiency can be increased by at least 40%.

But our opponents will definitely use such an obvious method, and their method will definitely be more direct than ours. I guess Major General Ulysses will directly arrange mortars to blast a path directly to Then dozens of mobile turrets and all war armored vehicles rushed directly into the mission area along this road. After turning on the spraying device, they used the outpost as the base point to carry out a carpet-like massacre. "

Maybe it's because when he said this, Millsap was constantly sketching in his mind the execution and killing scenes that the opponent would show tomorrow, so he took a deep breath as he spoke:

"If it looks like that, when their mission has been completed, we may have just entered the outpost.

This kind of gap cannot be made up by any tactics or strategies. "

Of course, everyone in the room knew this, so he mainly told Sherlock. Although he knew that the other party had extremely strong fighting power, he also hoped that he could understand that on the battlefield, a person's strength is It is impossible to influence the entire battle situation.

However, Sherlock didn't seem to pay attention to Millsap's words. He just kept looking at the area map for tomorrow's mission, looking at the two areas of the outpost about ten kilometers apart, thoughtfully.

A moment of silence.

"When the mission starts tomorrow, please wait for me for 10 minutes."

"Wait for you 10 minutes?"

Some people cast puzzled looks. In this kind of battle against time, even one minute is crucial. How could you wait for someone for 10 minutes for no reason?

Sherlock still has that calm look, but this look makes his face, which has little to do with beauty, miraculously bring people a strong sense of security. Moran, Catherine, Irene. Dele, Nightingale, Watson, Hopkins, and many others have believed in Shylock, and as a result, Shylock has never disappointed.

So he smiled:

"Didn't you say that you can't win tomorrow?

Fortunately, it only takes ten minutes to believe me once.

Then I will lead you in this battle."

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