Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 430 Tentacles (Part 2)

The blaring music continued. After the gangster brought Sherlock to this bar, he had no use value, so there was no need to follow him.

He and the bartender squeezed through the commotion in tandem, and turned around several corridors and downward stairs. Along the way, Sherlock saw no less than 20 people guarding the road. If the bartender hadn't led the way, They would definitely rush up and stop him. After several minutes, the two finally came to a large iron gate.

"Remember, don't cause trouble. Last time, someone made a bet and refused to admit it. His arm was removed when he went out." The bartender turned around and stared at Sherlock with a warning tone.

Sherlock nodded obediently: "Of course, I am the most law-abiding kind of person."

The bar looked him up and down one last time, then put his hand on the door and slowly pushed it open.

And just when the door opened a crack, the sound inside rushed out, shaking Sherlock unconsciously and wanting to cover his ears. The music in the bar above and the sound in the basement In comparison, it even feels like the years are quiet.

The bartender seemed to be familiar with this kind of overly evil noise. He stood at the door and stared at the man in front of him expressionlessly, and then motioned for him to come in.

In this way, Sherlock entered a place in this world that was explicitly prohibited by the government, but would definitely exist.

Since the explosion of wisdom millions of years ago, humans have always praised themselves as the master of all things, and have used words like civilization, elegance, and decency to distinguish themselves from other uncivilized creatures.

But in fact, deep down, human beings still retain the primitive animality that pursues brutal violence and likes to conquer. They just hide this desire for conquest and superiority in money, social status, women or men in bed, and even the most Useless scum of society will roar loudly at the elderly or children at home, because they need this method to fill the emptiness in their hearts.

But when these things within the allowable scope of social ethics cannot satisfy human beings' animal desires, or in other words, when people are unable to release their inner animal desires, a very ancient activity will come into being.

In other words, it has always existed

From the slave duels recorded in ancient history, to the majestic Colosseum in ancient Rome, to the dance parties with masks to hide their greedy faces, to the underground black boxing matches with blood splattering, to the naked anti-ethical theater , until now, this [mutated creature fighting in a cage].

In short, with the development of history, this kind of stuff is just constantly changing its name and model, but it has never disappeared, just like those royal powers, nobility, or bloodlines that have been banned long ago.

Entering the Colosseum, Sherlock struggled to adapt to the chaotic shouts and screams around him. The deafening music seemed not to enhance the atmosphere at all, but just to make the audience shout louder. Looking around, those The eyes of the people sitting in the stands were full of undisguised violence and impulse. Their mouths were stretched to the limit as they roared, their eyes bulged, and the veins on their necks bulged. They unscrupulously vented the wildest side of their hearts, because the people around them Everyone is like this, even the most cowardly people will be infected by this emotion.

Looking at the venue, there are two demons in a huge iron cage. No, in this world, these things are called mutant creatures.

One of the most common corrosive dogs was fighting with another big rat covered with barbs. Their bodies were covered with wounds. The entire belly of the corrosive dog was opened, and its intestines were wrapped by some mucous membranes. It wouldn't drip to the ground, and the big rat wasn't having a hard time either. The bones on his back that were burned by the corrosive dog's saliva were exposed, and he was now letting out bursts of painful whines.

This cruel scene made the people in the stands even more crazy. They screamed and threw beer bottles in their hands at the iron cage, hoping to make the small demon inside fight.

Don't rest, don't stop, just keep fighting until you die.

Sherlock looked at the two pitiful little guys and found that the lives of these demons in hell did not seem to be very good.

But this is not what he should be concerned about now. His eyes scanned the entire venue. The lights on the ceiling made all areas except the iron cage appear dark. However, he quickly found a group of people who looked like The staff members were all wearing suits that didn't match the atmosphere around them. They were all bulky and round-waisted, and they all exuded a "don't fucking cause trouble for me" aura.

Sherlock walked towards one of them. When he came to the other party, the security guard slowly turned his head and looked at Sherlock coldly:

"If you want to borrow money, go to the door and turn right. There are loan services there."

This kind of underground colosseum naturally has a "guessing part". To put it bluntly, it means which demon will win, and then the cash will be returned according to the odds, so it is natural that there will be people who lose and have no money and want to borrow some money. A turned gambler, a pale and thin person like Sherlock is naturally regarded as such a person.

In the eyes of most people, if you steal, you are at least somewhat skilled, and if you kill, you are at least somewhat bloody. But when it comes to gambling, you can barely accept defeat, but if you lose, you will lose everything. , the guy who wants to borrow money has nothing to do with it, so it is understandable that the security guard cast a cold and displeased look at Sherlock.

But Sherlock just said something lightly, and the security guard suddenly froze, and the fierce aura he had been showing suddenly disappeared, and he opened his mouth in disbelief, as if looking at a madman. Looking at the sickly guy in front of him.

Several people on the side saw the appearance of their colleagues and felt something was wrong, so they came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

"He wants to see the boss."


It was definitely impossible for a person with no name at all to suddenly show up and ask to see the boss, so the other people glanced at Sherlock in confusion, and then looked at their colleagues: "He wants to see the boss." what?"

"He, he." The man seemed to be speaking a little awkwardly: "He wants to participate in a cage fight."

"Oh?" Several people looked at Sherlock suspiciously: "You also have pets?"

