Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 360 The simplest way to build momentum and welcome Miss Nightingale (Part 1)

It is understandable that steam can provide great power. If it were not for steam, it is estimated that with the productivity of human beings more than 300 years ago, it would be impossible to produce a large number of weapons and war equipment in a short period of time to resist the sudden appearance of demons. .

However, steam also has numerous disadvantages, such as the excessively large power output environment, the terrible resource consumption of the planet, and the low information dissemination rate caused by this overly traditional basic power.

In fact, so far, humans have been able to develop sedatives specifically for use on demons, and they have also been able to develop explosive ammunition that explodes with terrifying lethality. There has been extremely rapid technological growth in both chemical and military industries, but , the most extensive way for information dissemination still relies on the most primitive [newspaper].

As early as 30 years ago, a group of researchers from the Imperial Mechanical Institute thought of how to use band frequencies for long-distance transmission of signals based on the newly invented 'telephone'. They named this technology [radio], but now it has passed After so many years, the application of radio can still only be seen on the battlefield and in some special environments.

Of course, due to the popularization of electricity, the development of this kind of 'radio' has been put on the agenda again. It is said that in the near future, people will be able to listen to sounds coming from extremely distant places through some household equipment, and even It’s a picture. But no one knows when this day will come. Now, people can only hold the newspapers in their hands to look further beyond the block in front of them.

Along the Redecker Strait, humanity's first and last line of defense against demons is at this moment, high-speed trains set up in the ice and snow are shuttling between war zones at full speed.

This phenomenon of all transportation facilities being put into operation is extremely rare. However, it does not mean that a war is imminent or a demonic tide is coming. These trains are just transporting newspapers and imaging equipment.

Three days ago, a temporary clearing mission was issued in the 404 theater on the rear line. This mission was only known to high-level people in the military region. The soldiers below and some generals did not know about it. However, just yesterday, all printing on the front line The factories seemed to suddenly start working overtime all night long, printing out tens of thousands of battle reports as much as possible, coupled with the photos taken at close range on the battlefield, and the specially written words that stirred people's hearts, and sent them to all military regions. In almost everyone's hands.

Not only newspapers, but even the military purchased more than a hundred film projection devices from the hinterland of the empire more than half a month ago, and one was issued to each war zone. This kind of film projection device has long been popular among the imperial aristocracy. The popular high-end entertainment facilities actually operate in a very simple way, which is to project a continuous film onto the screen through a huge projector lamp. However, in places where such entertainment facilities are extremely rare on the front line, this novel thing can still attract people. All eyes.

What is even more attractive is the huge amount of film that was shot continuously for five minutes from a high-altitude perspective and weighed more than 20 kilograms.

For example, at this moment, in the Hell's Gate Expeditionary Force Base, which is the farthest away from Redeker Strait, in a barracks without lights, the soldiers who have not seen the sun for half a month can persist here. They have long been accustomed to darkness and severe cold, but at this moment, extremely heavy breathing can still be heard around them, not because they are so cold that they rely on this method to maintain sufficient oxygen content in their bodies, but because of the On the white sheet acting as a curtain, an incredible scene is taking place.

Because there was only film, there could be no sound. Under the silent light, they saw the smoke of war from high altitude, the rising mushroom-shaped clouds, the snow curtains and the heat from the explosion mixed together. , it seems that the exposure is extremely high, so you can only see it vaguely. In the high light, a dark gray outline that appears and disappears is moving inconceivably. Under the action of pixels, it seems that an extremely slender body is like the same figure. The ghostly shadow that keeps changing its direction looks both dangerous and terrifying.

These soldiers have been fighting demons all year round, so even though the picture was very unclear, they still saw that the shadow was a humanoid demon, but they had never seen a demon that could move so fast, let alone A demon that can jump between artillery bombardments and craters on the ground.

And when people saw that in the final stage, this shadow suddenly jumped into the encirclement of the war assault truck, forcibly lifted up a assault truck weighing more than ten tons, and smashed an escape gap, they breathed heavily. There were more sounds of chairs being moved among the noise.

This kind of uninterrupted shock started from the picture and lasted until the end of the last film. With the sound of gas lights, the lights above finally came on. The sudden brightness made the soldiers in the barracks relax. They came to their senses, but they still didn't make too many noises. They just lowered their heads and pondered, or continued to stare at the last picture on the white sheets in silence. After a long while, they finally took out a cigarette and lit it. , stuffed into lips that were chapped by the cold.

The projector was carried down, and a frontline chief of staff walked into the barracks. He glanced at the officers and soldiers who were still in silence. He seemed very satisfied, but he immediately suppressed the faint smile on his lips and walked over. In front of the white sheet, he said in a deep voice:

"Perhaps you all know who the two parties fighting in this scene are.

In fact, it cannot be said to be a battle. After all, from beginning to end, this was a unilateral fire suppression, but the objects of suppression were only a contractor and his demon.

Please forgive me for not telling you the name of this contractor, but I can reveal some small details.

For example, this contractor has just reached the second stage, and the demon he controls is actually a wild demon.

Also, he successfully matched this wild demon within two months, and the matching time was less than a year ago.

Oh, I have to focus on describing it. I think most of you may not have seen it clearly. In fact, the black object carried by the devil in the picture is not a protective device, but a container filled with demon sedatives. , that is to say, during the process of completing this incredible breakout, it also has to protect the container from damage.

