Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 385 Holy Light

John Watson was not a philosopher or a scholar of social philosophy. He was just an incompetent doctor and a half-baked soldier.

He actually doesn't care about the impact that a servant of God will have on the Holy Light Temple if he dies on the front line. He just cares about the impact these servants of God will have on the psychology of frontline soldiers and the impact of this human expedition when they step into the flames of war. Are there any subsequent changes? Or, as all the citizens of the empire think, they feel that since this is a huge war between humans and demons, everyone should do their best for this war, and those who should pay should pay. If the servants of God enjoy the highest respect in the world, they will naturally have to bear the heaviest responsibility in the world.

Therefore, they should bring the Holy Light to the most dangerous places.

As for Sherlock, he didn't care so much. He just didn't like these servants of the gods. At the same time, he also felt that it was really meaningless to just show off the rear and wander around. He might as well go to the front and wander around.

Of course, he also has a small thought that he has never told anyone, that is, he wants to know what the relationship between himself and hell is, he wants to know what his contracted creature is, and he wants to know Why can he communicate with the sun in the sky? He wants to know what the holy light is.

Since arriving in the Antarctic continent, Sherlock has never entered hell after sleeping, and the connection with his contracted tentacles has become weaker and weaker. Of course, he understands that this is because the Holy Light is extremely powerful here. The reason for the thinness, so if the palace of your mind is the Holy Light, then why does the Divine Light pay attention to you, and seems to always be satisfied with your own small requirements?

These puzzles are really attractive to Sherlock, so if you grab a few servants to accompany you to the gate of hell, you will definitely find some clues in the process.

After all, this is just a little thought from Sherlock.

However, he didn't know what a huge impact his little thoughts had in the hinterland of the empire.

The status of servants of God is transcendent, and the military's operation of inviting servants of God to frontline combat zones is well known to everyone in the upper echelons of the empire. Both the government and the Holy See have made great efforts to do so. Moriarty even wrote letters and communicated with the old divine envoy himself for a full month and a half, while his maid Moran carried each other's letters back and forth to the top of the mountain more than 8,000 meters high, acting as the Holy Light Temple and the Vatican. The liaison officer is also thanks to her status as a third-level great contractor. Otherwise, the average person would die on the way to and from the Holy Light Temple four or five times in a month and a half.

In short, with the coordination of all levels, 7 servants of the gods walked down the temple on top of the clouds. Now, as soon as these people arrived at the front line, they couldn't be contacted at all. There were no phone calls or letters. It was as if they were imprisoned. The same, and when he appeared again, he announced inexplicably that he would join the advance army and fight the devil to the death.

Who the hell can bear this? If he really dies, how will he explain to the temple? !

So all of a sudden, countless phone calls and letters poured into the war front, officials from the hinterland of the empire, and senior officials from the Holy See. They all had good social status and also had a strong right to speak. Some could even directly Call the top war officer on the front line.


The answer they received was: 'General Patton is leading his advance troops to fight against the demons and will not be able to give any reply in the short term. ’

Well, people are at war, that’s understandable.

However, when I called the leaders of the military region, they said that they were on the way to an expedition and were too far away from other teams to make it difficult to contact them; when I called the commander of the military base on the back line, they said that their large troops had left long ago and are not here now. Knowing where we were, it was difficult to establish communication. After all our efforts, we finally contacted the commander of a certain expedition team, but he said he didn't know about it.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away. The most outstanding thing about the army after embarking on the journey is that they are indifferent to everyone. If those big shots who are usually aloof and superior have any requests, the officials below would like to have to eat without sleeping and quickly tell them their affairs. It was done, but at this moment, I felt the fucking feeling of the window staff kicking the ball back and forth when the citizens of the empire went to collect their pensions.

Finally, after a lot of efforts, the target was finally targeted at the 404 war zone. As a result, people said that the servants of the gods were with the frontline medical team, so go find them.

The person on the other end of the phone didn't know who the secretary of the big shot was. He had been pushed around for the past few days and was already exhausted. After hearing this, he finally couldn't stand it anymore and started to curse, but he didn't say a few words.

"Be careful what you say." The operator in the military region said coldly: "The leader of the frontline medical team is Miss Nightingale, so correct your attitude. Also, I don't know if you are qualified, but I I sincerely hope that you have heard of a person named [Sherlock Holmes]. If you have not, I suggest you try to be polite when talking to him. Yes, he is also in the accompanying medical team. Goodbye "

After saying that, the operator hung up the phone directly.

In the past few days, he has received a lot of calls like this. In fact, they are all coming from various political districts or the residences of certain lords. The servants of God walking out of the Holy Light Ceremony must have been involved. A lot of effort. If those servants of God really died on the front line, they would definitely be affected by the anger of the temple, so they would naturally be more anxious than anyone else.

But they must also maintain a certain amount of respect for Nightingale.

What gives them even more headaches is the guy named Sherlock!

Maybe this name is unknown among ordinary people, but among the upper echelons of the empire, this name has long been well-known, and even has some faintly feared attributes.

On one side is the Holy Light Temple, which can only be looked up to by the world, and on the other side is an empire commoner. The two existences are incomparable at first glance, but they make the upper echelons of the empire scratch their heads and find themselves in a dilemma.

At the same time, in the marching team that Millsap was in charge of

After several days of rapid marching, the distance they walked was more than five times faster than before. The vigorous and resolute movement, full fighting spirit and discipline that soldiers should have all returned. After traveling nearly a thousand kilometers, they exceeded After gathering three expeditionary troops and feeling tired again, they began to set up barracks and prepare for a short rest.