The pets mentioned here are of course mutant creatures, but these days, people who can raise mutant creatures privately, even if they are not rich, must have a little money. How can a guy like this guy who hasn't changed his clothes for a long time possibly raise mutant creatures? of.

At first, the security guard didn't even wait for Sherlock to speak. He quickly interrupted the confusion of the colleague next to him and whispered timidly: "No, it's not his pet that wants to participate in the cage fight, it's him who wants to participate."

Looking at the blank looks in his colleagues' eyes, the man emphasized again as if to confirm: "Well, you heard right, it's him."

Ten minutes later, the door of a basement corridor was pushed open.

In fact, it now seems that the business here is mainly an underground arena for mutated creatures, and the bar above is just a cover. At least the underground area is more than three or four times larger than the bar above.

As soon as he walked out of the corridor, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. A dozen burly men looked in the direction of Sherlock with very unkind expressions. Each of these people had thick muscles on their faces, and their hands were all subconsciously lowered. On their sides or chests, it can be seen that they are the kind of people who are most accustomed to drawing guns. The dangerous aura exuding from their bodies also shows that they usually do not take human life seriously.

Under the gaze of these people, the security guard next to him walked over, whispered something into the ears of several people. In an instant, the eyes of these people changed, and there was an attitude towards Sherlock. An element of fear.

Not taking human life seriously can actually only be called unscrupulous, but not taking one's own life seriously, even in this fucked up world, is still not something ordinary people can do.

A man wants to participate in a cage fight with mutant creatures?

Damn it, not many people have dared to do it for so many years.

Along the way, Sherlock was almost surrounded by these security personnel. Some people looked at this posture and did not dare to ask more questions, let alone step forward to stop him. Until he came to an office door, Only then did these people make a 'please' gesture to Sherlock.

Pushing the door open, Sherlock couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. In such an underground place full of violence and blood, there was such an elegant office. There were even several boxes on the balcony made of artificial light sources. A rare green plant in a pot.

Behind the wooden desk, a dark-skinned man in his 40s looked at Sherlock, and then motioned for him to sit down. It seemed that someone had already informed him of this man's intention:

"Forgive me, but I still have to confirm with you personally. Are you going to participate in a cage fight?"



"That's right."

The middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction after finishing his work. Even though he tried hard to maintain his demeanor, he still couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes. The fight between mutated creatures can already arouse people's most primitive savagery. I'm so excited. If this were to stage a fight to the death between real people and mutated creatures, then my underground arena would definitely become the focus of the entire underground black arena circle overnight.

"I can guarantee you that you will get 50% of the proceeds from the game, the tickets, the beer, even all the bets, and you will also have a 30% share of all the loans that were taken out during your performance. There seemed to be fire burning in the eyes of the man in front of him: "However, you can only enter with cold weapons and the cage is electrified. Unless one of you or your opponent is unable to move, I will not open the cell door. You understand what I mean."

Sherlock nodded: "Of course."

"I admire you very much." The boss of the arena smiled. He didn't want to ask why the guy in front of him was so desperate. He didn't seem like the kind of desperate man who wanted to make a fortune with his life. Of course, if he is, that would be even better: "Do you have any requirements?"

"I don't have any special requirements, but" Sherlock paused to make his tone more solemn: "I want to know what the most powerful mutant creature you can get is."

"The most powerful?"

"Yes, I want a second-order one, preferably a third-order one."

"???" The boss frowned, obviously not understanding. The division of demons in this world is definitely not based on the first, second and third levels. However, judging from the context of Sherlock, the other party still understood it pretty much. What Shylock meant.

Therefore, the fire in his eyes became even more intense:

"You mean, you don't just want to fight to the death with mutant creatures in their infancy, but you also want to try those in their growth stage?"

"Yes." Sherlock nodded. It seemed that the so-called [infancy period] in the other party's mouth corresponded to the first-order demons in his world, and the long-term period seemed to correspond to the second-order demons.

Sherlock was silent for a while. He knew that he shouldn't say the following words at this time, but he decided to take a gamble, so he moved forward and continued: "In addition to those in the growth period, you also have More powerful?"


Finally, the boss of the arena in front of him couldn't hold himself any longer. He looked at the guy in front of him with disbelief, as if he was repeatedly confirming whether he understood what he was talking about?

Finally, he shook his head subconsciously: "Are you talking about mature mutated creatures? Are you crazy?"

"Of course I'm not crazy. I don't want to fight those big guys. I just want to ask if you have any. I just want. Look, I am a very typical admirer of strength. You know, those mature Old-fashioned creatures. They fascinate me."

The dark man in front of him was silent again. Sherlock did not try to guess what the other person was thinking. Maybe he was trying to understand his own thoughts, maybe it was something else, but no matter what, in the face of huge interests, the other person did not have many choices.

"Of course we have big guys. I can talk to all the death battle arenas in this city." The man said extremely cautiously: "But I can't agree to your request just based on your few words. I want to see it." It depends on your ability, and to put it more clearly, you have to fight first.”

"It makes sense." Sherlock said, "I can start at any time."

"I like a straightforward guy like you." The man in front of him said, and then pressed a button at hand. Soon, the office door was opened, and a strong man with a big waist and a round waist walked in.

"Send the message. A human is going to walk into an iron cage and have a fight to the death with a mutated creature. The ticket price will be tripled. It will start in an hour. Don't wait for a second!"

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