Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 396: Chase in the frozen soil (Part 2)

A group of demon ecology experts headed by Darwin have never been able to figure out why the human world is so similar to the creatures in hell.

The bones, muscles, lifestyle, and various biological changes brought about by evolution are almost exactly the same.

Current human technology has not yet developed to the point where we can understand living things at a more subtle level. If a few more years pass, people will realize that if two living things are very similar, then they can actually be considered the same from a microscopic level. Same kind of thing.

Of course, no one dares to say that demons and humans are the same thing. Maybe Sherlock might think so. After all, he has seen a London bathed in blood in hell, but his thoughts will not affect people. any change in inherent cognition.

He was just glad that there was still an accumulation of fat under the devil's skin. After the bones stuck with fat were piled up, they could be burned easily, just like those living in the city of Redker Channel who used fish oil as fuel. same as the fishermen.

He tore open the extremely tough demon skin, tore the brain that had been cracked by the hammer into two halves, took out the fine brittle bone residue and threw it into the fire in front of him, and with a whoosh, the flames became more intense.

In a temporarily dug snow pit, Sherlock tore a demon alive, tore off the overly strong limbs and muscles, and roasted them on the flames.

A few minutes later, a greasy roasted devil's leg was successfully prepared.

Sherlock took a bite.

I found that the meat of this demon was too hard. Even if the muscle fibers were roasted and looked soft, chewing them still felt like chewing wood.

However, at this time, he didn't care about the taste. It was as if he was chewing wood. He felt the sharp scratches in his mouth that were similar to wood thorns. The masseter muscles had the fiercest competition with these hard protein polymers.

A man eating a demon.

In the empire's all-age textbooks, Dante went deep into hell for a year and seven months and survived by eating the flesh and blood of demons. This behavior was like reversing the inherent hierarchy of the food chain, and was praised as a kind of Incredibly shocking and powerful performance.

At this time, Sherlock finally knew that demons are really hard to eat.

At least this one tastes bad now.

Fortunately, he had practiced two meals under Nightingale's cooking skills, otherwise, he might not be able to swallow it at this time.

In the shallow snow cave, Sherlock was eating the demon's flesh and blood. Crimson beside him was squatting on the outside of the blood cave, blocking a lot of wind and snow. The dim light of the bonfire highlighted a figure on the pale snow surface. Silent and huge shadow, looking up at the sky, there are a few brighter stars that seem to hang in the same position forever.

It can be inferred from this that the large demonic tide has been heading south.

And there is the direction of the Devil's Gate.

The empire under the stars is still the same as it has been for hundreds of years.

At night, a rare rain fell in the ancient Roman city. In the remote Antarctic continent, the terrible low temperature is enough to kill anyone, but here, people will secretly rejoice in the coolness brought by the rain.

It seems that what people cannot share in common is not just sadness and happiness.

The drizzle of rain fell from the sky, gently lapping at this city that had never undergone major renovations in the past three hundred years. The ancient rock walls and stone pillars were washed away by whispers, first leaking out the dark brown color with a special sense of historical heaviness. , some workers in the city finally returned to their dormitories and fell asleep after a tiring day. They didn't care that the raindrops on the bed would disturb their dreams. They even found the sound very comfortable and helpful for sleeping.

However, in that old palace that symbolized the highest power of the empire, the rain tapping on the windows would only make people irritated.

The atmosphere in the entire Imperial Emperor's office area was immersed in a certain solemn and anxious mood. The electric lights above the head emitted too bright light, making the entire space too clear. People walked by in a hurry, secretaries, government officials, etc. Officials, and even some people wearing officer uniforms were all in a hurry, and the expressions on their faces were most straightforwardly displayed in the light. Some people wearing papal uniforms also appeared in the official residence, with the same solemn expressions, and the phone number The ringing of bells, the sound of hurried footsteps, and the sound of flipping through documents, all mixed together, almost bursting the tense atmosphere.

Because just a few hours ago, the most urgent telegram was sent from the coast of the Redeker Strait, the empire's defense zone against demon invasion.

It was this telegram that plunged the entire imperial government into an atmosphere of extreme anxiety. The Holy See also received the same news from the Crusaders on the front line. Indeed, a group of senior Holy See officials closest to the ancient Roman city of France. They immediately rushed to the political center of the empire. It can be seen that this matter also caused great worry and trouble to them.

And this news that affected the two largest rights groups in the entire human society turned out to be just because of one person.

"Miss Nightingale disappeared during a demonic encounter and her current whereabouts are unknown"

The absolute authenticity of this news has been confirmed, and its disappearance was accompanied by a series of reports such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, mountain avalanches, an entire military base being burned to the ground, and even divine lights falling from the sky.

These reports highlight this authenticity as if it is nonsense.

Of course, no one can talk nonsense about this kind of thing, otherwise the entire imperial government and the Holy See will put this person in a blood prison until he dies.


Although the report uses very obscure words such as "missing" and "whereabouts unknown", everyone knows it.

Nightingale should be dead.

The editor-in-chief of the Holy Journal was kicked open by a group of judicial deacons, and was dragged out wearing his underpants. It was not until he arrived at the ancient Roman city of France after a whole day of secret train transportation that he finally put them on. A pair of pants.

After receiving the news about Nightingale's disappearance, or death, the big boss of the empire's information industry didn't even have time to get angry. He staggered and leaned against the wall before barely standing up straight. .

Ever since Nightingale arrived in the frontline theater, he had always maintained contact with the military stationed in the Strait. He knew how much the expeditionary force attached great importance to the protection of this girl. Although she had already arrived at the forefront of the expedition, However, the working area is always within a military base and is a very safe place.