And after these few days of journey, those servants of God, all of whom had no color on their faces and whose shriveled and deformed bodies had never been trained, had to force themselves to keep up with the speed of these soldiers, making them follow one by one. It seemed like they had lost half their lives, but they were supposed to be highly respected, but no one paid attention to them in this team.

Yesterday, a servant of God was too slow to get on the bus because he was slow when starting the journey. As a result, no one was waiting for him, so he was asked to run behind the bus all the way through the ice and snow until he fainted and died on the snow. Only then did a veteran push him into the transport vehicle. When he woke up, he tragically found that he had missed the meal time. At that moment, the servant of God burst into tears.

Finally, one of the recruits couldn't stand it any longer, so he showed some kindness and gave him his remaining half piece of bread, and then his annoying crying stopped.

Bullying! Abuse! Not for people to watch!

In a newly built barracks, a divine servant was sitting on a chair. Next to him was a field signal receiving phone, a high-end product, which was ringing at the moment.

Next to him, Sherlock and Watson stood very close to him, looking down at him with gentle expressions.

"You're not nervous now, are you?"

"That's right. You're not nervous." The divine servant nodded quickly.

"Very good, so when you speak, you should pay attention to your tone. You have also seen that your companion did not behave very well just now, so he is standing outside to reflect on it now. I hope you will not learn from him."

"Of course." The servant in front of him wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The companion just now was standing barefoot in the center of the camp. He didn't know how long it would be cold for. When he was born just now, he accidentally failed to hold the water cup in his hand, and the water spilled on him. On bare feet.

"Pick up the phone and behave."

Watson held a water glass in his hand and said pleasantly.

The Servant of God finally mustered up the courage and put the microphone to his ear:

"Oh, I'm doing fine here."

"Yes, the people here are very nice and respect me very much. The food every day is also good."

"Of course, no one forced me. Of course I voluntarily went to the front line. This is my obligation."

"I won't go back. I told you that the people here are very nice. I like staying here very much. Please don't call me again. Thank you."

He held the phone tremblingly, but tried his best to keep his tone calm. This satisfied the two people standing in front of him. They smiled, and after the other party hung up the phone, they promised to give this person tonight. A servant of God plus a canned food.

This servant of God didn't know that there was a mental illness called Stockholm Syndrome, but at this moment, he was actually a little grateful to the other party and was complacent with his performance.

Even if you choose not to think about it, in a few days, you will set foot in a dangerous war zone, and in the process of spreading the holy light, you may die under the attack of demons.

But there is no other way. There is nowhere to escape anyway. Fortunately, there is a canned food to eat tonight.

In the past few days, this team has received some calls. The upper echelons of the empire cannot be fools. Even if the servants of God keep saying that they are living a good life, everyone knows that they are in dire straits. However, No matter whether it is requests, discussions, inducements, crying, or even some brave people dare to get angry and threaten, it is of no use.

If Shylock had sympathy and listened to others' dissuasion, then the empire would still be under the management of Augustine the Great, Professor Darwin's experiments must have been hidden, and the empire's expedition would definitely be impossible to achieve. Everything, It will all be different.

Although it is incredible, it seems that everything Shylock wanted to do has really been accomplished. Therefore, no one can stop these servants of God from joining the advance army.

The entire planet shares the same sky. On the Antarctic continent, if you look up and look into the distance, you will see dots of stars. And on the far side, the silvery gray of these brilliant stars also falls on a remote seaside town.

Moriarty once said that the empire is an empire of thousands of people, and it is impossible for anyone to cover the sky with one hand.

But all the things Sherlock wanted to do were successful, and no one could stop him; and Moriarty's long-cherished wish seemed to be moving forward steadily. In fact, since the airship crash almost two years ago, After that, almost everything developed in the direction he hoped for; and in this seaside town, an old man walked out of the town without authorization. This should have shocked the entire empire, and all senior figures in the empire could not It was allowed, but the old man just went out, and after wandering for a few days, he came back generously. Who dared to say anything more?

No one can cover the sky with one hand.

But in some fields, to some extent, some people are able to look down upon others.

The door of the masonry hut on the seaside embankment was slowly pushed open and the door was unlocked. This was because the old man had left the door open for the other party.

There are only a few people in the entire empire who can have this honor.

Moriarty was not tall, but when he walked in, he still lowered his head slightly, as if he was avoiding the door beam. As the current pope, what he represents is no longer the will of an individual, but the will of countless people. Faith, so of course he cannot bow to an old civilian at will, but sometimes, when it is time to nod, he must not be arrogant.

The old man had received a letter from the Holy See half a month ago. Although he did not have much interaction with the youngest pope in the history of the Holy See, he had been there since thirty years ago at an afternoon tea in Jerusalem. After meeting his young counterpart, he developed a good sense for him.

Therefore, he personally poured a cup of tea for the young man, waited for him to sit upright opposite him, took the tea cup with both hands, took a sip, and then asked like a kind old man in a small town:

"Now is probably the busiest time for the Pope, so why do you find time to visit me, an old man?"

Moriarty nodded with the standard etiquette of a junior: "I want to ask about something about the Holy Light."

"Haha." The old man smiled: "In that case, why don't you ask the people in the Holy Light Temple? Those people know the Holy Light best."

Moriarty shook his head: "They are just serving the Holy Light, and in this world, you are the one who has the closest contact with the Holy Light."

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