Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 437 Declaration of War (2)

"Are you a devil?"

A worker in front of me asked.

However, he was only wearing work clothes now. There were a few bloody scratches on his body because he had just climbed out of the old tunnel. There was a bulging gun hidden under the work clothes, but he didn't pay attention to it.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I have never seen a mutated creature behave so intimately with a human being." The worker muttered. One of his hands was shrunken, but his body was strong. He looked a bit like an image in a funny mirror: "In the past two months, I have seen those mutated creatures wandering around you and rubbing against you, but they are not aggressive towards you at all; also, what are those slender entangled things that appear around you from time to time? They are mutated. Vine?"

"Oh, it's a long story." Sherlock wondered how to explain to the other party his contracted tentacles and the control of demons.

However, the other party shook his head knowingly: "You don't need to explain. Your rhetoric can't change the fact that I don't like you. No one here likes you."

Following these words, Sherlock looked around. At this time, he and a group of workers were hiding in an abandoned manor between a residential area and an industrial area. Through the window, he could see an extremely wide road. As well as the cluster of buildings opposite, the workers around him didn't look very friendly at him.

But this is inevitable. Just because of his arrival, their factory is gone. For them, it is home. Moreover, the old man who took them in is still alive and dead. Maybe he can survive, but In a head-on fight with the government, even if he was not blown to pieces by the shells, he would have to live a homeless life from now on.

All the tranquility was broken by the person in front of him, and more importantly, this guy was a traitor.

With so much disgust concentrated together, it was naturally impossible for anyone to have the slightest fondness for Sherlock.

"But you don't need to care about this. We don't like you, but we are willing to trust you with our lives. This is what he promised you, so I just hope that you will not let him down."

The words spoken by the worker in front of him were so cold, but so sincere. His own life, as well as the lives of many more people, would die, be cast aside, and be charged with betraying humanity. But for these people It seems that these are things that can be ignored casually.

"This world is already fucked up. If you can really give us a little hope, then betraying humanity is not something that is too hard to accept."

Sherlock once thought that the world he lived in was bad enough.

Until he passed through the gates of hell.

Now, he has an understanding of the world, and that kind of despair has penetrated deep into his bones in the past year.

There is a war in my own world. The war between demons and humans has taken countless lives. The cracks in the void that appear from time to time make people's daily lives uneasy.

However, there is hope after all. The human expedition has been trekking in the ice and snow for almost a year. If the gate of hell can really be closed, everything will get better.

But in this world, there is no hope. Apart from forcibly stimulating their senses with alcohol, hallucinogens, gambling and white flesh, people cannot feel any fun. Everyone is silent and depressed, so Walk through life.

"So, what are you going to do? We do have a lot of people. The old man has handed over almost all the money to you, but you should know that what we are going to face is that the army is the government of the Survivor Alliance. Now the factory is They've taken it, and the channels out of the city have been cut off, so they can't let you out."

"Of course. So, let's not go out yet."

"stay home?"

"Yeah, don't you always say that the whole world is lifeless and full of despair?" Sherlock took out a cigarette and took a puff, feeling a little unhappy: "So, let me find some fun for you. "

He flicked the ashes from his cigarette and landed next to a small pile of gravel on the ground.

It's like the first domino is touched gently, and then starts little by little, setting off a carnival in despair.

The way humans express their desires is very simple.

For example, the deafening music in the bar, the violent collision of bodies on the bed, moaning, and shouting, or the wimp lying on the ground in an alley begging for mercy, and punching him in the nose can make people feel proud. A little while.

The old man known as the breeder once said that most of the ways people can vent their desires nowadays are overdrafting themselves or others. The world is like a kite swaying in the storm, pulling the kite. The thread has long been overwhelmed, and sooner or later it will be broken, and this city after humans have left will eventually fly into an abyss of more despair and chaos.

All it takes is a gust of wind.

This gust of wind may come later or earlier, but it doesn't matter.

Because that is the destined ending.

So, when I woke up from the dream that day.

Sherlock waved his hand, bringing up a breeze that passed through the gaps between the buildings and came quietly.

At half past eight, the traffic on Kasuga Street was jam-packed as usual.

People in this world have never seen spring, so the naming of [Spring Street] seems a bit funny. Maybe the government at this stage can only use this way to tell the world, don’t forget those beautiful things in the past, don’t Lost myself in despair.

This is a main road in the northwest of the city. It connects residential areas and industrial areas. No matter what time of day, people going to work will block this road. They honk their car horns frantically, complain, and curse. , spouting the most filthy words, without realizing that he was also a part of creating this congestion.

However, today, some people seem to feel that the chaotic yelling and honking of cars is not enough.

So, at some point, a huge oil tanker rushed over from a side road next to Kasuga Street. The brakes seemed to have failed, and it just hit the hood of a car without any care, and then The entire car body tilted suddenly and landed directly under the traffic light. Although there was no explosion, the large container pipe at the back of the car was shaken open, and the fuel gurgled out, and then spread joyfully to Underneath all nearby vehicles.

At this time, no one dared to start a fire. As a result, the traffic centered on Kasuga Street and the surrounding three or four blocks naturally came to a standstill.

Fortunately, this last human city is extremely large, and the traffic department in the area quickly mobilized police forces to divert vehicles that were not involved in the congestion to other road sections.

Therefore, the chaotic traffic spread like a virus.

