Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 378 Holy Light

Compared to the atmosphere in the hinterland of the empire, where the news of the march into the Gates of Hell made every citizen excited, Sherlock far away on the Antarctic continent seemed a little boring.

A few days ago, the number of war reporters who were chasing and intercepting him finally began to decrease. The official name change between the Crusaders and the government forces was not an incredible big deal, but it was certainly not a small matter. Compared with catching that elusive hired detective everywhere, It would be more practical to report on the various changes in the military.

At the same time, because of the formal establishment of the expeditionary force, military mobilization has begun in some theaters. The feeling that the human coalition is finally going to fight the devil in the final battle fills every corner of the military base.

However, the 404 war zone seems to be extremely quiet. Everyone is on standby, and all war weapons have been left in the base. None of them have been requisitioned. For such a big thing as 'marching into the gates of hell', it feels... These people are not related at all.

one day passed

Two days have passed.

Five days have passed.

No orders were given, just everyone on standby.

Maybe in the eyes of some people, this is a good thing, because the vanguard of the expedition will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. The later they are integrated into the expeditionary force, the further back the battle line is, and the mortality rate will naturally be the lowest. It is best to He could be stationed at the back line of defense forever. In this way, he might be able to live peacefully and see with his own eyes the day when humans close the Devil's Gate.


This piece of frozen soil has been filled with wars. With every breath, countless compatriots and comrades died. Other soldiers are working hard for this great expedition. They are swaying their youth and blood in distant places. However, the people in the 404 theater can only sit idle in this base, like a group of stupid pigs who eat all day long and wait to die. This sense of deprivation makes the surrounding soldiers who value honor more than their own names extremely distress.

Sherlock was naturally one of them, either because of his sense of honor as a soldier, or simply because he didn't think it was interesting. Maybe it was because the military wanted Nightingale to stay in the rear, maybe because the medical team on the rear line was also too busy. It can play some role. In short, he gradually lost the novelty of this kind of life. If Nightingale really wanted to stay in the rear area, then he seemed to have no value in staying here anymore. He might as well It would be interesting to go back to London and catch a murderer.

By the way, my criminal's bounty form hasn't been updated for a long time. Should I ask Lestrade about the situation and update a batch of lists at the same time?

In his wild thoughts, Sherlock opened the newspaper next to him.

Of course it's not the one about him and Nightingale walking into the barracks that was rumored a few days ago, but a very serious frontline battlefield newspaper.

As can be seen from the above reports, in fact, many years ago, the human expedition plan had begun to show signs of implementation. Even General Patton, the top person in charge of the entire frontline theater, personally led a group of elite troops and had gone deep into The Antarctic continent is nearly thousands of kilometers away, guiding the direction for the large forces behind.

These days, the expeditionary force's offensive is very fierce. It took less than a week for a fully equipped advance army of 50,000 people to eliminate all the demon groups wherever they went. They worked day and night and traveled all the way south. The good news came one after another, with a terrifying momentum of fighting all the way straight to the depths of hell.

Of course, this momentum cannot be maintained for a long time, because Antarctica is not shrouded in holy light. The deeper the battle line is drawn, the higher the chance that a demonic group or even a large demonic tide will suddenly appear among the troops. We must think Only after establishing a stable supply line can we continue to advance with peace of mind.

But how can we keep supply lines strong?

Is it necessary to establish a military base some distance away?

How could the empire's finances support it?

And the very next morning, the landing of an airship revealed the answer to this problem, and also explained why everyone in the 404 theater had been standing still.

A huge roar came from above, and an imperial military airship slowly landed from outside the clouds. The turbine accumulated too much heat during the long flight, and it was dissipated at low temperatures and evaporated instantly. A large amount of water vapor enveloped the entire airship, like a cloud falling from the sky to the world.

As the cloud gradually dispersed, countless fine snow dust was shaken out from the airship landing platform in the 404 theater of the Redeker Strait. The two-meter-thick landing gear roared and hit the ground forcefully. , causing the surrounding officers and soldiers to feel a tremor under their feet.

But no one was dissatisfied with this landing method that made their feet numb. On the contrary, the officers standing around the take-off and landing platform all looked solemn. Finally, after the airship stopped, a row of ladders descended from the airship. The hatch extended into the snow underfoot, and seven or eight people in pure golden robes stepped out of the airship.

The setting sun that lasted for more than four months has now gradually set in the mountains. The blood-red light is reflected from the side of the clouds, making those robes particularly dazzling. It is precisely because this outfit is too golden and eye-catching, so In terms of aesthetics, it gives people a sense of inexplicable irritability. Even today's popes only wear papal attire embroidered with golden sunflower marks on official occasions, or just embroider some golden threads on the edges of their clothes. However, these people in front of them are even more arrogant than the pope, or Talk about deliberate.

However, no matter how sparkly their clothes are, they can't hide their twisted and deformed bodies. Some of these people's spines have been bent to 90 degrees, and some have a deep gap under their noses, dividing their lips into two. Three petals were removed, and some even left only one eye. Where the eye should have been, there was only a shrunken small hole covered by a collapsed eyelid.

These people walked down the ladder proudly, without even looking at the officers below. They just frowned displeased at the coldness around them.

Immediately, some servants who followed from the airship quickly took some thicker coats and put them on these people respectfully, and the outer layers of those coats were all sewn with golden silk threads.

These people are the divine servants invited from the Divine Light Temple.

The purpose of their trip to the front line is to try to bring the great holy light to this eternally cold land, along the expedition route, to shine all the way to the gate of hell.

(I’ll post a small chapter first, then I’ll go to sleep for a while, and then I’ll post another chapter when I wake up. Don’t rush.)

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