Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 405: A patient with hypochondriasis?

The cart just walked forward, Sherlock was very quiet, observing everything around him.

He was now in a long corridor, with rooms on both sides similar to the cabin he was in just now. Some rooms had windows on the door, so Keyi could see what was going on inside. Some were empty, and some had people locked inside. , these people were wearing the same hospital gown as themselves, standing quietly behind the door looking out, or wandering around in the small space.

"What is that?" Sherlock asked suddenly.


"There was a small iron box on the ceiling we passed by just now."

The nurse looked confused and looked back at the top of the corridor: "You don't even recognize the monitor, do you?"


"Hey, it seems I need to report your condition to the doctor."

The nurse didn't explain much. Fortunately, Sherlock could probably guess what the small iron box was from the name [Monitor].

Obviously, the technology possessed by the place where we are now seems to be much higher than the upper limit of technology that I know.

After walking some distance further, the caregiver finally stopped.

Next to him was a door, with the word "Doctor's Office" clearly written on the door number in the upper left corner. Sherlock saw the nurse combing his hair with his fingers again and tidying up his clothes. Work clothes that will make you look more handsome, and then...knocked on the door.

"Ms. Lilith, the patient has been brought to you."

"come in."

A female voice came from inside the door.

The nurse pushed them away, then adjusted the direction of the cart and pushed him in.

At this point, Sherlock also saw the inside of the doctor's office.

In fact, there is nothing that requires special observation. There is only one desk for doing work and a few cabinets with medical cases on the wall. The only thing that concerned Sherlock was the female doctor in front of him wearing glasses and sitting behind the desk.

He looks to be over 30 years old, wearing a white coat of good material, and is flipping through a medical record in his hand. According to the name the nurse just called, this doctor is undoubtedly [Miss Lilith].

But in Shylock's concept, this person should be called Nightingale.

Well, it seems wrong to think so, because Nightingale was only in his early 20s, and the man in front of him was already over 30 years old. However, because the two looked so similar, Sherlock had to subconsciously feel that the man in front of him was This is Nightingale ten years later.

Also, Sherlock still remembers that he once entered a strange dream while in a coma.

In that dream, he changed into a perspective, with green liquid and bubbles in front of him. Through these bubbles, he had seen the woman in front of him.

He even interpreted incoherent words such as "experimenter", "wake up", "other side", etc. from the other party's lips.

This made him think deeply, because judging from this situation, all of this should be nothing more than a nihilistic story that a delusional patient came up with.

While Sherlock was thinking, the caregiver had already taken Sherlock off the cart and placed him on a chair opposite Ms. Lilith's desk.

This chair is unique. The four chair legs are welded to the ground. There are iron rings on the armrests with restraint straps. This should be considered a must-have facility in a mental hospital. After all, no one wants to let patients with brain problems in there. While checking his condition, he suddenly went crazy and jumped on the doctor and strangled him to death.

Soon, the nurse next to him tied Sherlock firmly to the iron chair, then bowed to Dr. Lilith very flatteringly, and told her that he was guarding the door and had something to do. You can call him anytime.

After saying that, he walked out of the office and closed the door very sensibly.

At this point, only the tied up Sherlock and the beautiful doctor in front of him were left in the whole room.


Ms. Lilith did not immediately talk to Sherlock, but continued to read through the cases in her hand. In a mental hospital, patients cannot be said to have no human rights at all, but they are in a similar state. No one will complain to the doctor about their hospitalization. If you are dissatisfied with your life, there is no way to deal with it. You have to eat whatever is given to you. If you don't obey, you will most likely be beaten or the dosage of medicine will be increased.

In short, even if the doctor leaves you alone, you can only let it hang.

After fifteen minutes of this, Lilith finally finished the work at hand. She raised her head and looked at Sherlock in front of her.

When the two eyes met, Sherlock also realized that although the woman in front of him looked the same as Nightingale, she seemed to be missing a kind of 'brilliance'.

Sherlock didn't know how to explain this 'brilliance'. In short, Miss Nightingale's beauty, in addition to her perfect face and beautiful figure, also needs to include her pure and noble heart, and her travels in the world. , bringing hope to the world and other behaviors, these behaviors give it an intoxicating temperament, which makes people naturally respect and admire it.

The doctor in front of her didn't seem to have this kind of brilliance. She was just a doctor.

Of course, based on appearance alone, this Miss Lilith is definitely the top existence among tens of millions of people. Even if she is wearing glasses now and has a serious face without a trace of smile, she can still charm people. Almost everyone who has seen her.

The two looked at each other for a second or two, and Lilith said calmly: "You seem to be very calm today."

"Calm?" Sherlock repeated the adjective: "So, I'm not usually in this state?"

Lilith heard this and took out a medical record: "Okay, it seems you have forgotten a lot of things."

She said this bluntly in front of Sherlock, and picked up a pen and wrote something on the medical record. While writing, she replied: "We have performed almost 27 routine procedures in the past three years or so. Check, 12 times, you were in a peaceful state, and the remaining few times, you were in a state of excitement, constantly saying that you wanted to go back, to your world, saying that this was hell, and trying to summon some kind of demon. Some monster will come and bite me to death."

Sherlock was silent for a while: "So, what disease is diagnosed in my medical record?"

