Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 354 The First Battle (Part 2)

The thermal hat on Scout Victor's head was blown away by the wind and waves, but he did not immediately turn around to pick it up. He just watched blankly as a waterfall made of snow exploded from the ground and poured upward into the sky.

His body was a little stiff. Although he was only a scout, he had also participated in several large-scale demon tide blocking battles and had seen how those powerful third-level contractors fought.

Large demons have weight far exceeding that of humans, have long limbs, and have an extremely high center of gravity. And because of their respective skeletal structures, it will be extremely complicated for humans to control them. Therefore, when most third-level contractors control demons to perform tasks, they will be surrounded by escorts to keep them at a suitable but relatively safe distance.

Even if the third-level contractor has a much stronger physical fitness than most humans, this is still the case. Firstly, he cannot be distracted when controlling demons. Secondly, no matter how powerful a human body is, it is still not enough compared to demons. Look, the third-level contractors who have extremely strong fighting power in the city cannot survive the siege of hundreds of demons.

Therefore, Victor has never seen anyone like Sherlock. How could his demon be so fast? Such incredible running requires such strong control, the operation of those muscles and the adjustment of the center of gravity, and the connection of each step. , can it all be completed in an instant? How fast is this person's reaction?

Moreover, he actually followed his demons and rushed towards the demon group. Wasn't he afraid that he would be trampled to pieces?

At the same time, people on the high slopes also noticed the flying snow line on the edge of the battlefield. It was like an arrow flying close to the ground, heading straight for the demon swarm, or in other words, straight for the center of gravity of the demon swarm. They rushed towards the outpost, and the terrifying speed made all the veterans widen their glasses, but they were even more shocked. The cannonballs in the sky were already falling downwards, and the area in front of them was about to turn into a sea of ​​fire. What is this guy doing? Want to die with those demons?

Of course Shylock was not going to die, and Major General Ulysses would not think that he was going to die. The military used so many shameless methods to tie themselves to this guy who was not part of the military establishment, and issued such a full-fledged order. The mission had a competitive atmosphere and so many front-line reporters were called on. It was impossible to just shoot a ridiculous scene of a madman rushing into the sea of ​​​​fire and then dying tragically in it.

So at this moment, his intuition, which he had honed for decades on the battlefield, suddenly realized something!

He finally understood why this guy appeared in his mission area.

"Damn it! That bastard is trying to steal our demon sedative!"

Ulysses didn't even care how ridiculous the idea in his mind was, and shouted angrily!

That's right!

Sherlock wants to steal their demon tranquilizer.

To put it more clearly, he wanted to break into the demon group alone, rush into the outpost amidst the near-constant artillery fire, unload the demon sedative storage box inside, and then rush out of the sea of ​​​​fire and head straight to the ten In area B of the outpost kilometers away, a double dose of the medicine was poured into their mission area, and then they began to eliminate the demons.

No one knows how Ulysses connected with Sherlock's brain circuit. In short, at this moment, he realized very clearly that this is what the bastard below wanted to do!

Using our strategic resources to help you complete your mission is theft! This is robbery! How presumptuous and insane this is!

But at the same time, what kind of arrogance and confidence can allow a person to come up with such a way to break the situation? Does he think he can reach the outpost alive? Even if he arrived, did he think he could break out of the demon horde alive?

The surrounding war reporters were also dumbfounded. They didn't even hear the roar of the veterans beside them. They just watched the flying snow and strong wind rush into the sea of ​​​​fire through the camera. The white and red seemed to have a silent collision in the situation. The incredible picture made their minds tremble inexplicably, and their fingers frantically pressed the camera's shooting switch due to trembling, making bursts of dense sounds like machine gun fire.

In the sky, the observing soldiers looking down at the war zone were dumbfounded for a few seconds. Large-scale battles on the front line or the movements when the demonic tide came were all described by this kind of aerial military airship, so the people on the airship could really see it. People who have experienced big scenes, but at this moment, they are still numb and do not retell this scene to the operator in the ground communication tower immediately, because they need to organize the language and how to describe the scene in front of them until a few seconds later , only then the frightened voice sounded in the cockpit:

"Battle situation on the front line, a war zone non-staff member and Experimental Subject No. 1070, codenamed [Crimson], rushed into the demon group together at the mission outpost. Area A!"

The moment of pause made the ground operator stunned for a moment, wondering, isn't Area A the mission area of ​​Major General Ulysses?

On the ground, in the 404th Camp, the battle report of the frontline operator passed through the signal tower built with life, covering hundreds of kilometers of ice and snow, and then played clearly from the speakers in a conference room. Some staff officers used a huge , but the extremely simple map is analyzing the battle situation.

"All Lieutenant Millsap's troops are on standby?"

An officer frowned and stared at the loudspeaker above his head, feeling as if the operator was kidding himself.

