Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 39 My Domain (Part 2)

Sherlock observed for a while. With his observation and analysis skills, he could certainly tell that when the dog stepped into the room and touched the area where his caterpillar crawled, he was suddenly affected by some kind of force. Shocked.

But he couldn't understand the reason

Just like that, the curious detective slowly stretched out two fingers and pinched the drooping eyeball of the dog in front of him.

Slowly and hard

The corpse dog immediately began to tremble more violently, and there were waves of inaudible whines coming from its rotting throat. It could be seen that this guy was not feeling well, but it still did not dare to move.

Until ‘pah!’! There was a slight explosion, and the dog trembled violently, but still did not move!

Sherlock thought for a while, then curiously began to poke at other parts of the other party. Maybe he was a little too heavy-handed. Anyway, after a lot of tossing, the dog's one eye turned white, and he collapsed to the ground in pain, completely losing his activity.

And during this whole process, it never dared to move at all, as if its brain, which did not have much wisdom, was constantly reminding itself not to move or to anger some terrifying existence, otherwise... there would be something worse. Something even more terrible happens than death.

"What are you talking about?"

Sherlock looked at the corpse of the carrion dog, scratched his head, and thought very keenly: Could it be that the place where his little bug crawled has some kind of [field effect]?

Before his thoughts fell, the footsteps outside the door were getting closer and closer.

It was probably because he had entered the realm that the demons outside could no longer smell his scent, or some other reason;

In short, the other carrion dogs that were attracted by the roar of their companions just now seemed to be unable to find Sherlock's location. They wandered outside for a while before finally finding their target.

This group of creatures with little brains, and most of them were already rotten, saw the corpses of their companions. They didn't even realize that something was wrong. They just barked, then swung their cheeks and pounced on them.

There were three in total. The first two were relatively healthy and much faster. They rushed into the room in an instant.

The result was the same as their senior who had just died tragically. As soon as he stepped into the room, he suddenly froze on the spot and stared straight ahead, as if he had witnessed something absolutely terrifying.

The one at the back was relatively thin, and one of its legs was rotten to the buttocks, causing it to limp when running, almost jumping up the stairs in a "three-legged jump" posture.

Because he ran relatively slowly, and because the two dogs in front of him stood blankly at the door, blocking most of the space, the last dog did not rush in, but stood at the door with only the tip of one of its paws sticking out. Faintly touching the edge of the field, it passed by.

However, even such a seemingly wrong touch was instantaneous! As a carrion dog, it felt the most terrifying and creepy gaze in its entire life!


It didn't even know what it was that was staring at it. It only knew that that slight glance was filled with despair and fear as if its soul had been boiled.

The carrion dog didn't even think twice before turning around and running away.

Probably because it didn't really set foot in Sherlock's territory, but it might also be because it overcame the pressure from the depths of its soul. Anyway, it ran away, desperate and frantically heading towards a certain place it was facing. I don’t know and I definitely don’t care about running in a direction!

But the next second it escaped.

A tentacle! !

Falling from the sky! ! ! !

That’s right, it just fell from the sky!

Or to be more precise, it should be that the sun hanging in the sky was not happy with the escape of this miserable and weak devil on the ground. It waved one of its thousands of tentacles and scratched through the unknown... What a distance, from the infinite dark abyss of the universe to the sky above London in an instant, piercing the atmosphere, clouds, smoke, and scorching flames above this boiling city in an attitude that is absolutely unimaginable in people's cognition. , descending on the surface.

If measured from the distance between eyes, this tentacle must be as thick as a mountain, and its diameter must be hundreds of thousands of kilometers. However, when it really came to the eyes, it was discovered that the tip of the tentacle was so slender. .

It was so slender that it was inserted into the head of the escaping carrion dog accurately! !

In an instant, the corpse dog began to convulse violently. It was unknown what kind of despair and pain it suffered. It was as if its body could not bear the pain in an instant, and it tried to use brute force as if to deceive itself. It’s the same as separating yourself from your head!

But it ultimately failed to do so.

The strange and majestic tentacle descended in an instant, and then retracted out of the sky in an instant, sweeping away the miserable demon.

Sherlock stared at this scene blankly.

Ever since he participated in the canonization ceremony and established a connection with that useless little worm, his dreams have undergone earth-shaking changes. Almost every time he falls asleep, it brings him an unprecedented impact!

As a result, after witnessing the scene that was completely incomprehensible to his rational mind, he accepted it easily without making a stunned expression for too long.

I was just wondering with some curiosity, was the dog really brought into the terrifying sun in this way? If so, what will it go through.

Also, why does this phenomenon occur?

Could it be that the sun in the sky is helping me?

And in the few seconds he was meditating,

His contracted worm seemed very happy and down-to-earth, crawling towards the corpse of the dead carrion dog.


Follow the hole in the eye socket and drill in.

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