"Serious paranoia." Lilith spread her hands.

"How serious?"

"From the past cases, it seems that you have constructed a world occupied by demons in your mind, and you are a detective in this world. It is probably because you have been reading the Sherlock Holmes for a long time. ”, so you fantasize yourself into a character in the book, and that’s it.”

"Is that all?" Sherlock was still thinking: "I must have lived here for a long time. There should be a lot of records about me in the medical records. Can you tell me in more detail?"

Lilith seemed a little impatient, but she still responded with the basic qualities a doctor should have:

"I'm sorry, there was a fire in this hospital a few years ago. All the medical records were burned down, including yours. We don't even know your name, and we can't contact your relatives. You You should be lucky that your hospitalization expenses are enough for you to live here until you are eighty or ninety years old, otherwise you would have been thrown into a simple collective ward.

As for what I know about you

All I can say is that you are quite capable of delusion. You have put everyone you have ever seen into your imaginary world.

Take me for example. During a routine checkup more than a year ago, you started calling me "Miss Nightingale" and you wanted me to help you escape.

In addition, you imagined your last doctor as your partner - John Watson.

You imagined your former roommate as Moriarty and gave him the identity of a religious leader.

The old man who usually cleans the house, you call him Mr. Dante.

A visiting patient's family member you call Miss Irene.

In short, it seems that whenever you see a face, you will find a corresponding identity for that person in your fantasy.

To be honest, if you can remain in this calm state, I would even suggest that you write out these random thoughts, maybe someone will like to read them. "

Sherlock listened carefully to every word the other party said, seeming to want to find some loopholes in it.

But this is a paradox, because when everything you experience is defined as some kind of delusion, it is actually difficult to find loopholes in areas other than delusion. It is like a person in a dream. In most cases, you will not realize that you are in a dream.

Of course, Sherlock did not collapse. He was hysterical. He still asked calmly:

"How do you know this?"

"Of course you told me. The regulations of this hospital are that each routine examination must not be less than two hours, so you have told me these things more than once."

"Well, as a doctor, is it really okay to discuss the content of a delusional patient's delusion with such a frank discussion? Will it aggravate the patient's condition?"

"It might get worse, but it might also get better." Miss Lilith still had a nonchalant attitude: "But it doesn't make any difference.

Because in the past countless attempts to treat you, it has been proven that it is unlikely that your delusion can be cured.

Haven't you noticed that there is no treatment in your schedule, only routine examinations?

Oh, sorry, you may have forgotten all of this.

Moreover, what we said today will be forgotten by you in the next week or even early tomorrow morning.

So, let's just chat casually now. When the time for routine examination is up, you will go back to your single ward and I should go home from get off work. "

When Lilith said this, she actually didn't look at Sherlock. She once again focused on the work at hand, flipping through or signing the thick stack of medical records. As for the chat with Sherlock, it seemed that she was just trying to deal with Sherlock's problems mentally so that he could be quieter.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this attitude for a routine examination in a mental hospital.

"What year is this?"

"2037 AD."

"You don't even know my real name and my real age?"

"Of course, I was deployed here after the fire."

"So how many years have you been working here?"

"Five years."

"In other words, I have been here for at least five years."


"So, you just mentioned getting off work?"

"." The hand of Dr. Lilith who was signing in front of her suddenly stopped. She finally raised her head and glanced at Sherlock in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"I just want to confirm whether you mentioned just now that you are going home from get off work." Sherlock explained: "But there is no need to confirm, because I remember clearly that you said such a thing."

"Yeah, I said that, so what?"

"So I'm a little strange. It's undoubtedly night now. I can't see any light from outside the window, and I can't even see any bright reflection on the window surface. That is to say, in the direction I can see, and where I can't see It was pitch black in the opposite direction.

Being pushed along the way, I can feel that in the year 2037 we are in, night lighting should be considered a very common technology. So to sum up, I have at least a 90% probability of being sure that this mental hospital It should be in an area far away from where you live.

No, it shouldn’t be said that it is far away from the place of residence. There are not even factories around. There is no sound of cars passing by, no carriages, no people. I don’t even hear the chirping of insects. The windows are open and the night temperature should be around 25 degrees. , at this temperature, in such a place far away from the hustle and bustle, are there no insects breeding? "

Miss Lilith frowned: "So what exactly do you want to say?"

"I want to say that in such a deserted place, a beautiful lady like you wants to go home at this time. Aren't you afraid of danger?"

"Not afraid." Lilith responded: "I don't know what's wrong with going home at night in your mind. I guess you want to say that you will encounter robberies and the like, but the quality of today's citizens is so poor. It’s very high, so the situation you’re worried about won’t happen.”

"I see." Sherlock nodded: "Do you drink tea?"


"I saw a cup in the cabinet. The tea stains on it were very heavy, and the size of the tea cup didn't look like a style that a woman would use, so this shouldn't be your office."

"It's not mine. I only come over temporarily for a routine check on you."

"Okay. Actually I didn't see the tea cup."

"." Lilith fell silent.

Sherlock continued to murmur like a normal person: "Furthermore, I found that the handwriting of your signature did not write the name [Lilith]. You seemed to have just circled it on the medical record, right?"

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