Did these soldiers feel that they could never win and just gave up? Or is it because you feel that putting your team together with the undead regiment is a bit excessive, so you are using this method to express your dissatisfaction with the tasks assigned by the military region?

Can be followed immediately

"In mission A area, the assault battalion under General Patton began the first bombing with explosive bombs! Eight medium-sized armored combat vehicles are already on standby outside the demon group, carrying full quotas of weapons and ammunition, and 20 soldiers. It is expected that in the first round of bombing After that, look for a suitable breakthrough, and the bombing time can be maintained at two minutes, what?!!!"

There was a sudden roar from the loudspeaker. It was hard to imagine what the operator on the other side heard, and why he was so rude during the battle report. Fortunately, the operator immediately adjusted his tone in an extremely professional manner:

"A controller has already rushed towards the demon group, charging straight in from the 21.20 point, two kilometers away from the area A outpost, 1.8 kilometers, 1.5 kilometers away, and the speed is still rising!

The snow curtain that exploded behind was too high, making it impossible to determine the specific location below.

He rushed into the demonic group!

He has entered the bombing range of Theater A!

Still accelerating! ! ! "

The battle report should be clear and concise, without personal emotions, but at this moment, the operator's exclamations continued to be heard in the conference room, seeming to speed up in response to the crazy intrusion below.

And on that huge map, several staff officers listened to the roar lingering in their ears, and an incredible picture emerged in their minds, and it was even more incredible to draw a red line straight on the map with a pen, like a sharp edge. Xian's sword pierced directly into the demon group represented by the black circle, and then pierced the bombing zone represented by the red circle. The people in the conference room had sore eyes and unsmooth breathing in their chests.

I could only pick up the hot tea at hand and take a few sips of the hot tea, then forcibly suppressed my wildly beating heart.

On the battlefield, under the flying snow, amid the deafening explosions, Sherlock and Crimson were running wildly.

In fact, he originally had many better ways, such as summoning some small demons to carry them secretly, or using the sun in hell to directly pull out the opponent's demon sedatives. However, because the battlefield was too far away from London, It's really a fantasy to have his domain laid out here, so he has no choice but to use this method, although it is a bit troublesome and a bit conspicuous.

Since those explosive bombs used to clean up large-scale battlefields flew out of the muzzle, there is no room for recovery. Even if the veterans on the high slope don't want the sick-minded guy below to die, there is nothing they can do. , I can only watch those flaming shells falling from the sky like raindrops,


Finally, at a certain moment, there was a loud explosion, and the entire snowfield began to shake. The exploding artillery fire was like blood-red clouds, rising from the ground and continuing into a foamy sea of ​​red light. In the middle, the shattered corpses and flesh and blood were scattered everywhere like gravel.

Just the first round of bombing alone had such terrifying power. In fact, the veteran in charge of the bombardment under Ulysses began to think. Didn't the guy below say that he was the author of the textbook on controlling demons? He must have enough brains, how could he be so stupid? However, he was completely responsible for blowing him up, so the military shouldn't be able to blame him.

But the next second!

He was stunned to see an incredibly fast figure walking through the gap between the fire clouds that had just exploded, walking between the firelight and the broken corpses!

Sherlock, who was in the sea of ​​fire, followed behind the huge body of [Crimson], his ears catching the sound of wind falling from the sky, his eyes sweeping over his head, remembering the locations of the densely packed explosive bombs in his mind in an instant, and then controlling the demon in front of him. Under such circumstances, he began to analyze those parabolas that would make people dizzy, simulating their landing points. When the first drop of artillery fire exploded, the impact of countless explosions was already in Sherlock's mind. It took shape, and also included the locations of the surrounding demons who had not yet had time to react.

In this way, a safer breakout route can be easily summarized. As a detective, this kind of instant analysis ability is an essential professional skill.

In this business, the competition is cruel.

In short, Sherlock will definitely not be blown to death. There are terrifying data jumping and rolling in his brain. The surrounding flames are burning his body. Fortunately, the howling wind brought by the high speed has blown it away. , so that even the hem of the clothes cannot be touched.

He was very calm, focused, and happy amidst the roar. Suddenly, his ears caught a buzz caused by the wind pressure breaking through his head. It was a cannonball falling rapidly. Sherlock's left leg instantly changed its pedaling. The way the ground moved used a weird posture to change the body's ability to withstand force. At such a terrifying speed, it suddenly moved away nearly ten meters at a right angle like a ghost.

The next second, a huge heat wave and an even greater impact swept across the location where he was just now, and a piece of thick frozen soil that was blown up flew towards him, but while Crimson was running, he suddenly stretched out his big hand, He accurately caught the boulder and then swung it forward, knocking a demon blocking the way to the ground.

He did not stop. Such complicated avoidance did not slow down his speed at all. He even continued to speed up. His two crimson legs were so fast that they almost appeared as afterimages. Every time his heavy steps stepped on the ground, they would make a sound. There was a roar similar to that of an exploding cannonball. The reaction force promoted the next step of the shock force, pushing its body forward continuously. The wind pressure behind it rolled up the flames, forming a tornado of flames that stared at it!