But no one expected those volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, avalanches, and the sudden appearance of demonic tides.

What the hell is going on here?

Fortunately, at this moment, the ordinary people of the empire did not know what happened, otherwise no one would dare to imagine that at this moment when the expedition war had just ignited the flames of revenge for all mankind, the death of the girl was suddenly heard, and the death of the girl was suddenly heard. What a terrible mental blow it would have on the people.

The pale light shines on the marble floor. The rain outside the window seems to reflect the disappearance or death of a certain great girl. It also sprinkles the sky with compassion. Emperor Franklin is sitting at his desk. His face was as dark as the cold coffee in his hand.

The extremely government officials in front of them are the most respected and even feared political bigwigs. They can decide the life and death of countless people with a single word, and can set off a financial storm with a snap of their fingers. However, at this moment, they are all nervous and quiet. Stand and wait.

Franklin has been the new emperor of the empire for almost a year. During this period, he has always upheld the rigor and gentleness of a scientific researcher, but sitting in this seat, he will eventually adapt to becoming a man at the pinnacle of power. What kind of tolerance and way of thinking should people have.

Moreover, because of his wisdom as a scientific researcher, he learned everything very quickly.

Now he has become a very qualified leader.

With a "click", he took off the pair of glasses he had worn for decades, threw them on the desk, and then rubbed his sore eyes:

"Big avalanche in the mountains? Didn't the geology experts of the expeditionary force already choose the safest direction when planning the route? The snow-covered mountains along the way were not even affected by the bombardment and vibration of tens of thousands of artillery shells. It may shake one point, why does an avalanche occur?

Also, why do volcanoes erupt on the Antarctic continent.

The entire continental shelf in that place has been tightly knitted together for millions of years. Where did the volcano come from? "

As a scholar, he certainly knows a lot of scientific knowledge that politicians do not know, so no matter how he thinks about it, he cannot understand why this kind of thing happens.

Several officials in front of them were so shocked by the other party's tone that they lowered their eyes slightly and did not dare to raise their heads. Finally, they responded uneasily:

"I heard from some surviving soldiers on the front line that some people saw a light falling from the sky before the big avalanche."

"A light?" Franklin frowned slightly: "What could it be? The Holy Light maintains an indifferent attitude even to the extinction of human beings. Could it be that it would be interested in a snow-capped mountain on the Antarctic continent?

Or was it some kind of meteor that would not be melted by the atmosphere, falling vertically from the sky and hitting the depths of the earth's mantle? "

Miss Nightingale unexpectedly died under heavy protection on the front line. Emperor Franklin was finally unable to maintain the demeanor that a scholar should have. His voice was not loud, but one could clearly feel that the words were full of oppression. roar!

No one could answer the emperor's question because they themselves could not understand it.

But everyone knows that all the anger and questioning now are of no use. Things have already happened, and now all hopes are actually pinned on self-deceptive words like "missing" and "unaccounted for."

Nightingale should be dead. How could a girl without any fighting ability survive under the demonic tide?

But after all, no one saw the girl's body, so even if there was a probability of one in ten million, from a mathematical point of view, it was not certain death.


But in this case, how can we save this girl?

From the telegram just sent back from the frontline theater, the most professional military reconnaissance team has analyzed it. In such an environment, the traces of the demonic tide have long been buried cleanly, and the military base has been submerged. , resulting in that area becoming a completely blank uninhabited area. If the soldiers want to reach that place and continue to move forward to find the whereabouts of the target, a new stronghold must be established.

Otherwise, the supply lines will be unable to supply, and the soldiers will go deep into the heart of the Antarctic continent. Even if they are not trampled to death by the demon group, they will only end up starving to death.

There was a dead silence in the entire office area. His Majesty Franklin pursed his thick lips tightly, seeming to be trying hard to suppress his anger and unwillingness.

Could it be that you can't seize even this last little chance that is almost a delusion?

At this moment, there was suddenly a burst of extremely busy footsteps outside the door, and then, an administrator from the ancient Roman city opened the door of His Majesty Franklin's office.

At this time, anyone who dared to break in like this would undoubtedly have brought extremely important news.

"Stop fucking saluting, say it!" Franklin was originally a gentle and humble person, at least on the surface, so it was rare to hear him swear.

"In the frontline telegram, an officer with the rank of major general in Redker Channel mentioned that someone has begun to trace Miss Nightingale." The staff member said breathlessly.


This news is undoubtedly worthy of surprise. Franklin sat up slightly: "Whose army has a lot of hope for tracking?"

"Well" the staff member hesitated for a moment, then turned over the telegram in his hand, finally confirmed its contents, and then responded: "There is no troops, only one person."

"What?! Just one person?"

The person in charge of the Imperial Information Bureau on the side looked very unhappy. In fact, the staff member who read out the telegram was also very depressed. He didn't understand why a telegram was needed for such a thing. Did the people in the military region think that only one person could go there? Will saving Nightingale have any effect?

But this telegram came from a frontline officer with the rank of major general, so he had to report the news to His Majesty the Emperor.

"That's what it says on the telegram." He explained: "This person's name is Sherlock Holmes."

The staff member who circulated the telegram deliberately read out the entire paragraph exactly, and also emphasized that the name of the major general who sent the telegram was Ulysses. He knew that these big political figures now They are not in a good mood, so you have to avoid being affected by their anger.

However, he was suddenly startled because he found that the entire office seemed to have suddenly become silent from a certain moment just now.

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