No matter which world it is in, traffic always follows an iron law, and that is: as long as it's blocked, it will get more and more fucking blocked. Even in Sherlock's world, a carriage stopped in the middle of the road. It can also block three or four streets.

Therefore, the urban defense team building located next to Kasuga Street was unknowingly surrounded by countless vehicles and was swamped.

Two hours later.

The congestion has not been alleviated at all, mainly because the spreading fuel is too terrible. As long as the spark plug of the car emits a little light, it will not be the one-third of an acre of land that is burning. People who are addicted to cigarettes are suffocating to death, even cats in their cars dare not take a sip, and the traffic police are at a loss. The only solution they can think of now is to use manpower to clean up all the fuel on the ground, or to mobilize a helicopter to clear the car. The car can be pulled up, but how long will it take?

At the same time, the surrounding police stations were even more overcrowded.

The car was stuck, wages were withheld, the boss was scolding, he couldn't go home, and he couldn't smoke. Anger naturally grew among the crowd. The quarrels gradually escalated to fights. There were many grumpy people. They were beaten all the way from the street to the door of the police station. Their faces were bruised with their fists and their heads were bleeding. They didn't stop even when they were taking a confession. The police were so annoyed that they wanted to put them in a prison until one of them was killed. .

These are just a few nearby police stations. In fact, in some areas further away, those police stations are not stopping. Several employees who were fired due to radiation sickness set the company on fire because they wanted to take revenge on their bosses. Gas pipes; when a girl was taking pictures of the scenery along the way, she accidentally photographed a car next to her, and the owner of that car was a city councilor. His rival's wife was sitting in the passenger seat. In the photo, The two people's tongues were about to be tied. In an instant, reporters swarmed in, and all police forces from the two police stations were dispatched, but they were unable to stop the media lunatics. .

In short, on this day, the whole city was in a smoky state.

What's even worse is that at this desperate time, a conflict broke out between a group of idlers on the street and a group of workers who appeared out of nowhere. Some of the idlers used firearms, and the workers directly They rushed out with a large forklift and chased each other. Many people were seriously injured in the process. Three or four people were nailed to the wall by nail guns, and several good cars were crushed into meat patties by cranes.

This level of conflict was beyond the control of the nearby small police station, so in desperation, the police station had no choice but to contact the urban security headquarters, but it was blocked there and had no choice but to send a helicopter to pull them away. Two teams of anti-explosion soldiers were sent to deal with it.

But at the same time, three consecutive alarms were received in the city further away. In one case, a large supermarket was robbed, in another case, continuous gunshots and screams were heard on the roof of the building, and in the last case, several floating bodies were found on the lakeside on the outskirts of the city.

Well, it’s another case that doesn’t make much noise, but has to be taken seriously as soon as it appears. In fact, in the past, this kind of case didn’t cause much trouble, but I don’t know if it’s just bad luck or something. These things all come together today.

There is no other way. You can't just say that this side is too busy for the time being and let the shooting over there continue first, and those who robbed the supermarket get their hands on it first, right?

In this way, a tanker truck, a few gangsters, a casual photo, or a few gunshots that came out of nowhere mixed up the four major areas of this last city of mankind. A mess.

But after all, the government troops and police are somewhat capable. This chaotic day ended with constant running around. The security forces in the entire city were exhausted one by one, and they were thankful that they finally got through it. when.

No one noticed that in the main urban defense team office buildings in various areas of the city, there were several unnoticeable trash cans.

There are a few more inconspicuous garbage bags.

The time came an hour later.

A sudden phone call started a chaotic opening ceremony.

"Hello, Residential Area Public Security Bureau" The operator is exhausted after a day's work. The calls in front of him have not stopped today, but he has no choice but to keep insisting.

On the phone, a voice with a somewhat painful tone came: "I am the captain of the third riot squad in the old city, police number 2832."

The operator was stunned for a moment. He looked at the caller ID and found that it was not an internal line within the police station, so he subconsciously thought it was a prank.

"This is not a prank call, so please don't hang up." As if he knew what he was thinking, the person on the phone said in a panic: "My four team members and I have been hijacked now. There's a gun to the back of my head and if you hang up, we're going to die."

The operator frowned and looked very angry. He was too tired today and didn't want to make such a stupid joke with anyone, so he hung up the communication directly.

"Another harassing call?" An operator next to him twisted his stiff neck and asked with a wry smile.

"Yeah. He said he was the captain of some riot squad and was hijacked." The operator shook his head helplessly, wanting to take advantage of this moment to close his eyes and take a rest.

But at this moment, his personal cell phone rang in his pocket.

At this moment, the operator didn't know why, but he seemed to feel something was wrong.

He subconsciously took out his cell phone, opened it, and found a video sent to him by an unknown number.

He frowned, but still opened the video.

In the video, there is an abandoned old house. Four people in police uniforms are kneeling on the ground, their hands are tied behind their backs. At the edge of the screen, one hand is holding a phone and it is pressed against the ear of a police officer. .

"I am the captain of the Old City Explosion Prevention Team No. 3, police number 2832..."

"This is not a prank call so please don't hang up. Me and four members of my squad are being held hostage right now with a gun to the back of my head and if you hang up then we will die."

In the video, the policeman suppressed his trembling voice and spoke.

But suddenly, the man was obviously stunned:

"No no -" he began to roar crazily.

It looked like the phone was hung up.

Therefore, the hand on the edge of the screen took the phone back without any care, and then, a gun reached into the screen.

A shot of "Bang!"

The policeman fell in a pool of blood.

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