"1.1 kilometers!"

"Nine hundred meters!"

The sound from the loudspeaker was getting faster and faster. Judging from the estimated numbers, the person's speed at this time was approaching that of a steam train running at full speed.

On the high slope in the distance, Major General Ulysses stared at the strange scene below. A trace of anger began to rise in his pupils that were illuminated by white spots.

"Double the fire coverage density, then blow it up for me!"

Such an order shocked the people around him.

But no one hesitated even a little bit in their actions. After decades on the front line, this group of veterans had nothing to fear on the battlefield, and they would not question any of their commanders' instructions. Many people even heard this After giving the order, there was a trace of determination and sternness on the corner of his mouth.

The battlefield is the battlefield. During the execution of the mission, how could the course of the mission be changed just because of one person? Moreover, if someone dared to rush into the fire coverage without authorization, then the other party would have asked for their own death! Even in the eyes of Ulysses, the most typical old-school soldier, this kind of behavior should be shot directly!

So his order seemed particularly cold and chilling!

And in a war zone hundreds of kilometers away.

"The second round of bombing begins!"

When such a report sounded from the loudspeaker, several senior military officials could no longer suppress their uneasiness and stood up suddenly.

They knew full well the original intention of this mission, which was to find someone to silence the supporters of the old-school victory ideology and use the most realistic battlefield data to change some people's views on future wars.

Regardless of all aspects of character, record, ability, and identity, Sherlock is the perfect person to complete this task.

Of course, no one actually thinks that Sherlock can win, because as Second Lieutenant Millsap said, no one thinks that with their own power, they can change the entire war situation, so the top military officials just want to let Sherlock enjoy his life. Just show the combat power he has shown in the past.

But no one could have imagined that this guy would be so frantic that he would directly enter the opponent's mission area and try to rob the opponent's strategic resources within the opponent's bombing range!

This is simply a slap in the face of those veterans.

Thinking about it this way, it is understandable that the other party resolutely ordered the bombing to continue. But what if Sherlock dies?

Thinking of his unclear relationship with the Holy See, the reason why he came out of the blood prison, and the things he has done over the years, although there must be countless people who want him to die, if he really dies, So who can bear this responsibility? !

Suddenly, the commander who had been waiting for Sherlock and shaking hands with him cordially when he stepped into the military base could no longer hold his breath, and the tea cup in his hand fell to the ground.

"Tell them to stop bombing! Mission cancelled! Cancelled!"

He yelled a little lost his temper.

However, now that the bombing has begun, the signal towers in the imperial theater are not perfect. It is impossible to make a direct call just like in the hinterland of the empire. According to the current time, when your military order is transmitted, When we get to the war zone where the mission is located, there probably won’t even be any bodies left there.

At this thought, the frontline commander's eyes darkened and he almost collapsed.

And suddenly

"Experimental Subject No. 1070 rushed out of the bombing range!

Report! Experimental subject No. 1070 rushed out of the bombing range! Target outpost reached! "

A high-pitched report suddenly called the commander's soul back. He staggered and suddenly supported the chair with one hand to prevent himself from collapsing.

"He's in!"


Entered the outpost?

A man, with a demon, rushed out of the most ferocious fire coverage area on the front line?

Of course, everyone in the conference room heard the result, but they just heard it, so they couldn't imagine what the scene was like on the other side of the battlefield at this moment.

Only those who stood on the undead regiments high above the snowfields and the airships flying like giant whales in the sky could see the shadows running like ghosts in the billowing smoke of explosions at such a distance. , it was actually difficult to capture the trajectory of its movement. I could only see the flames and explosive fragments passing by it one after another. Under the uninterrupted terrifying impact, the figure jumped.

One person cannot change the situation of the war.

The war between humans and demons has been going on for three hundred years. Everyone knows that the ultimate concept of war is unity, faith, the absolute obedience of orders by soldiers, and the backing of the entire empire, which will never be short-term in terms of finance, military strength, Support supplies of weapons, supplies, etc.

In short, it cannot be personal heroism.

But in this world, the logic is extremely contradictory. There is really a person who has displayed his personal heroism to an incredible degree, and like a flag that can never wither, it has been flying in all empires for decades. soldiers, and in the hearts of all citizens of the Empire.

And now, it seems that such a person has appeared!

He is not a soldier, so he logically does not need to pay attention to the disciplines and ideas that the army upholds. But now he is really using his own strength to fight against the most famous undead regiment on the entire front line.

Thinking of this, people in the conference room suddenly had a flash of enlightenment in their minds.

Therefore, in another area of ​​this mission, the reason why Second Lieutenant Millsap and his team stood still was because...

Are they waiting for him?

(More than 5,000 words, woo woo woo, not finished yet, but let’s vote.)

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