According to the news from the 404th War Zone, from the time this demon broke out until it returned to its camp, there was no leakage of the demon sedative it carried from beginning to end. "

The officers and soldiers in the barracks were a little excited when they heard the initial message. Some of them suppressed their voices and chatted a few words with each other. But at the end of listening, they learned that the black rectangular object in the picture turned out to be a demon sedative. The container couldn't help but be startled again, and subconsciously sat up straight.

"After a while, I will send you the ammunition consumption report for the five minutes in the screen, so that you can feel more intuitively what level of firepower the demon faced at that time." Frontline Staff Chang said calmly:

"Of course, everyone should also be able to understand that the man in the picture is a very strong guy. He is not even a soldier and has not received formal training in controlling demons. From a certain perspective, he is a genius.

However, the purpose of letting you see these pictures is not to make you worship him or respect him, let alone to make you become someone like him.

I just want to tell you.

Controlling wild demons is not a ridiculous idea, as some people think. It is just a incomplete experiment that has just begun research and development and has not yet been officially put into use. It wants to find some soldiers to serve as guinea pigs. Instead, it already has an extremely complete system. The result is a powerful technology that is truly as effective as a powerful contractor.

Moreover, it is no longer difficult to control wild demons. Look at the man in the picture. From beginning to end, it only took him two months to control a large third-level demon.

And you are the strongest soldiers in the empire. You may not have the lucky talent to become a contractor, but you have the strongest will and a tenacious spirit that is not afraid of any difficulties. In addition, during this period, the scientific researchers on the battlefield's back line have passed by. After continuous attempts, a set of practical and relevant teaching materials has been obtained, which is expected to be compiled into a volume soon and officially put into use.

I believe that soon, everyone will...

Everyone has a chance to become a hero. "

When the officers and soldiers on the front line were shocked beyond words by the scenes just now, the frontline chief of staff said such words in such a plain tone. The purpose was simply obvious. At this time , after he finished his brief narration, he paused unabashedly, and then said with a smile:

"Ten days later, the top military officials decided to conduct an open registration test for controllers on the front line. All soldiers, whether civilians or front-line soldiers, regardless of military rank and whether they have any military exploits, can participate.

Of course, this is not an order, and the leaders of each war zone will not force it on anyone. In short, if you are interested in giving it a try, you can come to me to sign up. "

After saying that, he showed a rare smile to the people below, and walked out of the barracks with his hands behind his back.

The door to the barracks was gently closed, and the surroundings fell into silence once again.

The soldiers here are all the vanguard of the Hell Gate Expeditionary Force, one of the most elite troops in the entire empire. At this time, they all squinted their eyes, frowned, and looked at each other.

Although the chief of staff has emphasized just now that the man in the picture is a figure who can be called a genius, and the ghostly demon is indeed enough to shock everyone's mind, but how can these powerful warriors in the army compare? A person who is not extremely proud.

The person in the picture can do that, so why can’t I?

Is it not working hard enough or not working hard enough?

"Do you think the scenes in the film are real?" A soldier hesitated and asked suddenly as if talking to himself.

"Although the leaders of the defense line are pampered, they are not willing to use this method to deceive people." An older veteran stubbed out the half-smoked cigarette, and then stuffed the remaining half in an extremely economical way. In your own pocket:

"I'm just thinking now, if what I just said about the 'textbook' is true, will we soon have an army of demon controllers?

No, given time, can we have such an organizer? "

At this moment, the entire barracks fell into silence again. It seemed that everyone was beginning to imagine a future that sounded extremely incredible, but could actually become a reality.

Even if the person in the picture is a genius and has abilities beyond the reach of ordinary people, but even if most people can only achieve half or even one-third of his abilities, if there are a hundred or a thousand such people, One, ten thousand!

So what a terrifying combat force it will be?

"I don't know what you think, but I still have some old comrades on the defense line. I will go and inquire about them these days. If all this is true, then... our entire class will participate in this registration. "

The veteran said thoughtfully, then stood up and left the barracks.

In fact, this scene not only happened in the base of the Devil's Gate Expeditionary Force, but in fact, a similar scene was played out in every camp in the entire frontline theater. Those newspapers and films were like barrels of stimulants. The sky tilted downwards, watering the entire Redeker Strait coast.

In fact, this was a very simple campaign, but on the front line, it showed unexpected results.

And Sherlock, who made this campaign go smoothly, does not care much about the image of himself breaking out of the war alone, and what kind of mental changes it has brought to the frontline soldiers, and he does not care about the current situation of those high-ranking military officials. Everyone was already smiling.

He was just sitting on the steps of a barracks, looking at the soldiers in the sharpest military uniforms in the distance in the biting cold wind.

The military base is different from the front-line urban areas along the strait. There is not enough steam to maintain the temperature. In this cold environment, bathing is a very painful thing, so unless you are injured during the mission, or have stains on your body, There are no blood stains, otherwise most of the soldiers on the front line don't like bathing very much. Fortunately, it's freezing here, and there is basically no room for bacteria and viruses to survive.

And just yesterday, all the soldiers in the entire camp spontaneously took a shower! This has never happened in the more than three centuries of human beings fighting against demons. Even the former Pope who came to the front line in person did not receive such treatment.

The reason for such a huge formation is that today, Miss Nightingale will move into this camp.

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