Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 421 Search

This sudden sound of braking naturally attracted the attention of the two guards in front of him. At this juncture, Sherlock quickly took a few steps forward, passed several pedestrians, and ducked to the guard near him. Beside, since both of them were wearing explosion-proof helmets and their sight was only the area in front of the goggles, Sherlock could cleverly move forward along the blind spot of the other person's vision and use the distance to avoid the search as much as possible. .

After solving the urgent need, he looked towards the direction of the sound. Sherlock saw a girl in a wheelchair. She was in the middle of the road. A freight truck stopped less than ten centimeters away from her. It seemed that if the driver hadn't stepped on the brakes just now with quick eyesight and quick hands, he would have run over the girl.

When a guard saw this situation, he naturally walked over to see what was going on.

This girl had difficulty crossing her legs, but she had to cross the road. The reason is actually quite simple.

"I'm sorry, I can't see." The girl said in a panic, as if she was startled by the sound of brakes so close to her.

The guard then noticed that the pupils of the girl in front of him were white, and she was not looking at anything.

"I heard the sound after the traffic light changed and thought I could pass. I'm really sorry, the speaker must be broken." The girl continued to explain.

In this world, although the sun's light is blocked by the sky and filtered by the artificial sun's light source, it still has a lot of negative effects. With long-term exposure to the sun, people's eye injury rate has reached the level of the Big Bang. 71 times that of before.

Therefore, in order to facilitate the lives of these visually impaired people, the government has equipped a loudspeaker under all traffic lights that will announce when the lights change.

But just now, in order to check pedestrians, these guards turned off the traffic light on the other side, but forgot to turn off the speaker. This is okay for ordinary people, after all, they can see the change in the color of the traffic light, but for the blind, it is not. Only noise could be heard, so the girl crossed the road.

It was a small mistake, but luckily it didn't cause a traffic accident.

After figuring out what was going on, the guard naturally didn't waste any more time and hurriedly asked the girl to cross the road, then returned to the intersection and continued to check the pedestrians. As for Sherlock, of course he did not cast any doubt on the girl. Stop paying too much attention, put down your hat, and keep walking forward.

But as Ms. Lilith said before, there is no way for Sherlock to survive in this world.

As time went by, he could clearly find that there were more and more guards around him, and he didn't know how Lilith calculated it. In short, she seemed to be very sure that Sherlock had not left this area, so he Most of the police force was packed into this block. After about half an hour, there were sentries at almost every street corner, and patrols began to appear in the alleys. There were two large buildings in the block. If you hid in them, you would be safe. In the huge vertical space, Sherlock would definitely be able to escape, but Lilith had already thought of this, so manpower was deployed in front of every passage that could enter the building.

Sherlock thought about finding a place like a vent to get in, and he did find it, and there were no guards around. However, according to Lilith's level of alertness, it should be impossible for her to miss such a place, so after a little observation , Sherlock discovered that there were several people in plain clothes in the corner, acting very strangely. For example, there was a drunk man leaning against the wall at the entrance of the alley, feeling dizzy and seemed to want to vomit, but it had been five minutes. , and didn’t spit it out.

As you can guess, Lilith's order was to keep them nearby to tempt Sherlock to take the bait, but their acting skills were a bit unqualified in Sherlock's eyes.

More than ten minutes passed, and there were more and more guards in the block. Sherlock's activity space had been compressed to an extremely dangerous level. At this moment, he had to crouch in an alley and use some accumulated garbage to To hide one's figure. Fortunately, the street cleaners in this era have professional ethics, and the trash cans will not ferment the sour smell of garbage. Otherwise, if you stay here for a while, you will probably be stained with the smell, which will increase the chance of exposure. Much bigger.

The wounds on his body were still aching. The week-long torture had damaged Sherlock's body functions to an extent that was difficult to repair in a short time. He was in pain, but he would not cry out in pain or faint, so this intense The pain made him more and more awake. The shadows of the numerous buildings and the scarlet sunlight filtering through the gaps gave everything a bloody hue. Pedestrians on the street looked at the notices being posted. Sherlock's face was particularly clear in the photo, and they were talking to each other. , did not notice at all that someone just passed by him.

The wind and sand from hell are blowing from the alley again. The gaps between the huge buildings are like narrow mountain streams, squeezing these winds to become more whistling and whining. The enemy country is close at hand, with soldiers everywhere, facing a wide but empty road. , Sherlock suddenly found that he seemed to be unable to walk across, because there were many military police at the intersection watching the surroundings vigilantly, and there were no vehicles on this road, only a few scattered pedestrians, which should have been blocked by guards. transportation.

Not far behind him, a group of patrol soldiers walked towards him.

This road is very wide. If Sherlock is in good health, he can actually use the wall next to him to climb up to about 10 meters high, and then he can pass by. The whole process takes at most a second or two. It would not alarm the military police at all, but he was too seriously injured and too weak to complete such an action.

Pressing down his deerstalker hat to prevent the scarlet sunlight from falling on his overly pale face, he turned his gaze to the end of the street and found that there were always eyes looking this way, and the footsteps of the patrol officers behind him became louder and louder. The hair is clear and heavy. If you continue to stay here, you will be discovered in 5 seconds.

With four seconds left, Sherlock pretended to light a cigarette as if nothing had happened.

With three seconds left, Sherlock exhaled a puff of smoke, covering his face in smoke.

Two seconds left! ! !


A guard ten meters away sneezed.

At this moment, Sherlock's eyes suddenly lit up. In a flash of lightning, Sherlock's whole body suddenly sank, and his right leg suddenly exerted force. The force was so strong that the fabric on his trouser legs instantly stretched. The shock that came out caused my body to gasp, and in the lowest position, at the fastest speed, I forcibly crossed the avenue in front of me, but without making any sound, I just fell heavily close to the cover of the building on the opposite side. .

(I will post the rest tomorrow morning. I am almost healed and will resume normal updates soon.)

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